9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Extended error messages for invalid genotype format declaration
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Simpler and more understandable error message
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict parsing of genotype format prefix
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added an example of saving MiniGenotype? objects to a file
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Geno format as a string (no longer ascii number)
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed, better name
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict parsing of numbers when converting genotypes f1->f0
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
checkValidity() and validate() are now aware of genotype name
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
No trailing space in full name when last name is empty
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved handling of multiline messages by loggers
9 years |
oriona |
Energy transfer changed for using tranferEnergyTo function. Dilpoid …
9 years |
sz |
- default vr,vg,vb changed (1,1,1)
- POVExport object added
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Conditional macro to identify for which genotypes the order of …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Default Part and Stick color becomes white, not gray (so that …
9 years |
oriona |
Visual style for reticulopodia created.
9 years |
sz |
Creature object updated: energy balance fields removed, …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Getting rid of "energy balance" fields
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Settings for white background
9 years |
oriona |
Reticulopdia movement and energy transfer corrected.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed obvious read from the just-deleted object
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed uninit - previously cached f0 might have been treated as invalid
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed typos
9 years |
sz |
url and description
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a script that imports POV-Ray files exported from Framsticks to …
9 years |
oriona |
Haploid and diploid morphologies changed.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified and better formatted error and warning messages
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Empty destructor no longer needed since it is present in the base …
9 years |
oriona |
Microns to frams scaling rate changed. New world size, new log files added.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
emscripten compatibility
9 years |
sz |
Framsticks v 5.0rc5 release - many important objects have been renamed …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced general-use ErrorObject?, fixed enumeration of mixed …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed iteration of invalid values and objects
9 years |
oriona |
Reproduction treshold dependent on gene.
9 years |
oriona |
Method for definig new species added.
9 years |
sz |
foraminifera scripts updated to match the upcoming Framsticks version …
9 years |
sz |
capture-the-flag using data->fields:
- creature.user1/user2/user3 >>> …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
fields -> neuroproperties, properties -> size
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified DEBUG macro ( -> _DEBUG )
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed: we want a reference to a static object, not a static reference …
9 years |
oriona |
Food seasonality added.
9 years |
sz |
experiment scripts updated to match the upcoming Framsticks version …
9 years |
oriona |
Parameters calibrated, diversification of initial population added, …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Accessing const objects, short -> paInt, less critical messages when …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
"const" keyword, detecting variable name clashes, error on iterating …
9 years |
sz |
- use arrow syntax (dict->key instead of dictkey?)
- use …
9 years |
oriona |
Energy calculated as a volume of the sphere. Energy usage calculated …
9 years |
oriona |
Parameters for time scaling added.
9 years |
sz |
- MiniGenotype? extended to handle all Genotype fields contained in …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Deserialization more tolerant to whitespaces (similarly to the json …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
FP overflow exception non-fatal
9 years |
sz |
Fixed invalid integer (must fit in 32 bits, use floats otherwise), …
9 years |
sz |
Object definitions updated (Framsticks v 5.0rc2)
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More sophisticated and accurate parsing of numbers
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
GenMan? interface uses STL std::string instead of SString
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- accessing a non-global variable that was declared outside of a …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Avoid compilation warning
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Serialization of basic object types in JSON format
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated for a new official way of calling scripts with arguments
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Updated for a new official way of calling scripts with arguments
- …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Fixed an external variable (MAX_WITHOUT_PENALTY) accessed invalidly …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a function to strip the path component from filename
9 years |
sz |
fixed memory leak in simil_test (when loading invalid genotypes)
9 years |
sz |
fixed memory leaks in Model (when building from invalid f0 genotype)
9 years |
oriona |
Vectors declaration shortened.
9 years |
sz |
added libFramsticksSDK.a building rule with the following changes:
- …
9 years |
oriona |
Malloc/free replaced by new/delete, pointers-to-vectors changed into …
9 years |
oriona |
Show name changed.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Built-in shallow clone() for Vector and Dictionary
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Validation of genotypes additionally prints genotype name when there …
9 years |
oriona |
Unused INit commented out. Command line information updated.
9 years |
oriona |
Reticulopodia color changed to white.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a TODO comment
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Avoid unnecessary computation (time scale is determined by simulation …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Renamed scale() to micronsToFrams()
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added comments and displaying reference to real-world units: size and …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added scaling from Framsticks world units to microns
9 years |
oriona |
Visualization of reticulopodia and nutrients added as an option in theater.
9 years |
sz |
Object definitions updated (Framsticks v4.4)
- Creature.name size is …
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Set lower initial camera height
9 years |
Mateusz Poszwa |
Resolved missing dependencies in Framclipse
9 years |
Mateusz Poszwa |
- Updated Xtext-based Framclipse
- Deleted previous version of Framclipse
9 years |
sz |
- added FunctionReference? class
- separate "Framsticks Theater" and …
9 years |
Mateusz Poszwa |
Ported Framclipse to Xtext 2.8.4
9 years |
Mateusz Poszwa |
Added Framclipse as developed by Bartosz Kukawka and Tomek Maciejewski …
9 years |
sz |
- added the new "artificial life" application objects (GUI, …
9 years |
oriona |
stepToNearest call corrected.
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Increased ExpParams?.maxSteps range; safer stopping condition; theater …
9 years |
oriona |
Removed unused param
9 years |
oriona |
Minor corrections, hibernation gene value changed to 1, param for …
9 years |
oriona |
stopping after defined simulation step number removed
9 years |
oriona |
new reticulopodia range implemented, visualization of reticulopodia
9 years |
oriona |
removed duplicated parameters
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved parameter names
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Android can read files again after a slash has been removed from the path
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Warn about duplicated field values
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
The NO_STD_IN_OUT_ERR macro excludes entire functions, not their contents
9 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
iOS compilation
9 years |
oriona |
corrected properties definitions, added function for setting show …
9 years |
oriona |
new species added, hibernation added, morphology changed to more …