8 years |
sz |
added the option to write a separate "camerapath.inc" instead of …
8 years |
sz |
scientific notation numbers ('e') are floating point, even without a dot
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed printing texts in svg and added support for additional …
8 years |
konrad |
tree-genealogy.py is now supporting multiple virtual parents (they are …
8 years |
konrad |
Added multisampling (antialiasing) option for raster output
8 years |
konrad |
Font for tree-genealogy.py
8 years |
konrad |
New, faster, more flexible and refactored version of the …
8 years |
konrad |
Some minor changes
8 years |
konrad |
Added an option to restrict the tree to first X nodes.
8 years |
konrad |
Rewritten prepos_children to the iterative form + Turned on some debugging
8 years |
konrad |
The parameters should not be case specific anymore, also added some …
8 years |
konrad |
Changed spine and skeleton drawing methods from recurrent to iterative …
8 years |
konrad |
Removed the recurrent version of the tree-drawing method, fixed and …
8 years |
konrad |
Added non-recurrent verion of tree drawing function, …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced an option to swap (exchange) X and Y axes
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved descriptions
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed typos
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced options to flip (invert, negate) X and/or Y axes
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated after field rename
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Introduced levels of checking the validity of a Model
- If a Joint …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Labels can have colors dependent on label text
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Displays the fraction of variance preserved after MDS
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated for new format of dissimilarity matrix (with the optional two …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Added 'fixedZaxis' option to paramtab (so that it is accessible from …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Made the amount of jitter a continuous, adjustable parameter
9 years |
oriona |
Integer command line arguments converted to ints in main call.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- More flexible reading of distance matrices from files
- Can also …
9 years |
oriona |
Possibility of fixing z axis during the alignment added.
9 years |
oriona |
Number of returned dimensions set to minimum of desired number and the …
9 years |
oriona |
Function for computing variances removed.
9 years |
oriona |
MDS algorithm changed to cmdscale. Coordinates export to file added.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
No longer ignores "jitter" and "outname" parameters
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Uncomment to make it work with no graphical backend
9 years |
oriona |
Rotation of creatures in z axis changed to random. LocalDrive? usage …
9 years |
konrad |
Fixed drawing the spine and the skeleton for the tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added the missing visual style declaration for foraminifera creatures
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More meaningful variable names
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a comment
9 years |
oriona |
Feed period changed to food flux in grams per square meter per second. …
9 years |
konrad |
Fixed dark lines inside lines in tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
oriona |
Movement of forams in z axis restricted.
9 years |
oriona |
Enhanced nutrient visualization corrected.
9 years |
konrad |
Tiny refactoring of tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
konrad |
Added an option for defining colors of crossover / mutation lines from …
9 years |
oriona |
Positions of foraminifera, reticulopodia and nutrients corrected.
9 years |
oriona |
Chamber growth visualization moved to the separate function.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added comments and TODOs
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Brighter colors
9 years |
oriona |
Vertical position of enhanced visualization of nutrient lowered.
9 years |
oriona |
Vertical position of foraminifera lowered. Color of body and …
9 years |
sz |
object creation and removal is now reflected in the blender scene view …
9 years |
konrad |
Supporting coloring edges and nodes by type, scalable dots
9 years |
konrad |
Simple scale
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
When the last chamber is growing, make it gray and add extra …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict validation of numeric type definitions: min without max is …
9 years |
oriona |
Inherited entry for cross-over corrected.
9 years |
konrad |
Added crossover and support for Inheritance table (but the table …
9 years |
konrad |
Additional options in tree-genealogy.py, dots and jitter
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved help message
9 years |
oriona |
Chamber growth visualization time extended. Nutrient energy corrected.
9 years |
oriona |
Used secPerStep values added in help, setPerStep in show set to 50.
9 years |
oriona |
Chamber growth visualization added, [OFFSPRING] message added, refactoring.
9 years |
konrad |
Added REAL time option for tree-genealogy.py, renamed previous REAL …
9 years |
oriona |
Script for plotting results of the MDS added.
9 years |
konrad |
some changes to drawing style + non-random dissimilarity + assertion
9 years |
konrad |
updated to the new input format
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a script to draw genealogical trees based on parent-child …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
7% chamber growth instead of 5%; tighter spiral in morphology
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed a typo
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Foram genotype generator can produce genotypes with the last chamber …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Add color to Parts
- Tighter spiral
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Fixed extra space after property ID
- A function to generate simple …
9 years |
oriona |
Properties descriptions corrected.
9 years |
oriona |
Visual style for enhanced nutrients restored.
9 years |
oriona |
Refactoring, change of foraminifera direction at world boundary added.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added visual style for "enhanced nutrients"
9 years |
oriona |
Dir_changed_sec changed from global to ExpProperty?, new divisionCost …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
PreconfiguredGenetics? warns about unexpected use case and unregisters …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
LoggerToStdout? used in geometry tests. PreconfiguredGenetics? moved to …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More correct use of PreconfiguredGenetics?: avoid static objects, …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved description/docs
9 years |
oriona |
PreconfiguredGenetics? added in geometrytestutils
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed: Model::buildUsingNewShapes -> …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Dictionary.set() documentation updated
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model::getShape() ==> Model::getShapeType()
Model::SHAPE_OLD …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved description
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Explicit casting to integer ("0+x" trick no longer works)
9 years |
oriona |
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling …
9 years |
oriona |
Meshbuilder.cpp added.
9 years |
oriona |
Division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid fixed [closes #42]. Sampling …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Value of the assignment statement is now consistently the assigned …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
ExpParams? -> ExpProperties? (compatibility with v5.x)
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
"Shaped" models use the same p.mass calculation as "old" models …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- More strict type description checking when adding a property in …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed: get/setGene -> get/setGenes, setGeneOnly -> …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Improved error message on superfluous param values
- Don't call …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
A new set of getStyle/getFullStyle functions in GenMan? and cosmetic …
9 years |
sz |
updated to the most recent Framsticks source (Part.m removed, …