{2} Active Tickets by Version (27 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#49 Allow manual reference checking framclipse enhancement Mateusz Poszwa new 10/25/15
#50 Declarations from *.expdef are not recognized in *.inc files framclipse defect Mateusz Poszwa new 10/30/15
#63 ModelGeometry: support part.hollow when calculating volume Framsticks core enhancement new 08/16/18
#4 "TO DO" list for FRED fred defect Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#48 ModelGeometry: consider unifications in geometrytestutils.cpp Framsticks core defect new 01/17/15
#45 ModelGeometry: set sensible values for "geom_density" min/max/default Framsticks core defect new 12/05/14
#6 an option to turn off/on panorama (3d background) client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#33 during 'creature view' and server running, world visible client 3D defect Maciej Komosinski new 01/29/11
#25 f8: change mutations that add parentheses genetic representations task Maciej Komosinski new 10/30/09
#27 f8: crashes for this genotype genetic representations defect Maciej Komosinski new 10/30/09
#31 f8: fill mutation_method_names[] genetic representations task Maciej Komosinski new 10/31/09
#29 f8: genotypes with no productions should be considered incorrect genetic representations defect Maciej Komosinski new 10/30/09
#28 f8: parser too tolerant genetic representations defect Maciej Komosinski new 10/30/09
#26 f8: such genotypes should never emerge in evolution genetic representations defect Maciej Komosinski new 10/30/09
#9 handle orientation of Parts and Joints client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#15 icons in the tree based on object class name client GUI defect Maciej Komosinski new 04/09/09
#3 make simple NN view reusable by other programs (e.g. network GUI) fred task Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#14 move objects parser from the GUI client to the parsers package. parser frams objects task Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#34 parametrized styles client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 01/31/11
#13 step-by-step visualization client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#8 stress visualization client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#32 two-level parsing framclipse enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 01/29/11
#12 use communication module package for communication client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#11 use the real parser of framsticks objects client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#10 visualize genotypes client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#7 visualize receptors and effectors client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
#5 zoom on selected creature (double click or selecting on a list) client 3D enhancement Maciej Komosinski new 04/08/09
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