- 13:53 Changeset [514] by
- More strict parsing of numbers when converting genotypes f1->f0
- 13:52 Changeset [513] by
- checkValidity() and validate() are now aware of genotype name
- 13:50 Changeset [512] by
- No trailing space in full name when last name is empty
- 13:48 Changeset [511] by
- Improved handling of multiline messages by loggers
- 23:30 Changeset [510] by
- Energy transfer changed for using tranferEnergyTo function. Dilpoid offspring number calculation changed.
- 03:10 Changeset [509] by
- - default vr,vg,vb changed (1,1,1) - POVExport object added
- 23:07 Changeset [508] by
- Conditional macro to identify for which genotypes the order of genotype validators matters
- 23:06 Changeset [507] by
- Default Part and Stick color becomes white, not gray (so that multiplying will not darken textures)
- 11:25 Changeset [506] by
- Visual style for reticulopodia created.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.