

16:22 Ticket #51 (ModelGeometry: sqrt(negative)) closed by Maciej Komosinski
fixed: In 810: […]
16:21 Changeset [810] by Maciej Komosinski
Don't unnecessarily calculate sqrt(negative_value) [fixes #51]
15:06 Ticket #44 (ModelGeometry: for cuboids, sampling points should be located on edges) closed by Maciej Komosinski
fixed: The result is correct, sizexyz should not be 2.0 in this case as one might expect. For example, the first value ("length") is the longest diagonal in the cube with edge length of 2, so sqrt(12)=3.464101615137754587. The other values ("width" and "depth") are also analogously correct.


20:20 Ticket #54 (ModelGeometry and fF: fix conv_fF and scale<1 and find_hole==-1) closed by Maciej Komosinski
fixed: Most probably fixed in r667, just in case the LOG_ERROR message will be printed if find_hole() returned less than zero. Integration with ModelGeometry? postponed until ModelGeometry? becomes perfect and more flexible than it is now.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.