

23:58 Ticket #53 (ModelGeometry: Uninitialized Pt3D object?) closed by Maciej Komosinski
invalid: False alarm! Uninitialized was purposeful where it was detected.
00:21 Changeset [547] by oriona
PreconfiguredGenetics? added in geometrytestutils


23:59 Ticket #53 (ModelGeometry: Uninitialized Pt3D object?) created by Maciej Komosinski
The first point to enter EllipsoidSurface::tryGetNext(Pt3D &point) is …
23:58 Ticket #52 (ModelGeometry: test geometry measure using boundary test cases and valgrind) created by Maciej Komosinski
23:57 Ticket #51 (ModelGeometry: sqrt(negative)) created by Maciej Komosinski
"sqrt: DOMAIN error" for example: […] Visual Studio output: …
03:39 Changeset [546] by Maciej Komosinski
Renamed: Model::buildUsingNewShapes -> Model::buildUsingSolidShapeTypes() Added class SolidsShapeTypeModel? (for making ball-and-stick Models look like solids-type Models) ModelGeometryInfo? functions: findSizesAndAxesOfModel(), volume() and area() now accept ball-and-stick Models (using SolidsShapeTypeModel? class) [refs #46] and possibly closes this issue (needs verification)
01:11 Changeset [545] by Maciej Komosinski
Dictionary.set() documentation updated
01:09 Changeset [544] by Maciej Komosinski
Renamed: Model::getShape() ==> Model::getShapeType() Model::SHAPE_OLD ==> Model::SHAPE_BALL_AND_STICK Model::SHAPE_NEW ==> Model::SHAPE_SOLIDS Part::SHAPE_DEFAULT ==> Part::SHAPE_BALL_AND_STICK Joint::SHAPE_DEFAULT ==> Joint::SHAPE_BALL_AND_STICK Joint::SHAPE_SOLID ==> Joint::SHAPE_FIXED


20:08 Changeset [543] by Maciej Komosinski
Improved description
17:52 Changeset [542] by Maciej Komosinski
Explicit casting to integer ("0+x" trick no longer works)


18:52 Changeset [541] by oriona
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling the same point twice fixed.
18:34 Changeset [540] by oriona
Meshbuilder.cpp added.
18:20 Ticket #42 (ModelGeometry division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid shape) closed by oriona
fixed: In 539: […]
18:20 Changeset [539] by oriona
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling the same point twice fixed.


13:50 Changeset [538] by Maciej Komosinski
Value of the assignment statement is now consistently the assigned value. Previously it was the value returned from set() (in cases where set() is used and the assigned expression is not a constant). Interestingly, Dictionary.set() returns the "before" value for the given key, and this created the delayed "assignment propagation" effect.
13:45 Changeset [537] by Maciej Komosinski
ExpParams? -> ExpProperties? (compatibility with v5.x)


14:57 Changeset [536] by Maciej Komosinski
"Shaped" models use the same p.mass calculation as "old" models (influences simulation stability)
14:57 Changeset [535] by Maciej Komosinski
- More strict type description checking when adding a property in mutableparam - Error message when the param property could not be added for some reason
01:17 Changeset [534] by Maciej Komosinski
Renamed: get/setGene -> get/setGenes, setGeneOnly -> setGenesAssumingSameFormat


18:12 Changeset [533] by Maciej Komosinski
- Improved error message on superfluous param values - Don't call flags(i) for illegal i
18:11 Changeset [532] by Maciej Komosinski
A new set of getStyle/getFullStyle functions in GenMan? and cosmetic rename of other functions (first letter lowercase)


04:37 Changeset [531] by sz
updated to the most recent Framsticks source (Part.m removed, Creature.numconnections added, Geno/Genotype?.format is now string)
04:16 Changeset [530] by Maciej Komosinski
Strict parsing of genotype format prefix
04:15 Changeset [529] by Maciej Komosinski
\r can be optionally removed while loading
04:14 Changeset [528] by Maciej Komosinski
- Part.m removed - Part.h becomes XPROP - validate more part and joint properties in Model.internalcheck()
04:12 Changeset [527] by Maciej Komosinski
Print mappings of models
04:12 Changeset [526] by Maciej Komosinski
Geno::toString() renamed to Geno::getGeneAndFormat()


14:53 Changeset [525] by oriona
Adjustment of reticulopodia position for initial forams added.


20:31 Changeset [524] by oriona
Visual style for nutrient added. Help for ExpProperties?.secPerStep added.


17:36 Changeset [523] by Maciej Komosinski
No more overloading of fopen/fclose/... functions for the VirtFILE class. #define VIRTFILE_OVERLOADING to enable overloading only when necessary.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.