# # ChangeLog for cpp/f8-to-f1 # # Generated by Trac 1.2.1 # 03/03/25 18:12:26 Sun, 06 Dec 2009 21:22:41 GMT mwajcht [45] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_grammar.y (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_scanner.l (modified) Added ignoring of \r while parsing input. Grammar change: at least ... Wed, 02 Dec 2009 21:39:47 GMT Maciej Komosinski [41] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) updated name of the converter Wed, 02 Dec 2009 21:39:16 GMT Maciej Komosinski [40] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) fixed memory leak and commented out an extra condition Wed, 02 Dec 2009 21:38:08 GMT Maciej Komosinski [39] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_scanner.l (modified) updated the set of simple commands Tue, 01 Dec 2009 23:50:14 GMT mwajcht [38] * cpp/f8-to-f1/Makefile (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_grammar.y (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_scanner.l (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/lemon.c (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/lempar.c (added) Added lexer and scanner sources as well Makefile which builds them Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:51:16 GMT Maciej Komosinski [36] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (modified) adding the only f8 converter parameter to the list of simulator ... Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:44:45 GMT Maciej Komosinski [35] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) simple productions are now more complete, and stored once, in a ... Sat, 31 Oct 2009 00:45:08 GMT Maciej Komosinski [34] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) very simple syntax coloring Fri, 30 Oct 2009 23:47:01 GMT Maciej Komosinski [33] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.h (modified) maximal f1 genotype length published as the f8->f1 converter parameter Fri, 30 Oct 2009 19:23:42 GMT Maciej Komosinski [32] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) safer parsing and freeing memory Mon, 24 Aug 2009 21:00:02 GMT mwajcht [30] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.h (modified) Added mutation which deletes a production. Mon, 29 Jun 2009 20:12:09 GMT mwajcht [26] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (modified) Added some comments to converter classes Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:02:03 GMT mwajcht [25] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (modified) Added parameter which indicated the maximum length of F1 genotype ... Sun, 28 Jun 2009 17:40:32 GMT mwajcht [24] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Once again changed 'for' loops inside which vector's element is ... Sat, 27 Jun 2009 09:12:12 GMT mwajcht [23] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Bug-fix in erasing elements from vectors in 'for' loops - use integer ... Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:30:32 GMT mwajcht [22] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Fixed bug which caused segfaults in crossOver() method. Mon, 22 Jun 2009 20:42:54 GMT mwajcht [11] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Added some checking against NULLs Thu, 04 Jun 2009 20:11:32 GMT mwajcht [10] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Fixed some bugs Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:07:35 GMT mwajcht [9] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Fixed one bug in converter. Fixed checking if mutation was unsuccessful. Sun, 24 May 2009 20:53:32 GMT mwajcht [8] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) Returning GENOPER_OPFAIL in case mutation fails. Fri, 22 May 2009 19:56:05 GMT mwajcht [7] * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_grammar.c (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) 1. Fixed bug in converter. 2. Genotypes with resulting F1 genotype ... Fri, 15 May 2009 20:08:41 GMT mwajcht [6] * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (modified) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.h (modified) added some static structures; CHANGE_CONDITION_SIGN mutation now ... Wed, 06 May 2009 13:24:02 GMT Maciej Komosinski [1] * cpp (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1 (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8_utils.cpp (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8_utils.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.cpp (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_grammar.c (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_grammar.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_scanner.cpp (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/conv_f8tof1_scanner.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.cpp (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/geno_f8.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/lemonglobal.h (added) * cpp/f8-to-f1/lexglobal.h (added) * cpp/gdk (added) * java (added) added f8 (L-systems) representation and converter f8->f1