# # ChangeLog for cpp/frams/genetics/geneprops.cpp # # Generated by Trac 1.2.1 # 05/09/24 09:16:01 Mon, 30 Nov 2020 02:44:14 GMT Maciej Komosinski [1039] * cpp/frams/config/f0-SDK.def (modified) * cpp/frams/config/f0.def (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/f1/f1_conv.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/f9/f9_conv.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/geneprops.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/geneprops.h (modified) * cpp/frams/model/defassign-f0-SDK.h (modified) * cpp/frams/model/f0-SDK-classes.h (modified) * cpp/frams/model/model.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/model/modelparts.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/model/modelparts.h (modified) Removed Part's "visual thickness" property Thu, 15 Mar 2018 21:53:35 GMT Maciej Komosinski [759] * cpp/frams/Makefile-SDK-files (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/f1/conv_f1.cpp (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/f1/conv_f1.h (modified) * cpp/frams/genetics/geneprops.cpp (added) * cpp/frams/genetics/geneprops.h (added) f1 and f4 stick properties unified and moved to a separate structure ...