// if you want to create levels file of your own make sure it implements: // 1. global variable levels // 2. function initLevels() that initializes levels structure // 3. function nextLevel() that puts into ExpProperties.level variable the value of next level's index (or -1 if random) // descriptions of game levels global levels; function initLevels(){ // define available levels // fields in an level array are: // 1: name, // 2: world size, // 3: world band, // 4: world type, // 5: world map, levels = Vector.new(); // #1 levels.add([ "Small arena", 50, 2, 0, "" ]); // #1 levels.add([ "Medium arena", 65, 2, 0, "" ]); // #1 levels.add([ "Large arena", 80, 2, 0, "" ]); }