8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved comments, removed unnecessary TODO regarding "Rr" modifiers
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
f4 modifiers implemented similarly to f1 modifiers, and a base for …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added three functions that may be useful in general
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More appropriate name for the "model_energy_max" variable
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified property names of f1 and f4; improved docs; 3.141 -> M_PI
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved variable names and docs
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
As default foraminifera initial chamber radius in Framsticks units …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed argument type in GenMan?.getSimplest()
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- fF foraminifera encoding supports scaling (radius) of the initial …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added missing #include
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Mark last Part white - a visual aid for easier editing of f9 genotypes
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Ensure solid shapes (SolidsShapeTypeModel?) are used in geometry …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
FramScript?'s ModelGeometr? converts and caches the input model so …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model shape conversion no longer requires const Model&
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Detecting more unwanted flags in Param sanity check
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- One function name made shorter
- Fixed some typos
- Predictable …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
A comment on potential optimization in ModelGeometryInfo?
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Removed useless READONLY flag in functions
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Better description of the VIRTFILE_OVERLOADING macro
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict checking for improper flag/type combinations
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model::buildUsingSolidShapeTypes() can now handle single-Part models …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
0,1 -> false,true
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Warn when missing closing tilde (~) and code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Display diagnostic message when threads not released properly
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Warn when trying to remove non-existing indexed object
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated URLs, removed non-ascii characters
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Support for multiple coexisting implementations of the same neuron …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
f0 is strict now, will not accept float when int is expected
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Invalid references from neurons to Parts/Joints? are now reported
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
The meaning of f9 3D-direction genes made consistent with Framsticks …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Implemented insert() in FramScript? Vector class
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced a separate function to provide a human-friendly description …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced separate functions for formatting time.
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Extended code so that NeuroClass? properties are described in more detail
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Modulo by zero is safe just as division by zero and prints analogous …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced specialized info_* fields in (Mini)Genotype that match FEC …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated after field rename
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Introduced levels of checking the validity of a Model
- If a Joint …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Added 'fixedZaxis' option to paramtab (so that it is accessible from …
9 years |
oriona |
Possibility of fixing z axis during the alignment added.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict validation of numeric type definitions: min without max is …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
PreconfiguredGenetics? warns about unexpected use case and unregisters …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
LoggerToStdout? used in geometry tests. PreconfiguredGenetics? moved to …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More correct use of PreconfiguredGenetics?: avoid static objects, …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved description/docs
9 years |
oriona |
PreconfiguredGenetics? added in geometrytestutils
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed: Model::buildUsingNewShapes -> …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Dictionary.set() documentation updated
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model::getShape() ==> Model::getShapeType()
Model::SHAPE_OLD …
9 years |
oriona |
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling …
9 years |
oriona |
Meshbuilder.cpp added.
9 years |
oriona |
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Value of the assignment statement is now consistently the assigned …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
"Shaped" models use the same p.mass calculation as "old" models …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- More strict type description checking when adding a property in …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed: get/setGene -> get/setGenes, setGeneOnly -> …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Improved error message on superfluous param values
- Don't call …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
A new set of getStyle/getFullStyle functions in GenMan? and cosmetic …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Strict parsing of genotype format prefix
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
\r can be optionally removed while loading
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Part.m removed
- Part.h becomes XPROP
- validate more part and joint …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Print mappings of models
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Geno::toString() renamed to Geno::getGeneAndFormat()
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
No more overloading of fopen/fclose/... functions for the VirtFILE …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Extended error messages for invalid genotype format declaration
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Simpler and more understandable error message
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict parsing of genotype format prefix
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added an example of saving MiniGenotype? objects to a file
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Geno format as a string (no longer ascii number)
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed, better name
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict parsing of numbers when converting genotypes f1->f0
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
checkValidity() and validate() are now aware of genotype name
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
No trailing space in full name when last name is empty
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved handling of multiline messages by loggers
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Conditional macro to identify for which genotypes the order of …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Default Part and Stick color becomes white, not gray (so that …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed obvious read from the just-deleted object
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed uninit - previously cached f0 might have been treated as invalid
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified and better formatted error and warning messages
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Empty destructor no longer needed since it is present in the base …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
emscripten compatibility
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced general-use ErrorObject?, fixed enumeration of mixed …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed iteration of invalid values and objects
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
fields -> neuroproperties, properties -> size
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified DEBUG macro ( -> _DEBUG )
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed: we want a reference to a static object, not a static reference …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Accessing const objects, short -> paInt, less critical messages when …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
"const" keyword, detecting variable name clashes, error on iterating …
9 years |
sz |
- MiniGenotype? extended to handle all Genotype fields contained in …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Deserialization more tolerant to whitespaces (similarly to the json …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
FP overflow exception non-fatal
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More sophisticated and accurate parsing of numbers
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
GenMan? interface uses STL std::string instead of SString