First videos 

You will find new videos on the Framsticks youtube channel.

You can render your own scenes, animations and movies using POV-Ray. If you want to precisely adjust camera location and movement, use this script.

These are the first videos we generated, beginning from March 1997 (the Framsticks project started in autumn 1996). They are here to remind about Framsticks genesis...

Sample creature – mechanical model capabilities.

Video (duration 0:29): 236 KB

Genotype-described creature, pushed up from under-surface position; moves controlled by a neuron net (but control influence cannot be seen here).

Video (duration 0:04): 92 KB

As above; smaller damping coefficient.

Video (duration 0:26): 304 KB

This creature has a muscle connected to a gyroscope. Changes of location of the stick with gyroscope affect its movement! Play this video in loop.

Video (duration 0:02): 36 KB

Similar to the previous one, but more sticks responding to gyroscope signals.

Video (duration 0:31): 444 KB

The first mutation to amaze everybody! One of our test creatures can be seen in the foreground. It could only crawl on the ground (no suitable coordination). A random mutation has changed one weight value in its neural network. It turned out that it could jump! It really does want to move forward, but hopelessly. Its sticks have no friction. If only it could push back from the ground...

Video (duration 0:40): 240 KB

There is friction – I can push back!

Video (duration 0:20): 420 KB

Another primitive creature – two neurons controlling muscles, one receptor (gyroscope). It tries to stand up with great effort...

Video (duration 0:20): 552 KB

Bound... Collision detection example (non-destructive)

Video (duration 0:08): 196 KB