09/04/17 04:03:15 (8 years ago)

Updated for the most recent Framsticks release v5.0rc10

1 edited


  • java/Framclipse/com.framsticks.framclipse/res/framscript.xml

    r663 r693  
    199199                <element name="bboxCenter" type="XYZ" flags="1"/>
    200200                <element name="bboxSize" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     201                <element name="bboxGroundOffset" type="float" flags="3">
     202                        <description><![CDATA[Due to multiple modes of simulation and Part shapes, you need to add this value to the intended creature bottom elevation to get the 'z' coordinate of the bboxLow that places the creature exactly on the specific height level.
     204creature.locationSetBboxLow(10,10,0+creature.bboxGroundOffset); //bottom of the crearture will be at level 0 on a flat ground]]></description>
     205                </element>
    201206                <element name="centerOfGravity" type="XYZ" flags="3">
    202207                        <description><![CDATA[Only updated once every 'perfperiod' steps!]]></description>
    10951100                </element>
    10961101                <element name="getSimplest" function="true" type="Geno" flags="34">
    1097                         <description><![CDATA[returns the simplest genotype for a given encoding (format). 0 means f0, 4 means f4, etc.]]></description>
    1098                         <arguments>
    1099                                 <argument name="format" type="integer"/>
     1102                        <description><![CDATA[returns the simplest genotype for a given encoding (format). "0" means f0, "4" means f4, etc.]]></description>
     1103                        <arguments>
     1104                                <argument name="format" type="string"/>
    11001105                        </arguments>
    11011106                </element>
    15531558                        <description><![CDATA[mutation: probability of changing a node]]></description>
    15541559                </element>
     1560                <element name="f4_mut_exmod" type="string" max="30">
     1561                        <description><![CDATA[Modifiers that will not be added nor deleted during mutation
     1562(all: LlRrCcQqFfMmIiEeWwAaSs)]]></description>
     1563                </element>
    15551564                <element name="f9_mut" type="float" min="0" max="1" default="0.1">
    15561565                        <description><![CDATA[How many genes should be mutated during single mutation (1=all genes, 0.1=ten percent)]]></description>
    16791688                </element>
    16801689                <element name="simi" type="float" flags="3">
    1681                         <description><![CDATA[Read about details:
     1690                        <description><![CDATA[Average of (1+dissimilarity(thisgeno,othergeno)) calculated for all other Genotype instances. This property is meant as fitness multiplier, included in the fitness function when similarity speciation (ExpProperties.cr_simi) is enabled.
     1691Read about details of dissimilarity calculation and its applications:
    22302240        </type>
    22312241        <type name="ModelSymmetry" context="Global context">
    2232 <description><![CDATA[Calculates bilateral symmetry. Details are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-and-Jaskowski-2008]]></description>
     2242<description><![CDATA[Calculates bilateral symmetry. Details are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Jaskowski-and-Komosinski-2008]]></description>
    22332243                <element name="calculateSymmetry" function="true" type="float" flags="32">
    22342244                        <description><![CDATA[Returns bilateral symmetry (0.0 .. 1.0) for a given Model using default precision parameters (symPosSteps,symAlphaSteps,symBetaSteps). Returns the symmetry plane, too (sets symResultA,B,C,D).
    32513261                </element>
    32523262                <element name="povex_dust" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1"/>
     3263                <element name="povex_energy" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1"/>
    32533264                <element name="povex_enable" function="true" flags="8"/>
    32543265                <element name="povex_disable" function="true" flags="8"/>
    35683579                </element>
    35693580                <element name="wrldmap" type="string">
    3570                         <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (Type: Blocks or Heighfield). Enter
    3571    r <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
    3572 to generate a random landscape, or
    3573    m <sizex> <sizey> digits
    3574    M <sizex> <sizey> numbers
    3575 to provide height values.
     3581                        <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (only applies to world types: "Blocks" or "Height field").
     3582To generate a random landscape, use:
     3583   r[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
     3584To generate a custom landscape, provide height values:
     3585   m[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> digits...
     3586 or
     3587   M[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> numbers...
     3589"digits..." is a sequence of integer values 0,1,2,..,9. You may also use '-' and '|' characters for smooth slides between blocks.
     3590"numbers..." is a sequence of floating point values, so the "M" option provides more freedom.
     3591[scaling] is an optional linear scaling expression in the form of *FACTOR+OFFSET or *FACTOR-OFFSET, for example "r*0.1-2 5 5" creates a 5x5 random map with a 10% amplitude, shifted down by 2.
    35773593See also the WorldMap object.]]></description>
    37073723                </element>
    37083724                <element name="getSimplest" function="true" type="Geno" flags="34">
    3709                         <description><![CDATA[returns the simplest genotype for a given encoding (format). 0 means f0, 4 means f4, etc.]]></description>
    3710                         <arguments>
    3711                                 <argument name="format" type="integer"/>
     3725                        <description><![CDATA[returns the simplest genotype for a given encoding (format). "0" means f0, "4" means f4, etc.]]></description>
     3726                        <arguments>
     3727                                <argument name="format" type="string"/>
    37123728                        </arguments>
    37133729                </element>
    41574173                <element name="f4_mut_mod" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="30.0">
    41584174                        <description><![CDATA[mutation: probability of changing a node]]></description>
     4175                </element>
     4176                <element name="f4_mut_exmod" type="string" max="30">
     4177                        <description><![CDATA[Modifiers that will not be added nor deleted during mutation
     4178(all: LlRrCcQqFfMmIiEeWwAaSs)]]></description>
    41594179                </element>
    41604180                <element name="f9_mut" type="float" min="0" max="1" default="0.1">
    52335253                </element>
    52345254                <element name="wrldmap" type="string">
    5235                         <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (Type: Blocks or Heighfield). Enter
    5236    r <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
    5237 to generate a random landscape, or
    5238    m <sizex> <sizey> digits
    5239    M <sizex> <sizey> numbers
    5240 to provide height values.
     5255                        <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (only applies to world types: "Blocks" or "Height field").
     5256To generate a random landscape, use:
     5257   r[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
     5258To generate a custom landscape, provide height values:
     5259   m[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> digits...
     5260 or
     5261   M[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> numbers...
     5263"digits..." is a sequence of integer values 0,1,2,..,9. You may also use '-' and '|' characters for smooth slides between blocks.
     5264"numbers..." is a sequence of floating point values, so the "M" option provides more freedom.
     5265[scaling] is an optional linear scaling expression in the form of *FACTOR+OFFSET or *FACTOR-OFFSET, for example "r*0.1-2 5 5" creates a 5x5 random map with a 10% amplitude, shifted down by 2.
    52425267See also the WorldMap object.]]></description>
    56095634                </element>
    56105635                <element name="simi" type="float" flags="3">
    5611                         <description><![CDATA[Read about details:
     5636                        <description><![CDATA[Average of (1+dissimilarity(thisgeno,othergeno)) calculated for all other Genotype instances. This property is meant as fitness multiplier, included in the fitness function when similarity speciation (ExpProperties.cr_simi) is enabled.
     5637Read about details of dissimilarity calculation and its applications:
    58075833                <element name="bboxCenter" type="XYZ" flags="1"/>
    58085834                <element name="bboxSize" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     5835                <element name="bboxGroundOffset" type="float" flags="3">
     5836                        <description><![CDATA[Due to multiple modes of simulation and Part shapes, you need to add this value to the intended creature bottom elevation to get the 'z' coordinate of the bboxLow that places the creature exactly on the specific height level.
     5838creature.locationSetBboxLow(10,10,0+creature.bboxGroundOffset); //bottom of the crearture will be at level 0 on a flat ground]]></description>
     5839                </element>
    58095840                <element name="centerOfGravity" type="XYZ" flags="3">
    58105841                        <description><![CDATA[Only updated once every 'perfperiod' steps!]]></description>
    63766407                        <description><![CDATA[Displays a guess of the symmetry plane (may take a long time to compue for complex bodies).
    63776408Use scripting and the ModelSymmetry class to compute symmetry accurately.
    6378 Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-and-Jaskowski-2008]]></description>
     6409Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Jaskowski-and-Komosinski-2008]]></description>
    63796410                </element>
    63806411        </type>
    64546485                        <description><![CDATA[Displays a guess of the symmetry plane (may take a long time to compue for complex bodies).
    64556486Use scripting and the ModelSymmetry class to compute symmetry accurately.
    6456 Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-and-Jaskowski-2008]]></description>
     6487Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Jaskowski-and-Komosinski-2008]]></description>
    64576488                </element>
    64586489        </type>
    64646495                </element>
    64656496                <element name="wrldmap" type="string">
    6466                         <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (Type: Blocks or Heighfield). Enter
    6467    r <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
    6468 to generate a random landscape, or
    6469    m <sizex> <sizey> digits
    6470    M <sizex> <sizey> numbers
    6471 to provide height values.
     6497                        <description><![CDATA[Description of the world (only applies to world types: "Blocks" or "Height field").
     6498To generate a random landscape, use:
     6499   r[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
     6500To generate a custom landscape, provide height values:
     6501   m[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> digits...
     6502 or
     6503   M[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> numbers...
     6505"digits..." is a sequence of integer values 0,1,2,..,9. You may also use '-' and '|' characters for smooth slides between blocks.
     6506"numbers..." is a sequence of floating point values, so the "M" option provides more freedom.
     6507[scaling] is an optional linear scaling expression in the form of *FACTOR+OFFSET or *FACTOR-OFFSET, for example "r*0.1-2 5 5" creates a 5x5 random map with a 10% amplitude, shifted down by 2.
    64736509See also the WorldMap object.]]></description>
    74747510                        <description><![CDATA[Displays a guess of the symmetry plane (may take a long time to compue for complex bodies).
    74757511Use scripting and the ModelSymmetry class to compute symmetry accurately.
    7476 Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-and-Jaskowski-2008]]></description>
     7512Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in http://www.framsticks.com/bib/Jaskowski-and-Komosinski-2008]]></description>
    74777513                </element>
    74787514        </type>
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