Here are things that developers could do:
- creature editor in f0 format (JAVA)
input data: f0 specification, general requirements
- viewer/analyzer of evolutionary data - population snapshots (JAVA)
input data: population file (.gen) specification, general req's
- world editor (JAVA)
input data: world language specification, general requirements
- povray scenario: include file (POV-Ray)
input data: 'classic' file, .pov sample scene files
- genotype representations (C++)
- fn to f0 converter
input data: interface to framsticks source, f0 specification
- fn operators (check, validate, mutate, crossover, ...)
input data: specification of interface to framsticks
That is good if more people work on the same project
(together or independently).
Any of the final products mentioned above must be free.
It is recommended to make the source free and public, too.
Re: Components to do by Framsticks Developers
Dear Maciej and people,
I am starting to play with framsticks and am very impressed by it (specially
because it is just like a program I have been wanting to write for years). I
would like to understand its workings better and help develop some stuff.
From the list posted, I guess I can try to do some of that stuff as soon as
I understand the model. Is there a way to get the framsticks papers
Re: Components to do by Framsticks Developers
> From the list posted, I guess I can try to do some of that stuff as soon as
> I understand the model. Is there a way to get the framsticks papers
> eletronically?
From the todo list, only the last point (genotype representations)
may require knowledge of some details... Other todo's are quite
independent. You will not find much useful development information
in the scientific papers.
To learn framsticks, just play with the software and read
documentation. Ask us when you have some specific questions...
Not evolving into nothing and papers
I am playing with it but, to be honest, am not getting to much interesting
stuff. It seems to me that I cannot adjust the world properly to make any
improvement and everything is happening randomly, that is, no genotype is
any better than the other because they are all getting their fitness scores
by chance and not by any aprticular characteristic. How can this be solved?
Plus, I would like to read the papers anyhow since, as a computer scientist,
the technical details behind the program are as interesting as playing with
it. So, can I get the papers eletronically somewhere?
"Maciej Komosinski" wrote in message
> > From the list posted, I guess I can try to do some of that stuff as soon
> > I understand the model. Is there a way to get the framsticks papers
> > eletronically?
> From the todo list, only the last point (genotype representations)
> may require knowledge of some details... Other todo's are quite
> independent. You will not find much useful development information
> in the scientific papers.
> To learn framsticks, just play with the software and read
> documentation. Ask us when you have some specific questions...
> MacKo
Re: papers
> Plus, I would like to read the papers anyhow since, as a computer scientist,
> the technical details behind the program are as interesting as playing with
> it. So, can I get the papers eletronically somewhere?
Although you won't find much technical details in scientific papers,
I have put two of them on the web:
Re: papers
Which software can I use to read the .ps files?
"Maciej Komosinski" wrote in message
> > Plus, I would like to read the papers anyhow since, as a computer
> > the technical details behind the program are as interesting as playing
> > it. So, can I get the papers eletronically somewhere?
> Although you won't find much technical details in scientific papers,
> I have put two of them on the web:
> MacKo
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Re: papers
> Which software can I use to read the .ps files?
it is postscript.
it should be printed if you simply copy the file
directly to postscript-compatible printer port.
I use ghostscript and gsview to view .ps files (these
programs can also view .pdf files).
ps. there are other papers available at