Various videos 

You will find new videos on the Framsticks youtube channel.

You can render your own scenes, animations and movies using POV-Ray. If you want to precisely adjust camera location and movement, use this script.

A short animation demonstrating dying planktonic Foraminifera raining down on the sea floor.

Video for off-line use:
30 MB.

Underwater creatures seeking food and each other. Energy sources are detected with smell receptors (shown as orange rings). When another organism appears nearby, it "smells" just like energy, so it becomes the origin of interest.

Video for off-line use (duration 2:04):
high quality 85 MB or very low quality 8.3 MB.

Various creatures (mostly created manually) encoded in genotype format f1.

Video for download (duration 1:10):
4.4 MB or higher quality: 26 MB.

Land creatures seeking food and each other, attacking and fighting! The creatures seek energy and other organisms using smell receptors (shown as orange rings). In case of collision the weaker creature is broken and can die.

Video for download (duration 1:31):
6.6 MB or higher quality: 20 MB.

"Food finder 4 leg". A land creature seeking food using smell receptors.

Video for download (duration 0:44):
2.7 MB or higher quality: 7.8 MB.

"Food finder". A land creature seeking food with smell receptors.

Video (duration 1:28): 7.6 MB

Underwater video featuring "simple little swimmer".

Video (duration 0:10): 164 KB

"Antelope" attacks "Spider". The broken apart "Spider" becomes energy/food source.

Video (duration 0:19): 1.5 MB

Three "Jellyfish" in water.

Video (duration 0:19): 2.0 MB

"Basic Quadruped" and "Walking Lizard" run to the swimming pool. The "Lizard" pushes the "Quadruped".

Video (duration 0:31): 3.1 MB

"Centipede" goes to swim.

Video (duration 0:25): 3.2 MB

Framsticks demo video (#1)

Video (duration 0:17): 1.6 MB

Framsticks demo video (#2)

Video (duration 0:30): 2.4 MB

Framsticks as robots made of blocks. Collision!

Video (duration 1:06): 19 MB

A video from framsticks' ancient planet, their usual environment...

Video (duration 0:38): 5.0 MB

A video showing framsticks built from chestnuts and matches

Video (duration 1:53): 24 MB