05/04/23 01:45:37 (13 months ago)
Maciej Komosinski

Simplify sequences of modifier genes, cancelling out antagonistic ones and limiting the number of identical genes

1 edited


  • cpp/frams/genetics/f4/f4_oper.cpp

    r1232 r1234  
    1111// may help, but it would be better to improve the source code to make genetic operators neutral in terms of genotype length. Adding such a penalty
    1212// removes "work in progress" changes in genotypes thus promoting immediate, straightforward improvements while hindering slower, multifaceted progress.
    13 // TODO getting rid of redundancy (valid genotypes with a lot of "junk code") in this representation looks like a good idea; many improvements to this end have already been done in April & May 2023.
     13// TODO getting rid of redundancy (valid genotypes with a lot of "junk code") in this representation looks like a good idea; many improvements to this end have already been done in April & May 2023, so maybe it is not a big problem now?
    1616// TODO the behavior of neuron input indexes during mutation seems badly implemented (see also TREAT_BAD_CONNECTIONS_AS_INVALID_GENO). Are they kept properly maintained when nodes are added and removed? This could be done well because during mutation we operate on the tree structure with cross-references between nodes (so they should not be affected by local changes in the tree), and then convert the tree back to string. Yet, the f4_Node.conn_from is an integer and these fields in nodes do not seem to be maintained on tree node adding/removal... change these integer offsets to references to node objects? But actually, do the offsets that constitute relative connection references concern the f4_Node tree structure (and all these sophisticated calculations of offsets during mutation are useful) or rather they concern the f4_Cells development? verify all situations in f4_Cell::oneStep(), case '['.
    17 // TODO add simplifying sequences of modifiers (so capital and small letter cancel out, like in f1) - but seems like each single modifier is a separate f4_Node? and perhaps we don't want to use the repair mechanism for this... maybe mutations, when they add/modify/remove a modifier node, should be "cleaning" the tree by removing nodes when they encounter contradictory modifiers on the same subpath, and also limit the number of modifiers of each type just like in f1? To avoid sequences like ...<X>llmlIilImmimiimmimifmfl<fifmmimilimmmiimiliffmfliIfififlliflimfliffififmiffmfliflifmIlimimiflimfiffmllliflmimifllifliliflifmIlimimiflimfiffmllliflmimifllfmIlimimiflimfiffmllliflmimiflliflimimmiflimfliffmiflifmfiffllIlififliffififmiffmfliflifIliflimimflimflfflimimifllfflifllfflimlififfiiffifIr<r<...
    1817// TODO in mutation, adding the '#' gene does not seem to be effective. The gene is added and genotypes are valid, but hardly ever #n is effective, i.e., it hardly ever multiplicates body or brain parts... investigate!
    1918// TODO add support for properties of (any class of) neurons - not just sigmoid/force/intertia (':' syntax) for N
    2019// TODO add mapping genotype character ranges for neural [connections]
    2120// TODO change the default branching plane (to match f1) so they do not grow perfectly vertical (cheating vertpos) so easily? (so they require Rr or other modifiers)
     21// TODO for some genotypes, #defining/undefining F4_SIMPLIFY_MODIFIERS produces significantly different phenotypes (e.g. length of some Joint changes from 1.25 to 1.499, coordinates of Parts change, friction of some part changes from 1.28 to 0.32). Comparing f4_Node trees, the simplification works as intended, there are no huge changes apart from removing contradicting modifiers like 'R' and 'r' or 'L' and 'l', and dispersing the modifiers (changed order). There is no reason for such a significant influence of this. A hypothesis is that something may be wrong with calculating the influence of individual modifiers, e.g. some strong nonlinearity is introduced where it should not be, or some compensation between modifiers that should not influence each other (like L and R), or some modifier f4_Nodes are skipped/ignored when applying? Investigate. Example genotype: /*4*/,i<qlM,C<X>N:*#1>>,r<MRF<Xcm>N:Gpart>#5#1#2MLL#1>#1>>>>#5ML#2L#1>>>Lf,r<#1>rM<CqmLlCfqiFLqXFfl><F,<<XI>iN:|[-1:4.346]><XF><<XrRQ>N:G#3>>QiXFMR>fXM#2MfcR>R#3>>X
    34 const char *Geno_f4::all_modifiers = F14_MODIFIERS ","; //comma in f4 is handled the same way (simple node, F4_ADD_SIMP) as modifiers
     35const char *Geno_f4::all_modifiers = F14_MODIFIERS ","; //comma in f4 is handled the same way (simple node, F4_ADD_SIMP) as modifiers. See also all_modifiers_no_comma in f4_general.cpp.
    3637// codes that can be changed (apart from being added/deleted)
    294295                {
    295296                        // add simple node
    296                         // choose a simple node from ADD_SIMPLE_CODES
     297                        int modifier_index = GenoOperators::getRandomChar(all_modifiers, excluded_modifiers.c_str());
     298                        if (modifier_index < 0)
     299                                return GENOPER_OPFAIL;
    297300                        node_mutated->parent->removeChild(node_mutated);
    298                         //f4_Node *n2 = new f4_Node(ADD_SIMPLE_CODES[rndUint(strlen(ADD_SIMPLE_CODES))], n1->parent, n1->parent->pos);
    299                         int modifierid = GenoOperators::getRandomChar(all_modifiers, excluded_modifiers.c_str());
    300                         f4_Node *n2 = new f4_Node(all_modifiers[modifierid], node_mutated->parent, node_mutated->parent->pos);
     301                        // old source: choose a simple node from ADD_SIMPLE_CODES
     302                        //f4_Node *n2 = new f4_Node(ADD_SIMPLE_CODES[rndUint(strlen(ADD_SIMPLE_CODES))], node_mutated->parent, node_mutated->parent->pos);
     303                        f4_Node *n2 = new f4_Node(all_modifiers[modifier_index], node_mutated->parent, node_mutated->parent->pos);
    301304                        n2->addChild(node_mutated);
    302305                        node_mutated->parent = n2;
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