Changeset 797 for cpp/frams/genetics/fB
- Timestamp:
- 06/06/18 01:45:18 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- cpp/frams/genetics/fB
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r780 r797 1 // This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. 2 // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. 3 // See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 1 5 #include "fB_conv.h" 2 6 … … 89 93 continue; 90 94 } 91 fH_Handle *handle = convertCharacterToHandle(gene[2], dims, start, end, ranges); 95 int hclasspos = 2; 96 if (gene[2] == '"') 97 { 98 hclasspos--; 99 if (!getNextCharId(gene, hclasspos)) 100 { 101 return ""; 102 } 103 } 104 fH_Handle *handle = convertCharacterToHandle(gene[hclasspos], dims, start, end, ranges); 92 105 ParamEntry *tab = creature.getParamTab(handle->type); 93 106 void *obj = ParamObject::makeObject(tab); … … 97 110 98 111 int propindex = 0; 99 int z = 3; 112 int z = hclasspos; 113 if (gene[z] == '"') 114 { 115 z--; 116 if (!getNextCharId(gene, z)) 117 { 118 delete handle; 119 ParamObject::freeObject(obj); 120 return ""; 121 } 122 } 100 123 endoffset = 0; 101 124 if (gene.indexOf("zz", 0) != -1) endoffset = 2; 125 int nclassdefcount = 1; 102 126 while (z < gene.len() - endoffset) 103 127 { 104 if (processNextLetter(creature, handle, par, gene, propindex, z, ranges) == -1) 105 { 106 logMessage("GenoConv_fBH", "convert", LOG_WARN, "Property of fH could not be parsed"); 107 } 128 if (processNextLetter(creature, handle, par, gene, propindex, z, ranges, nclassdefcount) == -1) 129 { 130 logMessage("GenoConv_fBH", "convert", LOG_ERROR, "Property of fH could not be parsed"); 131 delete handle; 132 ParamObject::freeObject(obj); 133 return ""; 134 } 135 } 136 if (handle->type == fHBodyType::NEURON && propindex < par.getPropCount()) 137 { 138 SString nclass; 139 if (!getNeuroClass(gene, nclass, nclassdefcount)) 140 { 141 delete handle; 142 ParamObject::freeObject(obj); 143 return ""; 144 } 145 par.setStringById(FH_PE_NEURO_DET, nclass); 108 146 } 109 147 handle->loadProperties(par); … … 132 170 } 133 171 134 int GenoConv_fBH::processNextLetter(fH_Builder &creature, fH_Handle *&currhandle, Param &par, SString gene, int &propindex, int &i, std::vector<IRange> ranges[3]) 172 bool GenoConv_fBH::getNextCharId(SString genotype, int &i) 173 { 174 i++; 175 if (genotype[i] == '"') 176 { 177 int nextid = i + 1; 178 do 179 { 180 nextid = genotype.indexOf('"', nextid); 181 if (nextid == -1) 182 { 183 return false; 184 } 185 nextid++; 186 } 187 while (genotype[nextid] == '"'); 188 i = nextid; 189 } 190 return true; 191 } 192 193 bool GenoConv_fBH::getNeuroClass(SString gene, SString &def, int nclassdefcount) 194 { 195 SString lastdef = "N"; 196 int nclass = 0; 197 int pos = 0; 198 while (nclass < nclassdefcount) 199 { 200 pos = gene.indexOf('\"', pos); 201 if (pos == -1) 202 { 203 def = lastdef; 204 return true; 205 } 206 pos++; 207 SString currdef; 208 if (gene.indexOf('\"', pos) == -1 || !gene.getNextToken(pos, currdef, '\"')) 209 { 210 def = lastdef; 211 return false; 212 } 213 lastdef = currdef; 214 nclass++; 215 } 216 def = lastdef; 217 return true; 218 } 219 220 int GenoConv_fBH::processNextLetter(fH_Builder &creature, fH_Handle *&currhandle, Param &par, SString gene, int &propindex, int &i, std::vector<IRange> ranges[3], int &nclassdefcount) 135 221 { 136 222 if (propindex >= par.getPropCount()) … … 147 233 par.setDefault(); 148 234 propindex = 0; 149 i++; 235 if (!getNextCharId(gene, i)) 236 return -1; 150 237 return 0; 151 238 } … … 166 253 } 167 254 propindex++; 168 i++; 255 if (!getNextCharId(gene, i)) 256 return -1; 169 257 return 0; 170 258 } 171 259 else if (currhandle->type == fHBodyType::NEURON && * == 'd') 172 260 { 173 //TODO: handle neuron classes and properties 261 //When 'd' property appears for i-th element in gene, the method 262 //looks for i-th neuron definition 263 SString nclass; 264 if (!getNeuroClass(gene, nclass, nclassdefcount)) return -1; 265 par.setString(propindex, nclass); 174 266 propindex++; 175 i++; 267 nclassdefcount++; 268 if (!getNextCharId(gene, i)) 269 return -1; 176 270 return 0; 177 271 } -
r780 r797 1 // This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. 2 // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. 3 // See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 1 5 #ifndef _FB_CONV_H_ 2 6 #define _FB_CONV_H_ … … 8 12 { 9 13 private: 14 bool getNextCharId(SString genotype, int &i); 10 15 double convertCharacterTo01(char c); 11 16 double convertCharacterToWeight(char c); 12 17 static fH_Handle* convertCharacterToHandle(char c, int dims, int start, int end, std::vector<IRange> ranges[3]); 13 int processNextLetter(fH_Builder &creature, fH_Handle *&currhandle, Param &par, SString gene, int &propindex, int &i, std::vector<IRange> ranges[3]); 18 int processNextLetter(fH_Builder &creature, fH_Handle *&currhandle, Param &par, SString gene, int &propindex, int &i, std::vector<IRange> ranges[3], int &nclassdefcount); 19 bool getNeuroClass(SString gene, SString &def, int nclassdefcount); 14 20 15 21 public: -
r780 r797 1 // This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. 2 // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. 3 // See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 1 5 #ifndef _FB_GENERAL_H_ 2 6 #define _FB_GENERAL_H_ … … 10 14 { 11 15 int start = 0; 16 int prev = 0; 12 17 int count = -1; 13 18 do { 14 19 count++; 15 20 start = geno.indexOf("aa", start) + 1; // +1 is for progress, starting codons can overlap 21 int quotecount = 0; 22 for (int q = prev; q < start; q++) if (geno[q] == '\"') quotecount++; 23 prev = start; 24 if (quotecount % 2 != 0) count--; // 'aa' sequence is within quotes 16 25 } while (start - 1 != -1); 17 26 return count; … … 25 34 count++; 26 35 start = genotype.indexOf("aa", start) + 1; 36 int quotecount = 0; 37 for (int q = 0; q < start; q++) if (genotype[q] == '\"') quotecount++; 38 if (quotecount % 2 != 0) count--; // 'aa' sequence is within quotes 27 39 } while (start - 1 != -1 && count != i); 28 40 if (start - 1 == -1) // there is no gene with a given "i" … … 33 45 } 34 46 end = start; 35 end = genotype.indexOf("zz", end); 47 int quotecount = 0; 48 do { 49 quotecount = 0; 50 end = genotype.indexOf("zz", end); 51 if (end != -1) 52 { 53 for (int q = start; q < end; q++) if (genotype[q] == '\"') quotecount++; 54 if (quotecount % 2 != 0) end++; 55 } 56 } while (quotecount % 2 != 0 && end != -1); 57 36 58 if (end == -1) end = genotype.len(); 37 59 else end += 2; -
r780 r797 1 // This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. 2 // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. 3 // See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 1 5 #include <frams/util/sstring.h> 2 6 #include <vector> … … 5 9 #include "fB_general.h" 6 10 #include "fB_oper.h" 11 #include "../fH/fH_oper.h" 7 12 8 13 #define FIELDSTRUCT Geno_fB … … 10 15 static ParamEntry GENOfBparam_tab[] = 11 16 { 12 { "Genetics: fB", 3, FB_MUT_COUNT + FB_XOVER_COUNT, }, // ask about it17 { "Genetics: fB", 3, FB_MUT_COUNT + FB_XOVER_COUNT, }, 13 18 { "Genetics: fB: Mutation", }, 14 19 { "Genetics: fB: Crossover", }, 15 20 { "fB_mut_substitution", 1, 0, "Substitution", "f 0 1 0.6", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_SUBSTITUTION]), "Probability of mutation by changing single random letter in genotype", }, 16 { "fB_mut_insertion", 1, 0, "Insertion", "f 0 1 0.1", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_INSERTION]), "Probability of mutation by inserting characters in random place of genotype", }, 21 { "fB_mut_insertion", 1, 0, "Insertion", "f 0 1 0.95", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_INSERTION]), "Probability of mutation by inserting characters in random place of genotype", }, 22 { "fB_mut_nclassins", 1, 0, "Insertion of neuron class definition", "f 0 1 0.05", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_NCLASSINS]), "Probability of mutation by inserting neuron class definition in random place of genotype", }, 17 23 { "fB_mut_deletion", 1, 0, "Deletion", "f 0 1 0.1", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_DELETION]), "Probability of mutation by deleting random characters in genotype", }, 18 24 { "fB_mut_duplication", 1, 0, "Duplication", "f 0 1 0.05", FIELD(mutationprobs[FB_DUPLICATION]), "Probability of mutation by copying single *gene* of genotype and appending it to the beginning of this genotype", }, … … 81 87 if (!islower(genotype[i])) 82 88 { 83 return i + 1; 89 if (genotype[i] == '"') 90 { 91 SString neuclassdef; 92 int nextid = i + 1; 93 if (!genotype.getNextToken(nextid, neuclassdef, '"')) 94 { 95 return i + 1; 96 } 97 Neuro *neu = new Neuro(); 98 neu->setDetails(neuclassdef); 99 100 bool isclass = neu->getClass() ? true : false; 101 delete neu; 102 if (!isclass) 103 { 104 return i + 1; 105 } 106 i = nextid; 107 } 108 else 109 { 110 return i + 1; 111 } 84 112 } 85 113 } … … 121 149 if (!isalpha(genotype[i])) 122 150 { 123 return GENOPER_OPFAIL; 151 if (genotype[i] == '"') 152 { 153 SString neuclassdef; 154 int nextid = i + 1; 155 if (!genotype.getNextToken(nextid, neuclassdef, '"')) 156 { 157 return i + 1; 158 } 159 Neuro *neu = new Neuro(); 160 neu->setDetails(neuclassdef); 161 162 bool isclass = neu->getClass() ? true : false; 163 delete neu; 164 if (!isclass) 165 { 166 return i + 1; 167 } 168 i = nextid; 169 } 170 else 171 { 172 return GENOPER_OPFAIL; 173 } 124 174 } 125 175 // if character is uppercase, then convert it to lowercase 126 if (isupper(genotype[i]))176 else if (isupper(genotype[i])) 127 177 { 128 178 genotype.directWrite()[i] = tolower(genotype[i]); … … 142 192 } 143 193 return GENOPER_OK; 194 } 195 196 SString Geno_fB::detokenizeSequence(std::list<SString> tokenlist) 197 { 198 SString res = ""; 199 for (std::list<SString>::iterator it = tokenlist.begin(); it != tokenlist.end(); it++) 200 { 201 res += (*it); 202 } 203 return res; 204 } 205 206 std::list<SString> Geno_fB::tokenizeSequence(SString genotype) 207 { 208 std::list<SString> res; 209 int i = 0; 210 while (i < genotype.len()) 211 { 212 // if character is not alphabetic - error 213 if (isalpha(genotype[i])) 214 { 215 SString el = ""; 216 el += genotype[i]; 217 res.push_back(el); 218 i++; 219 } 220 else 221 { 222 SString neuclassdef; 223 i++; 224 genotype.getNextToken(i, neuclassdef, '"'); 225 SString ndef = "\""; 226 ndef += neuclassdef; 227 ndef += "\""; 228 res.push_back(ndef); 229 } 230 } 231 return res; 144 232 } 145 233 … … 157 245 case FB_SUBSTITUTION: 158 246 { 159 int rndid = randomN(line.len()); // select random letter from genotype 247 std::list<SString> tokenized = tokenizeSequence(line); 248 int rndid = randomN(tokenized.size()); // select random letter from genotype 160 249 // increment/decrement character - when overflow happens, this method 161 250 // uses reflect method 162 if (randomN(2) == 0) 163 { 164 if (line[rndid] == 'a') line.directWrite()[rndid] = 'b'; 165 else line.directWrite()[rndid] = line[rndid] - 1; 251 std::list<SString>::iterator it = tokenized.begin(); 252 std::advance(it, rndid); 253 SString t = (*it); 254 if ((*it).len() == 1) 255 { 256 if (randomN(2) == 0) 257 { 258 if ((*it)[0] == 'a') (*it).directWrite()[0] = 'b'; 259 else (*it).directWrite()[0] = (*it)[0] - 1; 260 } 261 else 262 { 263 if ((*it)[0] == 'z') (*it).directWrite()[0] = 'y'; 264 else (*it).directWrite()[0] = (*it)[0] + 1; 265 } 266 chg = 1.0 / line.len(); 166 267 } 167 268 else 168 269 { 169 if (line[rndid] == 'z') line.directWrite()[rndid] = 'y'; 170 else line.directWrite()[rndid] = line[rndid] + 1; 171 } 270 // first method needs to extract quotes 271 SString def = (*it); 272 def = def.substr(1, def.len() - 2); 273 Geno_fH::mutateNeuronProperties(def); 274 SString res = "\""; 275 res += def; 276 res += "\""; 277 (*it) = res; 278 chg = (double)def.len() / line.len(); 279 } 280 line = detokenizeSequence(tokenized); 281 break; 282 } 283 case FB_INSERTION: 284 { 172 285 chg = 1.0 / line.len(); 173 break; 174 } 175 case FB_INSERTION: 286 std::list<SString> tokenized = tokenizeSequence(line); 287 int rndid = randomN(tokenized.size()); // select random insertion point 288 std::list<SString>::iterator it = tokenized.begin(); 289 std::advance(it, rndid); 290 SString letter = "a"; 291 letter.directWrite()[0] = 'a' + randomN(26); 292 tokenized.insert(it, letter); 293 line = detokenizeSequence(tokenized); 294 break; 295 } 296 case FB_NCLASSINS: 297 { 298 std::list<SString> tokenized = tokenizeSequence(line); 299 std::list<SString>::iterator it = tokenized.begin(); 300 int rndid = randomN(tokenized.size()); // select random insertion point 301 std::advance(it, rndid); 302 NeuroClass *cls = getRandomNeuroClass(); 303 SString classdef = cls->getName(); 304 Geno_fH::mutateNeuronProperties(classdef); 305 SString res = "\""; 306 res += classdef; 307 res += "\""; 308 tokenized.insert(it, res); 309 chg = (double)classdef.len() / line.len(); 310 line = detokenizeSequence(tokenized); 311 break; 312 } 313 case FB_DELETION: 176 314 { 177 315 chg = 1.0 / line.len(); 178 int rndid = randomN(genotype.len()); // select random insertion point 179 char letter = 'a' + randomN(26); 180 SString result = line.substr(0, rndid); 181 result += letter; 182 result += line.substr(rndid); 183 line = result; 184 break; 185 } 186 case FB_DELETION: 187 { 188 chg = 1.0 / line.len(); 189 int rndid = randomN(line.len()); // select random insertion point 190 if (rndid == line.len() - 1) 191 { 192 line = line.substr(0, line.len() - 1); 193 } 194 else 195 { 196 line = line.substr(0, rndid) + line.substr(rndid + 1); 197 } 316 std::list<SString> tokenized = tokenizeSequence(line); 317 std::list<SString>::iterator it = tokenized.begin(); 318 int rndid = randomN(tokenized.size()); // select random deletion point 319 std::advance(it, rndid); 320 tokenized.erase(it); 321 line = detokenizeSequence(tokenized); 198 322 break; 199 323 } … … 210 334 case FB_TRANSLOCATION: 211 335 { 212 std::vector<int> cuts(4); 336 std::list<SString> tokenized = tokenizeSequence(line); 337 std::vector<unsigned int> cuts(4); 213 338 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 214 339 { 215 cuts[i] = randomN( line.len());340 cuts[i] = randomN(tokenized.size()); 216 341 } 217 342 std::sort(cuts.begin(), cuts.end()); 218 SString first = line.substr(cuts[0], cuts[1] - cuts[0]); 219 SString second = line.substr(cuts[2], cuts[3] - cuts[2]); 220 SString result = line.substr(0, cuts[0]) + second + 221 line.substr(cuts[1], cuts[2] - cuts[1]) + first + line.substr(cuts[3]); 222 line = result; 343 std::vector<std::list<SString>::iterator> iters(4); 344 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 345 { 346 iters[i] = tokenized.begin(); 347 std::advance(iters[i], cuts[i]); 348 } 349 350 std::list<SString> res; 351 res.insert(res.end(), tokenized.begin(), iters[0]); 352 res.insert(res.end(), iters[2], iters[3]); 353 res.insert(res.end(), iters[1], iters[2]); 354 res.insert(res.end(), iters[0], iters[1]); 355 res.insert(res.end(), iters[3], tokenized.end()); 356 357 // SString first = line.substr(cuts[0], cuts[1] - cuts[0]); 358 // SString second = line.substr(cuts[2], cuts[3] - cuts[2]); 359 // SString result = line.substr(0, cuts[0]) + second + 360 // line.substr(cuts[1], cuts[2] - cuts[1]) + first + line.substr(cuts[3]); 361 line = detokenizeSequence(res); 223 362 chg = (float)(cuts[3] - cuts[2] + cuts[1] - cuts[0]) / line.len(); 224 363 break; -
r780 r797 1 // This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. 2 // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. 3 // See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 1 5 #ifndef _FB_OPER_H_ 2 6 #define _FB_OPER_H_ 3 7 4 8 #include "../genooperators.h" 9 #include <list> 5 10 6 11 /** @name Codes for general fB mutation types */ … … 8 13 #define FB_SUBSTITUTION 0 ///<Relative probability of mutation by changing single random letter in genotype (substitution) 9 14 #define FB_INSERTION 1 ///<Relative probability of mutation by inserting characters in random place of genotype 10 #define FB_DELETION 2 ///<Relative probability of mutation by deleting random characters in genotype 11 #define FB_DUPLICATION 3 ///<Relative probability of mutation by copying single *gene* of genotype and appending it to the beginning of this genotype 12 #define FB_TRANSLOCATION 4 ///<Relative probability of mutation by replacing two substrings in genotype 13 #define FB_MUT_COUNT 5 ///<Count of mutation types 15 #define FB_NCLASSINS 2 ///<Relative probability of mutation by inserting neuron class definition in random place of genotype 16 #define FB_DELETION 3 ///<Relative probability of mutation by deleting random characters in genotype 17 #define FB_DUPLICATION 4 ///<Relative probability of mutation by copying single *gene* of genotype and appending it to the beginning of this genotype 18 #define FB_TRANSLOCATION 5 ///<Relative probability of mutation by replacing two substrings in genotype 19 #define FB_MUT_COUNT 6 ///<Count of mutation types 14 20 //@} 15 21 … … 25 31 private: 26 32 bool hasStick(SString genotype); 33 SString detokenizeSequence(std::list<SString> tokenlist); 34 std::list<SString> tokenizeSequence(SString genotype); 27 35 28 36 public:
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