# The recording of the "center of gravity" (or mass) of all Parts of a creature during its lifespan, and # the recording of coordinates of all Parts are stored as data->bodyrecording. # Use STORE_ALL_PART_COORDS below to decide how much data you need recorded - maybe only COG and no Parts. # # If STORE_ALL_PART_COORDS=0 below, only COG is stored and the format is # [ [cog1x,cog1y,cog1z], [cog2x,cog2y,cog2z], [cog3x,cog3y,cog3z], ...] # where index numbers in the names are simulation steps. # So you get a vector of COG x,y,z coordinates repeated for every simulation step. # # If STORE_ALL_PART_COORDS=1 below, the format is more verbose with one more level of nesting, because after the COG, # the list of coordinates of all Parts follows (the first index in the names below is the simulation step, the second one is Part number) # [ [[cog1x,cog1y,cog1z], [p1_1x,p1_1y,p1_1z], [p1_2x,p1_2y,p1_2z], ...], ...] # # You can further limit the amount of stored data by recording coordinates less frequently - see onCreaturesStep() comment below. # Adjust 'Energy0' to achieve the lifespan you need. # 'evalcount' should likely be 1 unless you need other performance criteria (like vertpos or distance) averaged from multiple evaluations. # Put this file in the "data" subdirectory within the Framsticks distribution unless you prefer to provide its path when loading. sim_params: expdef:standard-eval evalplan:~ :numparts,numjoints,numneurons,numconnections,instances,lifespan,velocity,distance,vertvel,vertpos,fit,fit_stdev,time,data->bodyrecording~ usercode:~ function onBorn(cr) { super_onBorn(cr); cr.data->bodyrecording=[]; //in the creature's "data" dictionary, create the key "bodyrecording" and initialize its value to empty vector. Equivalent to cr.data["bodyrecording"]=[] } function onCreaturesStep(cr) //change to onCreaturesUpdate(cr) if you want to record every "perfperiod" steps instead of every single step { //super_onCreaturesStep(cr); //there is no onCreaturesStep() defined in parent expdef record(cr); } function addGenotypePerformanceFromCreature(g, cr) //this function is called twice per one evaluation, see comments in super_addGenotypePerformanceFromCreature(). For each evaluation, it is called once with g.instances=0 and empty g.data (to collect a single copy of cr.data) and then once again for instances>=0 (to aggregate cr.data into g.data according to a custom logic implemented in this function). /* For example for evalcount=3, if we wanted to aggregate vectors by appending them: evaluation #1, instances=0: we append [1,2,3] to empty evaluation #1, instances=0: we append [1,2,3] to empty evaluation #2, instances=0: we append [4,5,6] to empty evaluation #2, instances=1: we append [4,5,6] to [1,2,3] evaluation #3, instances=0: we append [7,8,9] to empty evaluation #3, instances=2: we append [7,8,9] to [1,2,3],[4,5,6] */ { //In the code below, we do not support evalcount>1, i.e. we do not collect more information from more evaluations. The last evaluation wins, so we do not have any "aggregation logic" here. //Simulator.print(g.instances); //for debugging double-calls if we ever wanted to have some aggregation logic (then also display g.data) super_addGenotypePerformanceFromCreature(g, cr); g.data->bodyrecording = cr.data->bodyrecording; //no averaging or any other form of aggregation - here assuming we only evaluate a given Genotype object once; if not, then we ignore (overwrite) recordings from previous evaluations of this genotype //Simulator.print("Recorded time steps: %d" % g.data->bodyrecording.size); //just for debugging return g; } // If needed, you can modify the function below to record the bounding box of the agent (to know the extreme values of Part coordinates // without recording the coordinates of all Parts), to record MechJoint propertes, Neuro signals etc. See available fields in // http://www.framsticks.com/files/classdoc/c_creature.html function record(cr) { const STORE_ALL_PART_COORDS = 1; //set to 0 to significantly reduce the amount of data recorded (will only record COG, not all Parts) if (cr.perf_measuring == 1) //record body position only when the creature is in the "performance measuring" period { var cog = cr.centerOfGravity.toVector; // toVector yields [centerOfGravity.x, centerOfGravity.y, centerOfGravityg.z] if (STORE_ALL_PART_COORDS) { var now = [cog]; for (var j=0; jbodyrecording.add(now); } else cr.data->bodyrecording.add(cog); } } ~