Predator Prey Ecosystem 

Predator - prey ecosystem



Natural ecologies can be studied as in terms of interactions between predators and their prey. The population sizes of both species can fluctuate as a consequence of births, consumption and mortality.

The goal of this project is to model predator-prey population dynamics. It can be extended with local reproduction to study the influence of space on population dynamics.

Model description

  • Create two populations: food (prey) and food-seekers (predators).
  • Give individuals of both populations a variable called 'energy'
  • Collisions between a prey and a predator result in transferral of 'energy'
  • Let prey reproduce periodically and logistically (i.e. probability of successful reproduction decreases as prey population size increases).
  • Let predators reproduce when their energy >= some reproduction threshold.
  • Prey and predators die when energy <= 0.0


Offspring can be placed either:

  • in a random place
  • close to its parent

In the first case, the populations are roughly uniformly distributed in the environment. This model approaches the behavior of traditional model of population dynamics (e.g. Lotka-Volterra system).

In the second case, the populations are clustered in space, which alters the population dynamics.

Comparison of these models shows the influence of space on population dynamics.