8 years |
konrad |
Added measure of progress (based on regression of time-distances …
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed printing texts in svg and added support for additional …
8 years |
konrad |
tree-genealogy.py is now supporting multiple virtual parents (they are …
8 years |
konrad |
Added multisampling (antialiasing) option for raster output
8 years |
konrad |
New, faster, more flexible and refactored version of the …
8 years |
konrad |
Some minor changes
8 years |
konrad |
Added an option to restrict the tree to first X nodes.
8 years |
konrad |
Rewritten prepos_children to the iterative form + Turned on some debugging
8 years |
konrad |
The parameters should not be case specific anymore, also added some …
8 years |
konrad |
Changed spine and skeleton drawing methods from recurrent to iterative …
8 years |
konrad |
Removed the recurrent version of the tree-drawing method, fixed and …
8 years |
konrad |
Added non-recurrent verion of tree drawing function, …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved descriptions
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed typos
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed drawing the spine and the skeleton for the tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
konrad |
Fixed dark lines inside lines in tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
konrad |
Tiny refactoring of tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
konrad |
Added an option for defining colors of crossover / mutation lines from …
9 years |
konrad |
Supporting coloring edges and nodes by type, scalable dots
9 years |
konrad |
Simple scale
9 years |
konrad |
Added crossover and support for Inheritance table (but the table …
9 years |
konrad |
Additional options in tree-genealogy.py, dots and jitter
9 years |
konrad |
Added REAL time option for tree-genealogy.py, renamed previous REAL …
9 years |
konrad |
some changes to drawing style + non-random dissimilarity + assertion
9 years |
konrad |
updated to the new input format
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a script to draw genealogical trees based on parent-child …