%{ // This file is a part of the Framsticks SDK. // Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include "framscript-defs.h" #include "framscript.tab.cpp.h" #include #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,maxsize) {result=trctx.in->Vread(buf,1,maxsize);} #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 static SString quoteMultiline(const SString &src); %} %option noyywrap %x asmcode %x asmcode2 %x comment %x multiline %% [0-9]+\.[0-9]* | [0-9]+\.[0-9]*[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ | [0-9]+*[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ {if (framscriptlval.parseNumber(yytext,TDouble)==(yytext+yyleng)) return CONSTANT; else { trctx.err->printf("Invalid floating point number: '%s', ",SString(yytext,yyleng).c_str()); return INVALID_NUMBER;} } [0-9]+ | 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ {if (framscriptlval.parseNumber(yytext,TInt)==(yytext+yyleng)) return CONSTANT; else { trctx.err->printf("Invalid integer: '%s', ",SString(yytext,yyleng).c_str()); return INVALID_NUMBER;} } "null" {framscriptlval.setEmpty(); return CONSTANT;} \"([^\\\"]|\\.)*\" {framscriptlval.setString(SString(yytext+1,yyleng-2));return CONSTANT;} \"\"\" {trctx.tmp=""; trctx.multilimit='\"'; BEGIN multiline;} "'''" {trctx.tmp=""; trctx.multilimit='\''; BEGIN multiline;} "@line "[0-9]+\n {trctx.line=atol(yytext+6);trctx.linechanged=true;} "@file "[^\n\t\r]+\n {trctx.setSrcname(SString(yytext+6,yyleng-7),true);trctx.namechanged=true;} [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* { int t=lookupToken(yytext); if (t>=0) return t; else { framscriptlval.setString(yytext); return framscriptIsObjectName(yytext)?OBJNAME:IDENT; } } "->" return ARROW; "==" return EQUAL; "<>" return NOT_EQUAL; "!=" return NOT_EQUAL; ">=" return GEQUAL; "<=" return LEQUAL; "+=" return ASSIGN_ADD; "-=" return ASSIGN_SUB; "*=" return ASSIGN_MUL; "/=" return ASSIGN_DIV; "%=" return ASSIGN_MOD; "++" return PLUSPLUS; "--" return MINUSMINUS; "&&" return LOGIC_AND; "||" return LOGIC_OR; "<<" return LSHIFT; ">>" return RSHIFT; \/\/.*\n {trctx.line++;trctx.linechanged=true;} // komentarz jednoliniowy \/\/[^\n]* ; // komentarz ale nie ma potem \n \/\* BEGIN comment; \n {trctx.line++;trctx.linechanged=true;} \*\/ BEGIN 0; . ; .* { char* end=strstr(yytext,trctx.multilimit=='\"' ? "\"\"\"" : "'''"); if (end) { trctx.tmp+=string(yytext,end-yytext); framscriptlval.setString(quoteMultiline(SString(trctx.tmp.c_str()))); yyless((end-yytext)+3); BEGIN 0; return CONSTANT; } else trctx.tmp+=string(yytext,yyleng); } \n {trctx.line++; trctx.linechanged=true; trctx.tmp+="\n";} [ \t\r\f] ; \n {trctx.line++; trctx.linechanged=true;} . return (int)(unsigned char)yytext[0]; "asm"[ \t\n\r]*"{" { BEGIN asmcode; char *t=yytext; while(t=strchr(t+1,'\n')) trctx.line++; trctx.linechanged=true; return ASM; } .*\n { char *t=yytext; trctx.line++; trctx.linechanged=true; while ((*t==' ')||(*t=='\t')) t++; if (*t=='}') {yyless((t-yytext)+1); BEGIN 0; return '}';} char *e=yytext+yyleng-1; while (e[-1]=='\r') e--; framscriptlval.setString(SString(t,e-t)); return ASMLINE; } %% //exclusively for multiline, but it should not be needed, there is some unexpected difference between quoting \n and \" in framscript parsing (TODO) static SString quoteMultiline(const SString &src) { int len=src.len(); SString ret((len*11)/10+10); const char*t=src.c_str(); while(len>0) { switch(*t) { case '\"': ret+="\\\""; break; case '\\': ret+="\\\\"; break; default: ret+=*t; } t++; len--; } return ret; } void framscript_init_lex() { BEGIN 0; yyrestart(0); } void framscript_cleanup_lex() { yy_delete_buffer(yy_current_buffer); }