

14:15 Changeset [439] by sz
- added FunctionReference? class - separate "Framsticks Theater" and "Command line interface" contexts


23:05 Changeset [438] by Mateusz Poszwa
Ported Framclipse to Xtext 2.8.4
22:28 Changeset [437] by Mateusz Poszwa
Added Framclipse as developed by Bartosz Kukawka and Tomek Maciejewski in 2010
17:51 Changeset [436] by sz
- added the new "artificial life" application objects (GUI, GUIElement, Shader, Material, Sharing, Rectangle, Matrix, Obj3D) - added "artificial life" specific properties in GLDisplay object - minor updates/corrections everywhere


14:45 Changeset [435] by oriona
stepToNearest call corrected.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.