Framscript Context Configuration

Note: This formatting sheet would also use framscript.xml to show object names if that file was available This formatting sheet also includes object names extracted from framscript.xml
File typesContentsExamples

Objects defined in the following contexts can be stored directly in the file: (using the standard framsticks format)

Contains the script (plain text format) accessing objects defined in the following contexts:

Special objects properties are created according to property definitions in the file:

sample file

# object defined in ""

# sample object that contains the script:
function fun()
// using some objects from ""

# this property will be visible as ".field"
name:My property

// script directly in the file
function fun()
// using some objects from 

  • ( , )
  • ":" field of ":" contains a script that can access objects defined in the following contexts:

  • is defined by "" objects