

16:30 Changeset [647] by Maciej Komosinski
Updated URLs, removed non-ascii characters


20:36 Changeset [646] by Maciej Komosinski
Support for multiple coexisting implementations of the same neuron class, and detecting which one is current
20:35 Changeset [645] by Maciej Komosinski
f0 is strict now, will not accept float when int is expected
20:34 Changeset [644] by Maciej Komosinski
Invalid references from neurons to Parts/Joints? are now reported
20:33 Changeset [643] by Maciej Komosinski
The meaning of f9 3D-direction genes made consistent with Framsticks coordinate system
20:32 Changeset [642] by Maciej Komosinski
Implemented insert() in FramScript? Vector class
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.