/*global Module*/ "use strict"; import http from 'http'; import React from 'react'; import Genotypes from './utils/genotypes'; import TitlePanel from './viewskeleton/titlepanel'; import WidgetsContainer from './viewskeleton/widgetscontainer'; import TextViewer from './widgets/textviewer'; import ParmViewer from './widgets/parmviewer'; import SimilViewer from './widgets/similviewer'; import FitViewer from './widgets/fitviewer'; import SliderViewer from './widgets/sliderviewer'; import EndViewer from './widgets/endviewer'; const ROUNDS = 15; const styles = { contentHeaderMenuLink: { textDecoration: 'none', color: 'white', padding: 8, }, content: { padding: '16px', }, sidebarLink: { display: 'block', padding: '16px 0px', color: 'gray', textDecoration: 'none', }, divider: { margin: '8px 0', height: 1, backgroundColor: 'gray', }, }; /** * Main class running Framsticks.JS page. */ class MainView extends React.Component { /** * Basic constructor holding informations about sidebar states * @param {any} props component properties */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.onLayoutChange = this.onLayoutChange.bind(this); window.genetics = new Module.PreconfiguredGenetics(); this.layout = [ {name:'0,textviewer', x: 0, y: 0, w: 9, h: 1}, {name:'2,similviewer', x: 0, y: 1, w: 6, h: 4}, {name:'3,fitviewer', x: 6, y: 1, w: 6, h: 2}, {name:'4,sliderviewer', x: 6, y: 3, w: 6, h: 2}, {name:'1,parmviewer', x: 9, y: 0, w: 3, h: 1} ]; this.container = (this.widgetscontainer = ref)} onLayoutChange={this.onLayoutChange} />; this.state = { genotypes: 0, round: 0, genotype1: '', genotype2: '', pairs: [], id1: 0, id2: 0, parts1: 0, parts2: 0, selected1: [], selected2: [], position1: [0, 0, 0], position2: [0, 0, 0], rotation1: [0, 0, 0], rotation2: [0, 0, 0], userId: 0, userIp: 'localhost', timeStart: 0, selectedGender: {value: "empty", label: " "}, selectedYear: {value: "empty", label: " "}, percent: 0, sliderUpdated: true, isDisable: true, isFinished: false, fitHeight: 2, fitWidth: 6, controlMode: 'translate', blockView: true, result: '' }; this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.getIp = this.getIp.bind(this); this.nextRound = this.nextRound.bind(this); this.saveRound = this.saveRound.bind(this); this.saveFit = this.saveFit.bind(this); this.refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); this.sendToServer = this.sendToServer.bind(this); this.finishApp = this.finishApp.bind(this); this.isReady = this.isReady.bind(this); this.isFitted = this.isFitted.bind(this); this.browserData = this.browserData.bind(this); this.loadNewGenotypes = this.loadNewGenotypes.bind(this); this.handleChangeStartTime = this.handleChangeStartTime.bind(this); this.handleChangeId = this.handleChangeId.bind(this); this.handleChangeIp = this.handleChangeIp.bind(this); this.handleChangeGender = this.handleChangeGender.bind(this); this.handleChangeYear = this.handleChangeYear.bind(this); this.handleChangePercent = this.handleChangePercent.bind(this); this.handleChangeStartTime = this.handleChangeStartTime.bind(this); this.handleChangeFitHeight = this.handleChangeFitHeight.bind(this); this.handleChangeFitWidth = this.handleChangeFitWidth.bind(this); this.handleChangeControlMode = this.handleChangeControlMode.bind(this); this.handleChangePosition1 = this.handleChangePosition1.bind(this); this.handleChangePosition2 = this.handleChangePosition2.bind(this); this.handleChangeRotation1 = this.handleChangeRotation1.bind(this); this.handleChangeRotation2 = this.handleChangeRotation2.bind(this); this.handleChangeBlockView = this.handleChangeBlockView.bind(this); this.onClickNext = this.onClickNext.bind(this); this.onClickFinish = this.onClickFinish.bind(this); } /** * Uses default layout. */ componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener( 'keydown', ( event ) => { switch ( event.keyCode ) { case 84: // T this.handleChangeControlMode( "translate" ); break; case 82: // R this.handleChangeControlMode( "rotate" ); break; } } ); let timeStart = new Date(); this.handleChangeStartTime(timeStart); //set time start this.handleChangeId( Math.round(timeStart.getTime() / 1000).toString() + (Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999999 - 1000000 + 1) ) + 1000000).toString() + this.browserData().toString() ); //set user id = time + random + browserData_hash this.getIp(); //set user ip this.genotypes = new Genotypes(this, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arturolejnik95/human_3d_alignment/master/walking.gen"); //load text from file to this.genotypes let head = "'User ID'|'User IP'|'Gender'|'Year of born'|'Start time'|'Stop time'|'Position of 1st'|'Position of 2nd'|'Rotation of 1st'|'Rotation of 2nd'|'ID 1st'|'ID 2nd'|'Fit'|'Result'\n" this.handleChangeResult(head); } /** * Calls resize event in order to properly set layout */ componentDidUpdate() { //window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); if (this.state.genotype1 != '' && this.state.genotype2 != '') { this.useLayout(this.layout); } } /** * Start questionnaire if genotypes are loaded */ start() { this.setState({ genotypes: this.genotypes.id.length }, function() { console.log(`Genotypes: `, this.state.genotypes); }); this.loadNewGenotypes(); this.handleChangeBlockView(false); this.useLayout(this.layout); } getIp() { http.get({'host': 'api.ipify.org', 'port': 80, 'path': '/'}, (resp) => { resp.on('data', ip => { this.handleChangeIp(ip) }); }); } /** * Save data about this round */ saveRound() { this.setState({ sliderUpdated: false }, function() { console.log('Slider Updated: ' + this.state.sliderUpdated); }); this.isReady(); } /** * Preset result as: * user ID - IP - gender - year of born - start : end - position of 1. : position of 2. * - rotation of 1. : rotation of 2. - id of 1. : id of second - pairs (1. mesh : 2. mesh) - fit result (0 - 100) ; */ saveFit() { let min = Math.min(this.state.parts1, this.state.parts2); let timeStop = new Date(); let start = this.state.timeStart; let stop = timeStop; start = ("0" + start.getDate()).slice(-2) + '.' + ("0" + (start.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '.' + start.getFullYear() + ' ' + String(start.getHours()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + String(start.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + String(start.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0'); stop = ("0" + stop.getDate()).slice(-2) + '.' + ("0" + (stop.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '.' + stop.getFullYear() + ' ' + String(stop.getHours()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + String(stop.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + String(stop.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0'); let fit = this.state.userId + '|' + this.state.userIp + '|' + this.state.selectedGender.value + '|' + this.state.selectedYear.value + '|' + start + '|' + stop + '|' + '(' + this.state.position1[0] + ',' + this.state.position1[1] + ',' + this.state.position1[2] + ')|' + '(' + this.state.position2[0] + ',' + this.state.position2[1] + ',' + this.state.position2[2] + ')|' + '(' + this.state.rotation1[0] + ',' + this.state.rotation1[1] + ',' + this.state.rotation1[2] + ')|' + '(' + this.state.rotation2[0] + ',' + this.state.rotation2[1] + ',' + this.state.rotation2[2] + ')|'; let pair = this.state.pairs[this.state.pairs.length - 1]; fit = fit + this.genotypes.id[pair[0]] + '|' + this.genotypes.id[pair[1]] + '|'; for (let i = 0; i < min; i++) { fit = fit + this.state.selected1[i] + ':' + (this.state.selected2[i].charCodeAt(0) - 65 + 1); if (i < min - 1) { fit = fit + ';'; } } fit = fit + '|' + this.state.percent + '\n'; this.sendToServer(fit); this.handleChangeResult(this.state.result + fit); this.handleChangeStartTime(timeStop); } sendToServer(fit) { let rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest(); rawFile.addEventListener('load', () => { console.log(rawFile.responseText); }); rawFile.addEventListener('error', () => { console.log('Błąd wysyłania na serwer'); }); rawFile.open("POST", 'https://ptsv2.com/t/b7nhq-1578108725/post'); rawFile.setRequestHeader("Content-type", 'text/plain'); rawFile.send(fit); } /** * Load next pair of genotypes */ nextRound() { this.loadNewGenotypes(); this.handleChangeBlockView(false); } /** * Refresh used default layout */ refresh() { this.useLayout(this.layout); } /** * Load new genotypes to simulator viewer */ loadNewGenotypes() { //Firstly it chooses pair of genotypes that user doesnt used before let rand1, rand2, amount1, amount2, gen1, gen2; do { rand1 = 0, rand2 = 0; do { while (rand1 == rand2) { rand1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.state.genotypes); rand2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.state.genotypes); } } while (this.state.pairs.includes([rand1, rand2]) || this.state.pairs.includes([rand2, rand1])); //This part load genotypes to the state gen1 = this.genotypes.genotype[rand1]; gen2 = this.genotypes.genotype[rand2]; amount1 = gen1.split('').filter(function(sign){return sign === 'X'}).length; amount2 = gen2.split('').filter(function(sign){return sign === 'X'}).length; if (amount1 > 0) { amount1++; } if (amount2 > 0) { amount2++ } } while (amount1 > 52 || amount2 > 52); let newpairs = this.state.pairs; if (amount1 <= amount2) { newpairs.push([rand1, rand2]); this.setState({ genotype1: gen1, genotype2: gen2 }, function() { console.log(`Genotypes: `, this.state.genotype1, this.state.genotype2); }); this.setState({parts1: amount1, parts2: amount2}, function() { console.log(this.state.parts1 + ' ' + this.state.parts2); }); } else { newpairs.push([rand2, rand1]); this.setState({ genotype1: gen2, genotype2: gen1 }, function() { console.log(`Genotypes: `, this.state.genotype1, this.state.genotype2); }); this.setState({parts1: amount2, parts2: amount1}, function() { console.log(this.state.parts1 + ' ' + this.state.parts2); }); } this.setState({ pairs: newpairs }, function() { console.log(`Pairs: `, this.state.pairs); }); //Load tables of selected parts in fitviewer let min = Math.min(amount1, amount2); let s1 = []; let s2 = []; for (let i = 0; i < min; i++) { s1.push((i+1).toString()); s2.push(' '); } //Start new round and load to state tables of selected and round let r = this.state.round + 1; this.setState({ round: r, selected1: s1, selected2: s2}, function() { console.log(`Round and state `, this.state.round + '. ' + this.state.selected1 + ' ' + this.state.selected2); }); } /** * Check is user ready to go to the next question by checking choosed gender, birth year and percent of similarity */ isReady() { if (this.state.selectedGender.value != 'empty' && this.state.selectedYear.value != 'empty' && this.state.sliderUpdated) { this.setState({isDisable: false}, function() { console.log(this.state.isDisable); }); } else { if (!this.state.isDisable) { this.setState({isDisable: true}, function() { console.log(this.state.isDisable); }); } } } /** * Check is user matched all needed sticks */ isFitted() { let index1 = this.state.selected1.indexOf(' '); let index2 = this.state.selected2.indexOf(' '); if (index1 < 0 && index2 < 0 && this.state.sliderUpdated) { this.setState({sliderUpdated: false}, function() { console.log(this.state.sliderUpdated); this.isReady(); }); } } /** * Return hash data of browser */ browserData() { let data = navigator.userAgent; let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let character = data.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+character; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; } /** * Performed at the end of the survey */ finishApp() { this.layout = [ {name:'5,endviewer', x: 0, y: 0, w: 12, h: 4} ]; this.useLayout(this.layout); } /** * Allow to change gender in state * @param {string} gen choosed gender by user in listbox */ handleChangeGender(gen) { this.setState({ selectedGender: gen }, function() { console.log(`Gender selected:`, this.state.selectedGender); console.log(this.genotypes.id.length) this.isReady(); }); }; /** * Allow to change IP * @param {number} ip user IP */ handleChangeIp(ip) { this.setState({ userIp: ip }, function() { console.log(`IP:`, this.state.userIp); }); } /** * Allow to change user ID * @param {number} id user ID */ handleChangeId(id) { this.setState({ userId: id }, function() { console.log(`ID:`, this.state.userId); }); } /** * Allow to change start time * @param {number} time time of begging fitting framsticks */ handleChangeStartTime(time) { this.setState({ timeStart: time }, function() { console.log(`Start time:`, this.state.timeStart); }); } /** * Allow to change birth year in state * @param {number} year choosed birth year by user in listbox */ handleChangeYear(year) { this.setState({ selectedYear: year }, function() { console.log(`Birth year selected:`, this.state.selectedYear); this.isReady(); }); } /** * Allow to change percent in state and mark this in state.sliderUpdated * @param {Integer} per choosed similarity of framsticks by user in percentage */ handleChangePercent(per) { this.setState({ percent: per, sliderUpdated: true }, function() { console.log('Percent selected: ' + this.state.percent + ' ' + this.state.sliderUpdated); this.isReady(); }); } /** * * @param {number} nr framstick id * @param {number} pos position on the match map * @param {*} val id of choosed stick */ handleChangeSelected(nr, pos, val) { if (nr == 1) { this.setState(state => { const selected1 = state.selected1.map((item, i) => { if (pos === i) { return val; } else { return item; } }); return { selected1, }; }, function() { console.log(this.state.selected1); this.isFitted(); }); } else { this.setState(state => { const selected2 = state.selected2.map((item, i) => { if (pos === i) { let v = val.charCodeAt(0); if (v > 90) { v = v - 6; } let res = String.fromCharCode(v); return res; } else { return item; } }); return { selected2, }; }, function() { console.log(this.state.selected2); this.isFitted(); }); } } /** * Function to inform fitviewer about change of height to update scrollbar (for firefox) * @param {number} h height */ handleChangeFitHeight(h) { this.setState({ fitHeight: h }, function() { console.log(`Fit Height:`, this.state.fitHeight); }); } /** * Function to inform fitviewer about change of width to update scrollbar (for firefox) * @param {number} w width */ handleChangeFitWidth(w) { this.setState({ fitWidth: w }, function() { console.log(`Fit Width:`, this.state.fitWidth); }); } /** * Allow to change transform controler mode * @param {number} mode translate or rotation */ handleChangeControlMode(mode) { this.setState({ controlMode: mode }, function() { console.log(`Control mode:`, this.state.controlMode); }); } /** * Allow to save actural position of first genotype * @param {Array} pos position [x, y, z] of first genotype */ handleChangePosition1(pos) { this.setState({ position1: pos}, function() { console.log('Position1: ', this.state.position1); }); } /** * Allow to save actural position of second genotype * @param {Array} pos position [x, y, z] of second genotype */ handleChangePosition2(pos) { this.setState({ position2: pos}, function() { console.log('Position2: ', this.state.position2); }); } /** * Allow to save actural rotation of first genotype * @param {Array} rot rotation [x, y, z] of first genotype */ handleChangeRotation1(rot) { this.setState({ rotation1: rot}, function() { console.log('Rotation1: ', this.state.rotation1); }); } /** * Allow to save actural rotation of second genotype * @param {Array} rot rotation [x, y, z] of second genotype */ handleChangeRotation2(rot) { this.setState({ rotation2: rot}, function() { console.log('Rotation2: ', this.state.rotation2); }); } /** * Allow to block view in simviewer * @param {Array} rot rotation [x, y, z] of second genotype */ handleChangeBlockView(bool) { this.setState({ blockView: bool}, function() { console.log('Block View: ', this.state.blockView); }); } /** * Allow to change finish result that will be save in the file at the end * @param {string} res text to be save in file */ handleChangeResult(res) { this.setState({ result: res }, function() { console.log('Result: ', this.state.result); }); } /** * Next button function */ onClickNext() { this.handleChangeBlockView(true); this.saveFit(); if (this.state.round == ROUNDS) { this.setState({ isFinished: true }, function() { console.log('Finish state: ' + this.state.isFinished); if (this.state.isFinished) { this.finishApp(); } }); } else { this.nextRound(); } } /** * Close button function */ onClickFinish() { this.setState({ isFinished: true }, function() { console.log('Finish state: ' + this.state.isFinished); if (this.state.isFinished) { this.finishApp(); } }); } /** * Stores layout, for LocalStorage layout saving * @param {any} layout layout to be saved */ onLayoutChange(layout) { let newlayout = []; for (let i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) { newlayout.push({name: layout[i].i, x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); if (newlayout[i].name == '2fitviewer') { this.handleChangeFitHeight(newlayout[i].h); this.handleChangeFitWidth(newlayout[i].w); } } } /** * Passes layout to widgetscontainer. * @param {any} layout layout to be used */ useLayout(layout) { let items = []; for (let i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) { let name = layout[i].name.split(',')[1]; switch (name) { case 'textviewer': items.push({content: , i: "" + i + 'textviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; case 'similviewer': items.push({content: this.handleChangePosition1(pos)} handleChangePosition2 = {(pos) => this.handleChangePosition2(pos)} handleChangeRotation1 = {(rot) => this.handleChangeRotation1(rot)} handleChangeRotation2 = {(rot) => this.handleChangeRotation2(rot)} controlMode = {this.state.controlMode} round = {this.state.round}/>, i: "" + i + 'similviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; case 'parmviewer': items.push({content: {this.handleChangeYear(year)}} handleChangeGender = {(gen) => {this.handleChangeGender(gen)}} />, i: "" + i + 'parmviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; case 'fitviewer': items.push({content: {this.handleChangeSelected(nr, pos, val)}}/>, i: "" + i + 'fitviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; case 'sliderviewer': items.push({content: {this.onClickNext()}} onClickFinish = {() => {this.onClickFinish()}} handleChangePercent = {(per) => {this.handleChangePercent(per)}}/>, i: "" + i + 'sliderviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; case 'endviewer': items.push({content: , i: "" + i + 'endviewer', x: layout[i].x, y: layout[i].y, w: layout[i].w, h: layout[i].h}); break; } } this.widgetscontainer.addMultipleItems(items); } /** * Render function. * @returns {JSX.Element} main page of Framsticks.JS */ render() { const contentHeader = ( Ankieta ); return (
); } } export default MainView;