

01:56 Changeset [769] by sz
updated for Framsticks version 5.0rc13 (Model checkpoints, f4 improvements, doc corrections)
01:12 Changeset [768] by Maciej Komosinski
Reverted to 100x repeat-until-valid-mutation, required due to how mutations are implemented now (first, mutation sub-type is selected, and this sub-type may be impossible to apply to a given genotype, which may cause frequent failures)


22:52 Changeset [767] by Maciej Komosinski
More strict parsing of the repetition counter; bug fixes; improved docs [refs #62]
22:51 Changeset [766] by Maciej Komosinski
Added a number of useful methods in 2D
20:36 Ticket #55 (f4: consider changing SString to std::string (except in SDK interface ...) closed by Maciej Komosinski
20:36 Ticket #56 (f4: support "modifiers" and excluded modifiers just as in f1) closed by Maciej Komosinski
20:35 Ticket #57 (f4: update parsing of numbers and make it more strict) closed by Maciej Komosinski
20:35 Ticket #60 (f4: consider unifying sources with f1 regarding "modifiers") closed by Maciej Komosinski
20:35 Ticket #61 (f4: after updating sources and adding new features, test compatibility ...) closed by Maciej Komosinski


02:33 Changeset [765] by Maciej Komosinski
Wider ranges of allowed values for mutation when only partial information of min/max/default is provided
02:29 Changeset [764] by Maciej Komosinski
Less deterministic (less absorbing) mutation for very narrow allowed ranges (performs reflect+wrap, previously reflect+absorb)
02:28 Changeset [763] by Maciej Komosinski
Higher precision when storing variable values
02:27 Changeset [762] by Maciej Komosinski
Default sample values for a 2D problem, not 1D; added documentation and a sample 2D fitness function; crossover better protected against different lengths of parent vectors
02:26 Changeset [761] by Maciej Komosinski
Introduced a macro for the number of times GenMan? tries to repeat a mutation or crossover when the operator does not return acceptable genotype; decreased the number of repetitions from 100 to 10


23:06 Ticket #62 (Multiple issues with f4 to fix each one independently, discuss when needed) created by Maciej Komosinski
1. add f4 tests with invalid genotypes (to test problematic parsing, …
22:59 Ticket #59 (f4: effectors/neurons should not be hardcoded (N|@), but rather use ...) closed by Maciej Komosinski
22:58 Ticket #58 (f4: receptors/inputs should not be hardcoded (GTS*), but rather use ...) closed by Maciej Komosinski
22:55 Changeset [760] by Maciej Komosinski
- added support for new API for neuron types and their properties - added support for checkpoints
22:53 Changeset [759] by Maciej Komosinski
f1 and f4 stick properties unified and moved to a separate structure and file (geneprops.cpp/h)
22:50 Changeset [758] by Maciej Komosinski
Added a few useful functions providing lists of neurons with specific properties
00:00 Changeset [757] by Maciej Komosinski
Removed appending the original fn genotype as a comment in the converted f0 genotype (was only useful for debugging)


23:58 Changeset [756] by Maciej Komosinski
Added frams/genetics/fn to ALL_DIRS so make clean cleans all dirs
23:52 Changeset [755] by Maciej Komosinski
Renamed ParamTree::Node -> ParamTree::ParamTreeNode? to avoid name conflicts with js
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