9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
7% chamber growth instead of 5%; tighter spiral in morphology
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed a typo
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Foram genotype generator can produce genotypes with the last chamber …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Add color to Parts
- Tighter spiral
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Fixed extra space after property ID
- A function to generate simple …
9 years |
oriona |
Refactoring, change of foraminifera direction at world boundary added.
9 years |
oriona |
Dir_changed_sec changed from global to ExpProperty?, new divisionCost …
9 years |
oriona |
Energy transfer changed for using tranferEnergyTo function. Dilpoid …
9 years |
oriona |
Haploid and diploid morphologies changed.
9 years |
oriona |
Microns to frams scaling rate changed. New world size, new log files added.
9 years |
oriona |
Reproduction treshold dependent on gene.
9 years |
oriona |
Method for definig new species added.
9 years |
sz |
foraminifera scripts updated to match the upcoming Framsticks version …
9 years |
oriona |
Parameters calibrated, diversification of initial population added, …
9 years |
sz |
- use arrow syntax (dict->key instead of dictkey?)
- use …
9 years |
oriona |
Parameters for time scaling added.
9 years |
oriona |
Minor corrections, hibernation gene value changed to 1, param for …
9 years |
oriona |
new reticulopodia range implemented, visualization of reticulopodia
9 years |
oriona |
new species added, hibernation added, morphology changed to more …
10 years |
oriona |
refactoring, removed unused params, creatures and food chanfe to …
10 years |
oriona |
invalid index error fixed
10 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
"energ0" has been renamed to "energy0" in v4.3
10 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed for consistency
copied from experiments/frams/foraminifera/data/scripts/forams_repro.inc:
10 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed typos, prop:name extra space, and formatting