

17:57 Changeset [393] by sz
f0 parsing corrections and enhancements: - f0 genotype becomes invalid if any of its numeric fields can't be parsed - ParamInterface::set and ParamInterface::load2 return the error flag if a numeric parsing error occured - fixed a bug in load2 (was failing on quoted fields containing a comma)


20:23 Changeset [392] by sz
Dictionary documentation updated.
20:20 Changeset [391] by sz
Moved frams/loggers to common/loggers
20:14 Changeset [390] by sz
Moved frams/loggers to common/loggers


21:03 Changeset [389] by Maciej Komosinski
Code formatting
21:01 Changeset [388] by Maciej Komosinski
A local PRBS-7 implementation so that this file does not depend on external random number generators
21:00 Changeset [387] by Maciej Komosinski
Improved help descriptions


18:46 Changeset [386] by Maciej Komosinski
Updated for Python 3 and new Framsticks message format
04:27 Changeset [385] by sz
Switch to a different, multithreading-friendly SString implementation (not using copy-on-write)
04:22 Changeset [384] by sz
Used intptr_t instead of the evil, platform-dependent long.
04:20 Changeset [383] by sz
Added more examples in Vector and Dictionary documentation.
04:15 Changeset [382] by sz
Moving frams/virtfile to common/virtfile: - file references updated (includes, makefile) - common/virtfile can no longer use the Framsticks specific SString (using std::string instead)
03:59 Changeset [381] by sz
Moved frams/virtfile to common/virtfile


19:37 Changeset [380] by Maciej Komosinski
Foraminifera experiment definition
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.