If you have some kind of material to be included here, let us know!
- Framsticks Tutorial, step by step ← recommended for everyone! Now with video walkthrough!
- Framsticks Manual, a bit outdated: PDF file
- A graphical interface (GUI) mini-tutorial
- A short tutorial about Framsticks GUI: PDF file
- Scripts in Framsticks: useful resources
- Various presentations.
Exercises and experiments – for teachers and students
- Sample student exercises for the Bio-inspired Adaptive Machines course, from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) – see also bottom of that page for a specification of a few exercises more
- Intermediate-level evolutionary exercises in Python
- Interesting experimental exercises from the Virtual Life Lab, including the well-documented deathmatch educational challenge (here is a new version)
- A number of various tasks and ideas.
Selected publications
- Selected research papers and their BibTeX / EndNote citations are available here.
Related web pages and projects
- Framsticks Experimentation Center (experiments and genotypes database, news forums and more).
- Virtual Life Lab in Department of Philosophy & Robotics Lab, Utrecht University. See also Experiments in Synthetic Evolutionary Psychology.
- From povray sequence to blender: Importing animation of creatures / Importer l'animation des créatures de framstick
- Links to artificial life sites: see the "Links" section of the artificial life portal, alife.pl
[In Polish] Strona Polskich Uzytkownikow Framsticks.