12/05/16 03:34:28 (8 years ago)

Updated for Framsticks version 5.0rc8

1 edited


  • java/Framclipse/com.framsticks.framclipse/res/framscript.xml

    r531 r641  
    131131                <element name="energ0" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8226"/>
    132132                <element name="energy0" type="float"/>
    133                 <element name="idleen" type="float"/>
     133                <element name="idleen" type="float">
     134                        <description><![CDATA[The amount of energy subtracted from the energy of this creature in each simulation step, as in: cr.energy-=cr.idleen;]]></description>
     135                </element>
    134136                <element name="energy" type="float"/>
    135137                <element name="perf" type="integer" min="0" max="2">
    148150                        <description><![CDATA[Current self-collision state. In old versions this was a field, not a function.]]></description>
    150                 <element name="lifespan" type="integer"/>
     152                <element name="lifespan" type="integer">
     153                        <description><![CDATA[While the creature's performance measurement is enabled, the creature's lifespan is incremented in "performance sampling period" intervals.]]></description>
     154                </element>
     155                <element name="steps_after_birth" type="integer">
     156                        <description><![CDATA["Birth" is the moment when the simulation of a creature starts.]]></description>
     157                </element>
     158                <element name="steps_in_lifespan" type="integer">
     159                        <description><![CDATA["Lifespan" is the period during simulation of a creature when its performance measurement is enabled.]]></description>
     160                </element>
    151161                <element name="distance" type="float"/>
    152162                <element name="c_velocity" type="float"/>
    156166                <element name="vertpos" type="float"/>
    157167                <element name="vertvel" type="float"/>
    158                 <element name="pos_x" type="float" flags="3">
     168                <element name="pos_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    159169                        <description><![CDATA[(pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) is the point of minimal coordinates ("bottom left corner") of the creature, including imaginary Part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). See also: Creature.moveAbs]]></description>
    160170                </element>
    161                 <element name="pos_y" type="float" flags="3">
     171                <element name="pos_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    162172                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.pos_x]]></description>
    163173                </element>
    164                 <element name="pos_z" type="float" flags="3">
     174                <element name="pos_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    165175                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.pos_x]]></description>
    166176                </element>
    167                 <element name="size_x" type="float" flags="3">
     177                <element name="size_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    168178                        <description><![CDATA[(size_x,size_y,size_z) are dimensions of the axis-aligned bounding box of the creature, including the imaginary part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). A creature consisting of a single default Part has the size of (2.0,2.0,2.0) - twice the Part.s value (like a sphere diameter is twice its radius).
    169179See also: Creature.moveAbs]]></description>
    170180                </element>
    171                 <element name="size_y" type="float" flags="3">
     181                <element name="size_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    172182                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.size_x]]></description>
    173183                </element>
    174                 <element name="size_z" type="float" flags="3">
     184                <element name="size_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    175185                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.size_x]]></description>
    176186                </element>
    177                 <element name="center_x" type="float" flags="1">
     187                <element name="center_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    178188                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    179189                </element>
    180                 <element name="center_y" type="float" flags="1">
     190                <element name="center_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    181191                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    182192                </element>
    183                 <element name="center_z" type="float" flags="1">
     193                <element name="center_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    184194                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
     195                </element>
     196                <element name="bboxLow" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     197                <element name="bboxHigh" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     198                <element name="bboxCenter" type="XYZ" flags="1"/>
     199                <element name="bboxSize" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     200                <element name="centerOfGravity" type="XYZ" flags="3">
     201                        <description><![CDATA[Only updated once every 'perfperiod' steps!]]></description>
    185202                </element>
    186203                <element name="numparts" type="integer" flags="3"/>
    192209                <element name="user2" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    193210                <element name="user3" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    194                 <element name="move" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    195                         <description><![CDATA[Shift the creature by a given vector.]]></description>
     211                <element name="move" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     212                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationMoveBy().]]></description>
     213                        <arguments>
     214                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     215                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     216                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     217                        </arguments>
     218                </element>
     219                <element name="locationMoveBy" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     220                        <description><![CDATA[Shift the creature by a given vector (in world coordinates).]]></description>
     221                        <arguments>
     222                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     223                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     224                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     225                        </arguments>
     226                </element>
     227                <element name="moveAbs" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     228                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationSetBboxLow().]]></description>
    196229                        <arguments>
    197230                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    200233                        </arguments>
    201234                </element>
    202                 <element name="moveAbs" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    203                         <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature so that its origin (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) is placed at the given location. The origin is the point of minimal coordinates ("bottom left corner"), including imaginary part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0).
    204 Assuming a simple single-stick creature "X" having parts at (0,0,0) and (1,0,0),
    206 origin (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) = (-1,-1,-1)
    207 size (size_x,size_y,size_z) = (3,2,2)
    209 The following example places the bottom of a creature at a given location (x,y,z):
    210 Creature.moveAbs(x-(Creature.size_x/2),y-(Creature.size_y/2),z-1.0)
    211 (assuming that the part size is 1.0)]]></description>
     235                <element name="locationSetBboxLow" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     236                        <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature as determined by the "low" corner (the one with the lower coordinate values) of the bounding box of a creature.]]></description>
    212237                        <arguments>
    213238                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    216241                        </arguments>
    217242                </element>
    218                 <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    219                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     243                <element name="locationSetBboxCenter" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     244                        <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature as determined by the center of the bounding box of a creature.]]></description>
    220245                        <arguments>
    221246                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    224249                        </arguments>
    225250                </element>
     251                <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     252                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationMoveLocalBy]]></description>
     253                        <arguments>
     254                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     255                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     256                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     257                        </arguments>
     258                </element>
     259                <element name="locationMoveLocalBy" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     260                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
     261                        <arguments>
     262                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     263                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     264                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     265                        </arguments>
     266                </element>
    226267                <element name="localToWorld" function="true" type="XYZ" flags="32">
    227                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     268                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
    228269                        <arguments>
    229270                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    233274                </element>
    234275                <element name="worldToLocal" function="true" type="XYZ" flags="32">
    235                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     276                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
    236277                        <arguments>
    237278                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    241282                </element>
    242283                <element name="orient" type="Orient" flags="33">
    243                         <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part]]></description>
     284                        <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part.]]></description>
    244285                </element>
    245286                <element name="rotate" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    260301                </element>
    261302                <element name="drive" type="XYZ" flags="34">
    262                         <description><![CDATA[Measured in global coordinates]]></description>
    263                 </element>
    264                 <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ" flags="34">
     303                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in global coordinates.]]></description>
     304                </element>
     305                <element name="driveLocal" type="XYZ" flags="34">
    265306                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current orientation of the creature.
    266307See also: Creature.orient]]></description>
    267308                </element>
     309                <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ" deprecated="true" flags="8226">
     310                        <description><![CDATA[This field is now called driveLocal.]]></description>
     311                </element>
    268312                <element name="getPart" function="true" type="Part" flags="32">
    269313                        <arguments>
    311355                        <description><![CDATA[A Model object that is a copy of the current (temporary) geometry of this creature]]></description>
    312356                </element>
    313                 <element name="uid" type="string" flags="33"/>
     357                <element name="uid" type="string" flags="1">
     358                        <description><![CDATA[Unique identifier]]></description>
     359                </element>
    314360                <element name="signals" type="CreatureSignals" flags="35"/>
    315361                <element name="boundingBoxCollisions" function="true" type="integer" flags="34">
    319365                        <arguments>
    320366                                <argument name="mask" type="integer"/>
     367                        </arguments>
     368                </element>
     369                <element name="checkCollisions" function="true" type="untyped" flags="34">
     370                        <description><![CDATA[Returns zero if creature does not collide with other creatures.
     372- mask: see boundingBoxCollisions() (temporarily replaces the creature.selfmask if not zero)
     373- accuracy:
     374 0 = testing creature bounding boxes
     375 1 = testing creature elements]]></description>
     376                        <arguments>
     377                                <argument name="mask" type="integer"/>
     378                                <argument name="accuracy" type="integer"/>
    321379                        </arguments>
    322380                </element>
    421479                <element name="gnum" type="integer"/>
    422480                <element name="energy0" type="float"/>
    423                 <element name="idleen" type="float"/>
     481                <element name="idleen" type="float">
     482                        <description><![CDATA[The amount of energy subtracted from the energy of this creature in each simulation step, as in: cr.energy-=cr.idleen;]]></description>
     483                </element>
    424484                <element name="energy" type="float"/>
    425485                <element name="perf" type="integer" min="0" max="2">
    435495                        <description><![CDATA[Enable/disable detection of self-collisions (within a creature body). They can only occur when using the ODE simulation engine. If enabled, the creature will have its sticks collide during lifespan.]]></description>
    436496                </element>
    437                 <element name="lifespan" type="integer"/>
     497                <element name="lifespan" type="integer">
     498                        <description><![CDATA[While the creature's performance measurement is enabled, the creature's lifespan is incremented in "performance sampling period" intervals.]]></description>
     499                </element>
     500                <element name="steps_after_birth" type="integer">
     501                        <description><![CDATA["Birth" is the moment when the simulation of a creature starts.]]></description>
     502                </element>
     503                <element name="steps_in_lifespan" type="integer">
     504                        <description><![CDATA["Lifespan" is the period during simulation of a creature when its performance measurement is enabled.]]></description>
     505                </element>
    438506                <element name="distance" type="float"/>
    439507                <element name="c_velocity" type="float"/>
    443511                <element name="vertpos" type="float"/>
    444512                <element name="vertvel" type="float"/>
    445                 <element name="center_x" type="float">
     513                <element name="center_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8192">
    446514                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    447515                </element>
    448                 <element name="center_y" type="float">
     516                <element name="center_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8192">
    449517                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    450518                </element>
    451                 <element name="center_z" type="float">
     519                <element name="center_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8192">
    452520                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    453521                </element>
     522                <element name="bboxCenter" type="XYZ"/>
    454523                <element name="data" type="Dictionary" flags="32768"/>
    455524                <element name="user1" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    457526                <element name="user3" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    458527                <element name="orient" type="Orient" flags="32">
    459                         <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part]]></description>
     528                        <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part.]]></description>
    460529                </element>
    461530                <element name="selfmask" type="integer" min="0" max="2147483647" default="0" flags="32">
    465534                        <description><![CDATA[Creature's othermask is set according to the Creature's Population.othermask. See Population.selfmask for detailed information about collision handling.]]></description>
    466535                </element>
    467                 <element name="uid" type="string" flags="32"/>
     536                <element name="uid" type="string">
     537                        <description><![CDATA[Unique identifier]]></description>
     538                </element>
    468539        </type>
    469540        <type name="Dictionary" context="Global context">
    503574                        </arguments>
    504575                </element>
    505                 <element name="set" function="true" type="void" flags="256">
     576                <element name="set" function="true" type="untyped" flags="256">
    506577                        <description><![CDATA[Set element value for the specified key or index (depending on the argument type: string or int).
    507 object.set(key,value) can be shortened to object[key]=value]]></description>
     578Returns the value previously associated with the given key (or index).
     579object.set(key,value) can be shortened to object[key]=value. Literal string keys can use even shorter notation: object->key=value instead of object.set("key",value)
     580Note the difference in the returned value:
     581  var old_value=object.set("key",new_value); //'old_value' gets the value previously associated with "key"
     582  var x=object["key"]=new_value; //'x' becomes 'new_value', consistently with the semantics of the assignment operator. The value previously associated with "key" is lost.]]></description>
    508583                        <arguments>
    509584                                <argument name="key" type="untyped"/>
    585660                        </arguments>
    586661                </element>
    587                 <element name="readLine" function="true" type="string" flags="32"><arguments/></element>
     662                <element name="readLine" function="true" type="string" flags="32">
     663                        <description><![CDATA[Returns the next line read from file or null when there are no more lines.]]></description>
    588665                <element name="readObject" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    589666                        <arguments>
    1057    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    1058    Force (fo) float 0..999
    1059    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    1060    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     1134   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     1135   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     1136   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     1137   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    10611138                </element>
    10621139                <element name="neuadd_Nu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1073    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    1074    Force (fo) float 0..999
    1075    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    1076    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     1150   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     1151   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     1152   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     1153   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    10771154                </element>
    10781155                <element name="neuadd_G" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1102    Range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     1179   Range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    11031180                </element>
    11041181                <element name="neuadd_S" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1131    power (p) float 0.01..1
    1132    bending range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     1208   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 0.25)
     1209   bending range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    11331210                </element>
    11341211                <element name="neuadd_Rotation_muscle" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1142    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     1219   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    11431220                </element>
    11441221                <element name="neuadd_D" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    11631240   number of fuzzy sets (ns) integer
    11641241   number of rules (nr) integer
    1165    fuzzy sets (fs) string
    1166    fuzzy rules (fr) string]]></description>
     1242   fuzzy sets (fs) string (default "")
     1243   fuzzy rules (fr) string (default "")]]></description>
    11671244                </element>
    11681245                <element name="neuadd_VEye" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    11791256   target.y (ty) float
    11801257   target.z (tz) float
    1181    target shape (ts) string
    1182    perspective (p) float 0.1..10
    1183    scale (s) float 0.1..100
    1184    show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1
    1185    output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99
    1186    debug (d) integer 0..1]]></description>
     1258   target shape (ts) string (default "")
     1259   perspective (p) float 0.1..10 (default 1)
     1260   scale (s) float 0.1..100 (default 1)
     1261   show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1 (default 0)
     1262   output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99 (default 0)
     1263   debug (d) integer 0..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    11871264                </element>
    11881265                <element name="neuadd_VMotor" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1217    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     1294   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    12181295                </element>
    12191296                <element name="neuadd_Water" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1290    base frequency (f0) float -1..1
    1291    time (t) float 0..6.28319]]></description>
     1367   base frequency (f0) float -1..1 (default 0.0628319)
     1368   time (t) float 0..6.28319 (default 0)]]></description>
    12921369                </element>
    12931370                <element name="f0_nodel_tag" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    15731650        </type>
    15741651        <type name="Genotype" context="Global context">
    1575 <description><![CDATA[A Genotype with the associated performance information. Adding genotypes to GenePool makes them accessible in Framsticks GUI and enables the use of GenePool selection methods.
    1576 Before version 4.0rc4 the static Genotype object was used in functions operating on the "selected" genotype. This is now deprecated as all operations can be performed using the more convenient direct access (see GenePools).]]></description>
     1652<description><![CDATA[A Genotype with the associated performance information. Adding genotypes to GenePool makes them accessible in Framsticks GUI and enables the use of GenePool selection methods. See also GenePools.]]></description>
    15771653                <element name="name" type="string" max="40"/>
    15781654                <element name="genotype" type="string">
    1579                         <description><![CDATA[Genes as a string of characters]]></description>
    1580                 </element>
    1581                 <element name="info" type="string">
    1582                         <description><![CDATA[Additional information or comments]]></description>
     1655                        <description><![CDATA[Genes as a string of characters.]]></description>
     1656                </element>
     1657                <element name="info_timestamp" type="float" min="0" max="-1" default="0.0"/>
     1658                <element name="info_author" type="string" max="100"/>
     1659                <element name="info_author_ispublic" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1"/>
     1660                <element name="info_email" type="string" max="100"/>
     1661                <element name="info_email_ispublic" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0"/>
     1662                <element name="info" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     1663                        <description><![CDATA[Short description of key features of this creature.]]></description>
     1664                </element>
     1665                <element name="info_origin" type="integer" min="0" max="4" default="0">
     1666                        <description><![CDATA[Declaration of how this genotype originated.]]></description>
     1667                </element>
     1668                <element name="info_how_created" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     1669                        <description><![CDATA[Description of the process of designing and/or evolving this genotype.]]></description>
     1670                </element>
     1671                <element name="info_performance" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     1672                        <description><![CDATA[Description of why this genotype is special/interesting and how it performs.]]></description>
    15831673                </element>
    15841674                <element name="simi" type="float" flags="3">
    16431733                        <description><![CDATA[A Geno object for this Genotype]]></description>
    16441734                </element>
    1645                 <element name="uid" type="string" flags="33">
     1735                <element name="uid" type="string" flags="1">
    16461736                        <description><![CDATA[Unique identifier]]></description>
    16471737                </element>
    16931783        </type>
    16941784        <type name="Interface" context="Global context">
    1695 <description><![CDATA[Used to query for object member descriptions. Example:
    1696 var iface=Interface.makeFrom(someobject); var description="this object has "+iface.size+" properties, first property is "+iface.getId(0);]]></description>
     1785<description><![CDATA[Used to query for object member descriptions. Examples:
     1786  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Populations[0]).getType("perfperiod"));
     1787  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Populations[0]).getMin("perfperiod"));
     1788  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Populations[0]).getMax("perfperiod"));
     1789  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Populations[0]).getDefault("perfperiod"));
     1790  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Joint.*).getMax("dx"));
     1791  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Part.*).getName("x"));
     1792  Simulator.print(Interface.makeFrom(Creature.*).getHelp("idleen"));
     1793  var iface=Interface.makeFrom(someobject); var description="This object has "+iface.size+" properties, first property is "+iface.getId(0);
    16971795                <element name="name" type="string" flags="257"/>
    16981796                <element name="size" type="integer" flags="257"/>
    17001798                <element name="get" function="true" type="untyped" flags="256">
    17011799                        <arguments>
     1800                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1801                        </arguments>
     1802                </element>
     1803                <element name="getId" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1804                        <arguments>
     1805                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1806                        </arguments>
     1807                </element>
     1808                <element name="getName" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1809                        <arguments>
     1810                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1811                        </arguments>
     1812                </element>
     1813                <element name="getGroup" function="true" type="integer" flags="256">
     1814                        <arguments>
     1815                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1816                        </arguments>
     1817                </element>
     1818                <element name="getGroupName" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1819                        <arguments>
    17021820                                <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    17031821                        </arguments>
    17041822                </element>
    1705                 <element name="getId" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
    1706                         <arguments>
    1707                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    1708                         </arguments>
    1709                 </element>
    1710                 <element name="getName" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
    1711                         <arguments>
    1712                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    1713                         </arguments>
    1714                 </element>
    1715                 <element name="getGroup" function="true" type="integer" flags="256">
    1716                         <arguments>
    1717                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    1718                         </arguments>
    1719                 </element>
    1720                 <element name="getGroupName" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
    1721                         <arguments>
    1722                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    1723                         </arguments>
    1724                 </element>
    17251823                <element name="getType" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
    17261824                        <arguments>
    1727                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
     1825                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1826                        </arguments>
     1827                </element>
     1828                <element name="getMin" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1829                        <arguments>
     1830                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1831                        </arguments>
     1832                </element>
     1833                <element name="getMax" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1834                        <arguments>
     1835                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
     1836                        </arguments>
     1837                </element>
     1838                <element name="getDefault" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
     1839                        <arguments>
     1840                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
    17281841                        </arguments>
    17291842                </element>
    17301843                <element name="getFlags" function="true" type="integer" flags="256">
    17311844                        <arguments>
    1732                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
     1845                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
    17331846                        </arguments>
    17341847                </element>
    17351848                <element name="getHelp" function="true" type="string" flags="256">
    17361849                        <arguments>
    1737                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
     1850                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
    17381851                        </arguments>
    17391852                </element>
    17611874                <element name="set" function="true" type="void" flags="256">
    17621875                        <arguments>
    1763                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
     1876                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
    17641877                                <argument name="value" type="untyped"/>
    17651878                        </arguments>
    17671880                <element name="setDefault" function="true" type="void" flags="256">
    17681881                        <arguments>
    1769                                 <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
     1882                                <argument name="index or id" type="untyped"/>
    17701883                        </arguments>
    17711884                </element>
    20452158                        </arguments>
    20462159                </element>
    2047                 <element name="size_x" type="float" flags="257">
     2160                <element name="size_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8449">
    20482161                        <description><![CDATA[(size_x,size_y,size_z) are dimensions of the axis-aligned bounding box of the creature, including imaginary Part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). A creature consisting of a single default part has the size of (2.0,2.0,2.0) - twice the Part.s value (like a sphere diameter is twice its radius).
    20492162See also: Creature.moveAbs]]></description>
    20502163                </element>
    2051                 <element name="size_y" type="float" flags="257">
     2164                <element name="size_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8449">
    20522165                        <description><![CDATA[See Model.size_x]]></description>
    20532166                </element>
    2054                 <element name="size_z" type="float" flags="257">
     2167                <element name="size_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8449">
    20552168                        <description><![CDATA[See Model.size_x]]></description>
    20562169                </element>
     2170                <element name="bboxSize" type="XYZ" flags="257"/>
    20572171        </type>
    20582172        <type name="ModelGeometry" context="Global context">
    2059 <description><![CDATA[Example usage:
     2173<description><![CDATA[Approximately estimates sizes, volume, and area of a Model based on the geometry of its parts.
     2174Example usage:
    20622177ModelGeometry.geom_density refers to the global simulator parameter (also available in GUI).
    20632178To set geom_density for individual ModelGeometry objects:
    2064 var mg=ModelGeometry.forModel(GenePools[0][0].getModel()); mg.geom_density=2; GenePools[0][0].user1=mg.area();
     2179var mg=ModelGeometry.forModel(GenePools[0][0].getModel()); mg.geom_density=2; GenePools[0][0].data->area=mg.area();
    20662181                <element name="geom_density" type="float" min="0.01" max="100" default="1.0">
    20932208                </element>
    20942209                <element name="simil_partgeom" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="0.0">
     2210                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
     2211                </element>
     2212                <element name="simil_fixedZaxis" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0">
    20952213                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    20962214                </element>
    2357    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    2358    Force (fo) float 0..999
    2359    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    2360    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     2475   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     2476   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     2477   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     2478   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    23612479                </element>
    23622480                <element name="ncl_Nu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2373    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    2374    Force (fo) float 0..999
    2375    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    2376    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     2491   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     2492   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     2493   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     2494   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    23772495                </element>
    23782496                <element name="ncl_G" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2402    Range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     2520   Range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    24032521                </element>
    24042522                <element name="ncl_S" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2431    power (p) float 0.01..1
    2432    bending range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     2549   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 0.25)
     2550   bending range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    24332551                </element>
    24342552                <element name="ncl_Rotation_muscle" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2442    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     2560   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    24432561                </element>
    24442562                <element name="ncl_D" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    24632581   number of fuzzy sets (ns) integer
    24642582   number of rules (nr) integer
    2465    fuzzy sets (fs) string
    2466    fuzzy rules (fr) string]]></description>
     2583   fuzzy sets (fs) string (default "")
     2584   fuzzy rules (fr) string (default "")]]></description>
    24672585                </element>
    24682586                <element name="ncl_VEye" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    24792597   target.y (ty) float
    24802598   target.z (tz) float
    2481    target shape (ts) string
    2482    perspective (p) float 0.1..10
    2483    scale (s) float 0.1..100
    2484    show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1
    2485    output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99
    2486    debug (d) integer 0..1]]></description>
     2599   target shape (ts) string (default "")
     2600   perspective (p) float 0.1..10 (default 1)
     2601   scale (s) float 0.1..100 (default 1)
     2602   show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1 (default 0)
     2603   output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99 (default 0)
     2604   debug (d) integer 0..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    24872605                </element>
    24882606                <element name="ncl_VMotor" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2517    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     2635   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    25182636                </element>
    25192637                <element name="ncl_Water" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2590    base frequency (f0) float -1..1
    2591    time (t) float 0..6.28319]]></description>
     2708   base frequency (f0) float -1..1 (default 0.0628319)
     2709   time (t) float 0..6.28319 (default 0)]]></description>
    25922710                </element>
    25932711        </type>
    29093027                </element>
    29103028                <element name="em_stat" type="float" min="0" max="1" default="0.0">
    2911                         <description><![CDATA[Energy requirements for a muscle
    2912 resisting an external force]]></description>
     3029                        <description><![CDATA[Energy consumption of a muscle resisting an external force (whether performing or not performing any physical work). Framsticks muscles cannot be "turned off", but they can stop consuming "static" energy when the body part keeps itself in the requested position without stressing the muscle, e.g. when floating in the water or resting freely on the ground.]]></description>
    29133030                </element>
    29143031                <element name="em_dyn" type="float" min="0" max="1" default="0.0">
    2915                         <description><![CDATA[Energy requirements for a muscle
    2916 moving a stick]]></description>
     3032                        <description><![CDATA[Energy consumption of a muscle moving a stick, calculated from the actual work performed by the muscle. Muscles must move to consume this kind of energy.]]></description>
    29173033                </element>
    29183034                <element name="en_assim" type="float" min="0" max="1" default="0.0">
    29543070                </element>
    29553071                <element name="senseCreaturesProperty" function="true" type="float" flags="34">
    2956                         <description><![CDATA[arguments:
     3072                        <description><![CDATA[Arguments:
    29573073 - x,y,z (sensor position)
    2958  - property (name, name[index] or Class:id). name[index] can be used for Vector objects inside the user fields, eg "user2[10]"
     3074 - property (name, data[key] or Class:id). "data[key]" can be used to access Creature's data field (Dictionary) containing named items
    29593075 - exclude (creature object)
    2960 works like a smell sensor for a given property (for all creatures in this group except "exclude").
    2961 The following function reproduces the "classic" Framsticks "S" sensor:
    2962         function smellReceptorValue(x, y, z, exclude)
     3077This function works like a smell sensor (but you can provide any property as the argument, not just "energy") for all creatures in this group except "exclude".
     3078The following is a sample function that reproduces the "S" sensor which smells creatures from all populations:
     3079        function smellEnergyAllPopulations(x, y, z, exclude)
    29633080        {
    2964         var i,s=0;
    2965         for(i=0; i<Populations.size; i++)
    2966                 s += Populations[0].senseCreaturesProperty(x, y, z, "energy", exclude);
    2967         return s;
     3081                var s=0;
     3082                for(var i=0; i<Populations.size; i++)
     3083                        s += Populations[i].senseCreaturesProperty(x, y, z, "energy", exclude);
     3084                return s;
    29683085        }]]></description>
    29693086                        <arguments>
    29763093                </element>
    29773094                <element name="findCreatureAt" function="true" type="Creature" flags="34">
     3095                        <description><![CDATA[Returns the first Creature object colliding with the line defined by the supplied starting point and the vector. For the purpose of this function, "collision" means "passing closer than 1.0 from any of the Creature's Parts".
     3096Note that a screen point corresponds to a 3D line going through the screen surface; if you want to identify the object under the mouse cursor, you can use this function because finding an object at a given screen coordinates can be a special case of finding the line-with-object collision.]]></description>
    29783097                        <arguments>
    29793098                                <argument name="point" type="Vector"/>
    30973216                </element>
    30983217                <element name="findCreatureAt" function="true" type="Creature" flags="34">
     3218                        <description><![CDATA[Returns the first Creature object colliding with the line defined by the supplied starting point and the vector. For the purpose of this function, "collision" means "passing closer than 1.0 from any of the Creature's Parts".
     3219Note that a screen point corresponds to a 3D line going through the screen surface; if you want to identify the object under the mouse cursor, you can use this function because finding an object at a given screen coordinates can be a special case of finding the line-with-object collision.]]></description>
    30993220                        <arguments>
    31003221                                <argument name="point" type="Vector"/>
    31503271                </element>
    31513272                <element name="toString" type="string" flags="257"/>
    3152         </type>
    3153         <type name="Shapes" context="Global context">
    3154 <description><![CDATA[This object defines appearance of the elements of creatures (applies to the 'wireframe' display mode). Default shape definitions make food's "p:" look like a sphere, and manipulator's "p:" look like a robot hand. The model's Vstyle property is the name of the shape. Developers of experiment definitions can introduce new Vstyle(s) for their expdef and provide appropriate shape definitions by calling Shapes.set(...) in the onExpDefLoad() function.]]></description>
    3155                 <element name="set" function="true" type="void">
    3156                         <description><![CDATA[Arguments:
    3158 - "id" - can be
    3159   "1p_STYLENAME": affects a single-Part creature (without Joints)
    3160   "p_STYLENAME": affects all normal Parts
    3161   "j_STYLENAME": affects Joints
    3162      (STYLENAME corresponds to the Model.Vstyle value, and it can be empty).
    3164 - "definition" is a genotype describing the object shape
    3166 - "color" can be 0xRRGGBB or one of the special values: -3 = default creature color, -4 = default food color, -5 = default manipulator color
    3168 Examples:
    3169 Shapes.set("j_predator","X",0xff0000);//make all predators (i.e. creatures with Vstyle=predator) red
    3170 Shapes.set("1p_food","...some...genotype...",-4);//change food appearance
    3171 Shapes.set("p_","//0\np:0,0,0\np:-0.1,0,0\np:0.1,0,0\np:0,-0.1,0\np:0,0.1,0\np:0,0,-0.1\np:0,0,0.1\nj:0,1\nj:0,2\nj:0,3\nj:0,4\nj:0,5\nj:0,6\n",0);//make Parts' orientation axes visible]]></description>
    3172                         <arguments>
    3173                                 <argument name="id" type="string"/>
    3174                                 <argument name="definition" type="string"/>
    3175                                 <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
    3176                         </arguments>
    3177                 </element>
    3178                 <element name="clear" function="true" type="void"><arguments/></element>
    31793273        </type>
    31803274        <type name="Signal" context="Global context">
    32533347<description><![CDATA[This object groups all simulator parameters so they can be loaded or saved with a single call (see scripts/standard_loadsave.inc). For other purposes please use specific objects, like Simulator, World, Populations, etc.]]></description>
    32543348                <element name="print" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3255                         <description><![CDATA[One argument: message to be printed]]></description>
     3349                        <description><![CDATA[One argument: message to be printed.]]></description>
    32563350                        <arguments>
    32573351                                <argument name="text" type="string"/>
    32713365                </element>
    32723366                <element name="sleep" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3273                         <description><![CDATA[Suspends the execution for a specified interval]]></description>
     3367                        <description><![CDATA[Suspends the execution for a specified interval.]]></description>
    32743368                        <arguments>
    32753369                                <argument name="milliseconds" type="integer"/>
    32773371                </element>
    32783372                <element name="beep" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3279                         <description><![CDATA[Plays a default system sound]]></description>
     3373                        <description><![CDATA[Plays the default system sound.]]></description>
    32813375                <element name="sound" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    33003394                </element>
    33013395                <element name="load" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3302                         <description><![CDATA[Load experiment file (calls onExpLoad() in the current experiment definition). This function is intended to replace the simulator state; the old state is cleared by automatically calling "resetToDefaults()". Use "import" if you don't want to loose the old simulator state.]]></description>
     3396                        <description><![CDATA[Load experiment file (calls onExpLoad() in the current experiment definition). This function is intended to replace the simulator state; the old state is cleared by automatically calling "resetToDefaults()". Use "import" if you don't want to lose the old simulator state. Contents can also be loaded from string by using specifically formed filename: "string://string_contents_to_be_loaded".]]></description>
    33033397                        <arguments>
    33043398                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    33063400                </element>
    33073401                <element name="import" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3308                         <description><![CDATA[Load some data from file. The second optional argument selects what section(s) will be imported:
     3402                        <description><![CDATA[Import some data from file. Contents can also be imported from string by using specifically formed filename: "string://string_contents_to_be_imported".
     3403The second optional argument selects what section(s) will be imported:
    33093404        1 - experiment (works just like load(), all other bits are ignored, and can reset the simulator state!)
    33103405        2 - genotypes
    33223417                </element>
    33233418                <element name="import" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3324                         <description><![CDATA[Equivalent to import(filename,2+4+8+16) - imports genotypes, parameters, genepool and population settings]]></description>
     3419                        <description><![CDATA[Equivalent to import(filename,2+4+8+16) - imports genotypes, parameters, genepool and population settings.]]></description>
    33253420                        <arguments>
    33263421                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    33283423                </element>
    33293424                <element name="save" function="true" type="untyped" flags="32">
    3330                         <description><![CDATA[Save experiment file (calls onExpSave() in the current experiment definition)]]></description>
     3425                        <description><![CDATA[Save experiment file (calls onExpSave() in the current experiment definition). Providing null filename makes save() return saved data as a text string instead of writing it to the file.]]></description>
    33313426                        <arguments>
    33323427                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    33343429                </element>
    33353430                <element name="export" function="true" type="untyped" flags="32">
    3336                         <description><![CDATA[Save some data to file. arguments:
    3337 - filename
    3338 - flags: composed of the following bit values:
    3339    1 - experiment (works just like save() and all other bits are ignored)
    3340    2 - genotypes
    3341    4 - simulator parameters
    3342    8 - simulator stats
    3343    16 - genepool settings
    3344    32 - population settings
    3345    64 - do autosave
    3346 - selected genepool
    3347 - selected population]]></description>
     3431                        <description><![CDATA[Save some data to file. Arguments:
     3432- filename: can be null, which makes export() return saved data as a text string instead of writing it to the file.
     3433- options: composed of the following bit values:
     3434        1 - experiment (works just like save() and all other option bits are ignored)
     3435        2 - genotypes
     3436        4 - simulator parameters
     3437        8 - simulator stats
     3438        16 - genepool settings
     3439        32 - population settings
     3440        64 - do autosave
     3441- selected genepool, -1 means all genepools
     3442- selected population, -1 means all populations]]></description>
    33483443                        <arguments>
    33493444                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    33543449                </element>
    33553450                <element name="start" function="true" type="void" flags="4096">
    3356                         <description><![CDATA[called by the user interface]]></description>
     3451                        <description><![CDATA[Called by the user interface.]]></description>
    33583453                <element name="stop" function="true" type="void" flags="4096">
    3359                         <description><![CDATA[the expdef script calls this to stop simulation]]></description>
     3454                        <description><![CDATA[The expdef script calls this function to stop simulation.]]></description>
    33613456                <element name="running" type="integer" min="0" max="1" flags="4130">
    3362                         <description><![CDATA[useful for synchronizing the user interface state]]></description>
     3457                        <description><![CDATA[Useful for synchronizing the user interface state.]]></description>
    33633458                </element>
    33643459                <element name="step" function="true" type="void" flags="32"><arguments/></element>
    34063501                </element>
    34073502                <element name="filecomm" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    3408                         <description><![CDATA[Display comments encountered in opened files]]></description>
     3503                        <description><![CDATA[Controls displaying comments encountered in opened files.]]></description>
    34093504                </element>
    34103505                <element name="checkpoint" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    34133508                <element name="checkpointData" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3414                         <description><![CDATA[In the distributed/paralellized scenario the data passed as argument can be received by the controlling entity (onSlaveCheckpoint in multithreaded master experiment, /simulator/expevent in distributed network simulator)]]></description>
     3509                        <description><![CDATA[In the distributed/paralellized scenario the data passed as argument can be received by the controlling entity (onSlaveCheckpoint in multithreaded master experiment, /simulator/expevent in distributed network simulator).]]></description>
    34153510                        <arguments>
    34163511                                <argument name="any_data" type="untyped"/>
    34383533                <element name="expstate" type="ExpState" flags="35"/>
    34393534                <element name="genman" type="GenMan" flags="35"/>
    3440                 <element name="loadNeurons" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3441                         <arguments>
    3442                                 <argument name="directory path" type="string"/>
    3443                         </arguments>
    3444                 </element>
    3445                 <element name="user" type="untyped" flags="34"/>
     3535                <element name="reloadNeurons" function="true" type="void" flags="32"><arguments/></element>
     3536                <element name="userdata" type="untyped" flags="34"/>
    34463537                <element name="identity" type="integer" flags="35">
    34473538                        <description><![CDATA[-1 for master simulator, 0...count-1 for slaves]]></description>
    34483539                </element>
    34493540                <element name="refreshGUI" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    3450                         <description><![CDATA[Notify all populations and gene pools content changed.]]></description>
     3541                        <description><![CDATA[Notify that all populations and gene pools content changed.]]></description>
     3543                <element name="version_string" type="string" flags="35">
     3544                        <description><![CDATA[Current application version as a string (human-friendly).]]></description>
     3545                </element>
     3546                <element name="version_int" type="integer" flags="33">
     3547                        <description><![CDATA[Current application version as an integer.]]></description>
     3548                </element>
    34523549                <element name="clear" function="true" flags="34"/>
    34533550                <element name="add" function="true" flags="34"/>
    3639    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    3640    Force (fo) float 0..999
    3641    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    3642    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     3736   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     3737   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     3738   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     3739   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    36433740                </element>
    36443741                <element name="neuadd_Nu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3655    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    3656    Force (fo) float 0..999
    3657    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    3658    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     3752   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     3753   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     3754   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     3755   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    36593756                </element>
    36603757                <element name="neuadd_G" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3684    Range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     3781   Range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    36853782                </element>
    36863783                <element name="neuadd_S" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3713    power (p) float 0.01..1
    3714    bending range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     3810   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 0.25)
     3811   bending range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    37153812                </element>
    37163813                <element name="neuadd_Rotation_muscle" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3724    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     3821   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    37253822                </element>
    37263823                <element name="neuadd_D" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    37453842   number of fuzzy sets (ns) integer
    37463843   number of rules (nr) integer
    3747    fuzzy sets (fs) string
    3748    fuzzy rules (fr) string]]></description>
     3844   fuzzy sets (fs) string (default "")
     3845   fuzzy rules (fr) string (default "")]]></description>
    37493846                </element>
    37503847                <element name="neuadd_VEye" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    37613858   target.y (ty) float
    37623859   target.z (tz) float
    3763    target shape (ts) string
    3764    perspective (p) float 0.1..10
    3765    scale (s) float 0.1..100
    3766    show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1
    3767    output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99
    3768    debug (d) integer 0..1]]></description>
     3860   target shape (ts) string (default "")
     3861   perspective (p) float 0.1..10 (default 1)
     3862   scale (s) float 0.1..100 (default 1)
     3863   show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1 (default 0)
     3864   output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99 (default 0)
     3865   debug (d) integer 0..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    37693866                </element>
    37703867                <element name="neuadd_VMotor" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3799    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     3896   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    38003897                </element>
    38013898                <element name="neuadd_Water" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    3872    base frequency (f0) float -1..1
    3873    time (t) float 0..6.28319]]></description>
     3969   base frequency (f0) float -1..1 (default 0.0628319)
     3970   time (t) float 0..6.28319 (default 0)]]></description>
    38743971                </element>
    38753972                <element name="f0_nodel_tag" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    4103    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    4104    Force (fo) float 0..999
    4105    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    4106    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     4200   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     4201   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     4202   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     4203   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    41074204                </element>
    41084205                <element name="ncl_Nu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4119    Inertia (in) float 0..1
    4120    Force (fo) float 0..999
    4121    Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
    4122    State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     4216   Inertia (in) float 0..1 (default 0.8)
     4217   Force (fo) float 0..999 (default 0.04)
     4218   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999 (default 2)
     4219   State (s) float -1..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    41234220                </element>
    41244221                <element name="ncl_G" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4148    Range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     4245   Range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    41494246                </element>
    41504247                <element name="ncl_S" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4177    power (p) float 0.01..1
    4178    bending range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     4274   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 0.25)
     4275   bending range (r) float 0..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    41794276                </element>
    41804277                <element name="ncl_Rotation_muscle" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4188    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     4285   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    41894286                </element>
    41904287                <element name="ncl_D" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    42094306   number of fuzzy sets (ns) integer
    42104307   number of rules (nr) integer
    4211    fuzzy sets (fs) string
    4212    fuzzy rules (fr) string]]></description>
     4308   fuzzy sets (fs) string (default "")
     4309   fuzzy rules (fr) string (default "")]]></description>
    42134310                </element>
    42144311                <element name="ncl_VEye" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    42254322   target.y (ty) float
    42264323   target.z (tz) float
    4227    target shape (ts) string
    4228    perspective (p) float 0.1..10
    4229    scale (s) float 0.1..100
    4230    show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1
    4231    output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99
    4232    debug (d) integer 0..1]]></description>
     4324   target shape (ts) string (default "")
     4325   perspective (p) float 0.1..10 (default 1)
     4326   scale (s) float 0.1..100 (default 1)
     4327   show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1 (default 0)
     4328   output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99 (default 0)
     4329   debug (d) integer 0..1 (default 0)]]></description>
    42334330                </element>
    42344331                <element name="ncl_VMotor" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4263    power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     4360   power (p) float 0.01..1 (default 1)]]></description>
    42644361                </element>
    42654362                <element name="ncl_Water" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4336    base frequency (f0) float -1..1
    4337    time (t) float 0..6.28319]]></description>
     4433   base frequency (f0) float -1..1 (default 0.0628319)
     4434   time (t) float 0..6.28319 (default 0)]]></description>
    43384435                </element>
    43394436                <element name="simil_parts" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="0.0">
    43474444                </element>
    43484445                <element name="simil_partgeom" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="0.0">
     4446                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
     4447                </element>
     4448                <element name="simil_fixedZaxis" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0">
    43494449                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    43504450                </element>
    44164516<description><![CDATA[The Framsticks simulator.]]></description>
    44174517                <element name="print" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4418                         <description><![CDATA[One argument: message to be printed]]></description>
     4518                        <description><![CDATA[One argument: message to be printed.]]></description>
    44194519                        <arguments>
    44204520                                <argument name="text" type="string"/>
    44344534                </element>
    44354535                <element name="sleep" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4436                         <description><![CDATA[Suspends the execution for a specified interval]]></description>
     4536                        <description><![CDATA[Suspends the execution for a specified interval.]]></description>
    44374537                        <arguments>
    44384538                                <argument name="milliseconds" type="integer"/>
    44404540                </element>
    44414541                <element name="beep" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4442                         <description><![CDATA[Plays a default system sound]]></description>
     4542                        <description><![CDATA[Plays the default system sound.]]></description>
    44444544                <element name="sound" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    44634563                </element>
    44644564                <element name="load" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4465                         <description><![CDATA[Load experiment file (calls onExpLoad() in the current experiment definition). This function is intended to replace the simulator state; the old state is cleared by automatically calling "resetToDefaults()". Use "import" if you don't want to loose the old simulator state.]]></description>
     4565                        <description><![CDATA[Load experiment file (calls onExpLoad() in the current experiment definition). This function is intended to replace the simulator state; the old state is cleared by automatically calling "resetToDefaults()". Use "import" if you don't want to lose the old simulator state. Contents can also be loaded from string by using specifically formed filename: "string://string_contents_to_be_loaded".]]></description>
    44664566                        <arguments>
    44674567                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    44694569                </element>
    44704570                <element name="import" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4471                         <description><![CDATA[Load some data from file. The second optional argument selects what section(s) will be imported:
     4571                        <description><![CDATA[Import some data from file. Contents can also be imported from string by using specifically formed filename: "string://string_contents_to_be_imported".
     4572The second optional argument selects what section(s) will be imported:
    44724573        1 - experiment (works just like load(), all other bits are ignored, and can reset the simulator state!)
    44734574        2 - genotypes
    44854586                </element>
    44864587                <element name="import" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4487                         <description><![CDATA[Equivalent to import(filename,2+4+8+16) - imports genotypes, parameters, genepool and population settings]]></description>
     4588                        <description><![CDATA[Equivalent to import(filename,2+4+8+16) - imports genotypes, parameters, genepool and population settings.]]></description>
    44884589                        <arguments>
    44894590                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    44914592                </element>
    44924593                <element name="save" function="true" type="untyped" flags="32">
    4493                         <description><![CDATA[Save experiment file (calls onExpSave() in the current experiment definition)]]></description>
     4594                        <description><![CDATA[Save experiment file (calls onExpSave() in the current experiment definition). Providing null filename makes save() return saved data as a text string instead of writing it to the file.]]></description>
    44944595                        <arguments>
    44954596                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    44974598                </element>
    44984599                <element name="export" function="true" type="untyped" flags="32">
    4499                         <description><![CDATA[Save some data to file. arguments:
    4500 - filename
    4501 - flags: composed of the following bit values:
    4502    1 - experiment (works just like save() and all other bits are ignored)
    4503    2 - genotypes
    4504    4 - simulator parameters
    4505    8 - simulator stats
    4506    16 - genepool settings
    4507    32 - population settings
    4508    64 - do autosave
    4509 - selected genepool
    4510 - selected population]]></description>
     4600                        <description><![CDATA[Save some data to file. Arguments:
     4601- filename: can be null, which makes export() return saved data as a text string instead of writing it to the file.
     4602- options: composed of the following bit values:
     4603        1 - experiment (works just like save() and all other option bits are ignored)
     4604        2 - genotypes
     4605        4 - simulator parameters
     4606        8 - simulator stats
     4607        16 - genepool settings
     4608        32 - population settings
     4609        64 - do autosave
     4610- selected genepool, -1 means all genepools
     4611- selected population, -1 means all populations]]></description>
    45114612                        <arguments>
    45124613                                <argument name="filename" type="string"/>
    45174618                </element>
    45184619                <element name="start" function="true" type="void" flags="4096">
    4519                         <description><![CDATA[called by the user interface]]></description>
     4620                        <description><![CDATA[Called by the user interface.]]></description>
    45214622                <element name="stop" function="true" type="void" flags="4096">
    4522                         <description><![CDATA[the expdef script calls this to stop simulation]]></description>
     4623                        <description><![CDATA[The expdef script calls this function to stop simulation.]]></description>
    45244625                <element name="running" type="integer" min="0" max="1" flags="4130">
    4525                         <description><![CDATA[useful for synchronizing the user interface state]]></description>
     4626                        <description><![CDATA[Useful for synchronizing the user interface state.]]></description>
    45264627                </element>
    45274628                <element name="step" function="true" type="void" flags="32"><arguments/></element>
    45694670                </element>
    45704671                <element name="filecomm" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    4571                         <description><![CDATA[Display comments encountered in opened files]]></description>
     4672                        <description><![CDATA[Controls displaying comments encountered in opened files.]]></description>
    45724673                </element>
    45734674                <element name="checkpoint" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    45764677                <element name="checkpointData" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4577                         <description><![CDATA[In the distributed/paralellized scenario the data passed as argument can be received by the controlling entity (onSlaveCheckpoint in multithreaded master experiment, /simulator/expevent in distributed network simulator)]]></description>
     4678                        <description><![CDATA[In the distributed/paralellized scenario the data passed as argument can be received by the controlling entity (onSlaveCheckpoint in multithreaded master experiment, /simulator/expevent in distributed network simulator).]]></description>
    45784679                        <arguments>
    45794680                                <argument name="any_data" type="untyped"/>
    46014702                <element name="expstate" type="ExpState" flags="35"/>
    46024703                <element name="genman" type="GenMan" flags="35"/>
    4603                 <element name="loadNeurons" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4604                         <arguments>
    4605                                 <argument name="directory path" type="string"/>
    4606                         </arguments>
    4607                 </element>
    4608                 <element name="user" type="untyped" flags="34"/>
     4704                <element name="reloadNeurons" function="true" type="void" flags="32"><arguments/></element>
     4705                <element name="userdata" type="untyped" flags="34"/>
    46094706                <element name="identity" type="integer" flags="35">
    46104707                        <description><![CDATA[-1 for master simulator, 0...count-1 for slaves]]></description>
    46114708                </element>
    46124709                <element name="refreshGUI" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    4613                         <description><![CDATA[Notify all populations and gene pools content changed.]]></description>
     4710                        <description><![CDATA[Notify that all populations and gene pools content changed.]]></description>
     4712                <element name="version_string" type="string" flags="35">
     4713                        <description><![CDATA[Current application version as a string (human-friendly).]]></description>
     4714                </element>
     4715                <element name="version_int" type="integer" flags="33">
     4716                        <description><![CDATA[Current application version as an integer.]]></description>
     4717                </element>
    46154718        </type>
    46164719        <type name="SlaveSimulators" context="Global context">
    48154918split("word1---word2-word3","-") returns ["word1","","","word2","word3"]]]></description>
    48164919                        <arguments>
    4817                                 <argument type="string"/>
     4920                                <argument name="text to split" type="string"/>
    48184921                                <argument name="word separator" type="string"/>
    48194922                        </arguments>
    48244927split2("word1---word2-word3","-") returns ["word1","word2","word3"]]]></description>
    48254928                        <arguments>
    4826                                 <argument type="string"/>
     4929                                <argument name="text to split" type="string"/>
    48274930                                <argument name="word separator" type="string"/>
    48284931                        </arguments>
    50765179        </type>
     5180        <type name="WireframeAppearance" context="Global context">
     5181<description><![CDATA[This object defines appearance of the elements of creatures (applies to the 'wireframe' display mode). Default shape definitions make food's "p:" look like a sphere, and manipulator's "p:" look like a robot hand. The model's Vstyle property is the name of the shape. Developers of experiment definitions can introduce new Vstyle(s) for their expdef and provide appropriate shape definitions by calling WireframeAppearance.set(...) in the onExpDefLoad() function.]]></description>
     5182                <element name="set" function="true" type="void">
     5183                        <description><![CDATA[Arguments:
     5185- "id" - can be
     5186  "1p_STYLENAME": affects a single-Part creature (without Joints)
     5187  "p_STYLENAME": affects all normal Parts
     5188  "j_STYLENAME": affects Joints
     5189     (STYLENAME corresponds to the Model.Vstyle value, and it can be empty).
     5191- "definition" is a genotype describing the object shape
     5193- "color" can be 0xRRGGBB or one of the special values: -3 = default creature color, -4 = default food color, -5 = default manipulator color
     5196WireframeAppearance.set("j_predator","X",0xff0000);//make all predators (i.e. creatures with Vstyle=predator) red
     5197WireframeAppearance.set("1p_food","...some...genotype...",-4);//change food appearance
     5198WireframeAppearance.set("p_","//0\np:0,0,0\np:-0.1,0,0\np:0.1,0,0\np:0,-0.1,0\np:0,0.1,0\np:0,0,-0.1\np:0,0,0.1\nj:0,1\nj:0,2\nj:0,3\nj:0,4\nj:0,5\nj:0,6\n",0);//make Parts' orientation axes visible]]></description>
     5199                        <arguments>
     5200                                <argument name="id" type="string"/>
     5201                                <argument name="definition" type="string"/>
     5202                                <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
     5203                        </arguments>
     5204                </element>
     5205                <element name="clear" function="true" type="void"><arguments/></element>
     5206        </type>
    50775207        <type name="World" context="Global context">
    50785208<description><![CDATA[Environment properties.]]></description>
    54355565        </type>
    54365566        <type name="this" context="Fitness formula">
    5437 <description><![CDATA[A Genotype with the associated performance information. Adding genotypes to GenePool makes them accessible in Framsticks GUI and enables the use of GenePool selection methods.
    5438 Before version 4.0rc4 the static Genotype object was used in functions operating on the "selected" genotype. This is now deprecated as all operations can be performed using the more convenient direct access (see GenePools).]]></description>
     5567<description><![CDATA[A Genotype with the associated performance information. Adding genotypes to GenePool makes them accessible in Framsticks GUI and enables the use of GenePool selection methods. See also GenePools.]]></description>
    54395568                <element name="name" type="string" max="40"/>
    54405569                <element name="genotype" type="string">
    5441                         <description><![CDATA[Genes as a string of characters]]></description>
    5442                 </element>
    5443                 <element name="info" type="string">
    5444                         <description><![CDATA[Additional information or comments]]></description>
     5570                        <description><![CDATA[Genes as a string of characters.]]></description>
     5571                </element>
     5572                <element name="info_timestamp" type="float" min="0" max="-1" default="0.0"/>
     5573                <element name="info_author" type="string" max="100"/>
     5574                <element name="info_author_ispublic" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1"/>
     5575                <element name="info_email" type="string" max="100"/>
     5576                <element name="info_email_ispublic" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0"/>
     5577                <element name="info" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     5578                        <description><![CDATA[Short description of key features of this creature.]]></description>
     5579                </element>
     5580                <element name="info_origin" type="integer" min="0" max="4" default="0">
     5581                        <description><![CDATA[Declaration of how this genotype originated.]]></description>
     5582                </element>
     5583                <element name="info_how_created" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     5584                        <description><![CDATA[Description of the process of designing and/or evolving this genotype.]]></description>
     5585                </element>
     5586                <element name="info_performance" type="string" min="1" max="1000">
     5587                        <description><![CDATA[Description of why this genotype is special/interesting and how it performs.]]></description>
    54455588                </element>
    54465589                <element name="simi" type="float" flags="3">
    55055648                        <description><![CDATA[A Geno object for this Genotype]]></description>
    55065649                </element>
    5507                 <element name="uid" type="string" flags="33">
     5650                <element name="uid" type="string" flags="1">
    55085651                        <description><![CDATA[Unique identifier]]></description>
    55095652                </element>
    55755718                <element name="energ0" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8226"/>
    55765719                <element name="energy0" type="float"/>
    5577                 <element name="idleen" type="float"/>
     5720                <element name="idleen" type="float">
     5721                        <description><![CDATA[The amount of energy subtracted from the energy of this creature in each simulation step, as in: cr.energy-=cr.idleen;]]></description>
     5722                </element>
    55785723                <element name="energy" type="float"/>
    55795724                <element name="perf" type="integer" min="0" max="2">
    55925737                        <description><![CDATA[Current self-collision state. In old versions this was a field, not a function.]]></description>
    5594                 <element name="lifespan" type="integer"/>
     5739                <element name="lifespan" type="integer">
     5740                        <description><![CDATA[While the creature's performance measurement is enabled, the creature's lifespan is incremented in "performance sampling period" intervals.]]></description>
     5741                </element>
     5742                <element name="steps_after_birth" type="integer">
     5743                        <description><![CDATA["Birth" is the moment when the simulation of a creature starts.]]></description>
     5744                </element>
     5745                <element name="steps_in_lifespan" type="integer">
     5746                        <description><![CDATA["Lifespan" is the period during simulation of a creature when its performance measurement is enabled.]]></description>
     5747                </element>
    55955748                <element name="distance" type="float"/>
    55965749                <element name="c_velocity" type="float"/>
    56005753                <element name="vertpos" type="float"/>
    56015754                <element name="vertvel" type="float"/>
    5602                 <element name="pos_x" type="float" flags="3">
     5755                <element name="pos_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56035756                        <description><![CDATA[(pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) is the point of minimal coordinates ("bottom left corner") of the creature, including imaginary Part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). See also: Creature.moveAbs]]></description>
    56045757                </element>
    5605                 <element name="pos_y" type="float" flags="3">
     5758                <element name="pos_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56065759                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.pos_x]]></description>
    56075760                </element>
    5608                 <element name="pos_z" type="float" flags="3">
     5761                <element name="pos_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56095762                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.pos_x]]></description>
    56105763                </element>
    5611                 <element name="size_x" type="float" flags="3">
     5764                <element name="size_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56125765                        <description><![CDATA[(size_x,size_y,size_z) are dimensions of the axis-aligned bounding box of the creature, including the imaginary part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). A creature consisting of a single default Part has the size of (2.0,2.0,2.0) - twice the Part.s value (like a sphere diameter is twice its radius).
    56135766See also: Creature.moveAbs]]></description>
    56145767                </element>
    5615                 <element name="size_y" type="float" flags="3">
     5768                <element name="size_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56165769                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.size_x]]></description>
    56175770                </element>
    5618                 <element name="size_z" type="float" flags="3">
     5771                <element name="size_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8195">
    56195772                        <description><![CDATA[See Creature.size_x]]></description>
    56205773                </element>
    5621                 <element name="center_x" type="float" flags="1">
     5774                <element name="center_x" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    56225775                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    56235776                </element>
    5624                 <element name="center_y" type="float" flags="1">
     5777                <element name="center_y" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    56255778                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
    56265779                </element>
    5627                 <element name="center_z" type="float" flags="1">
     5780                <element name="center_z" type="float" deprecated="true" flags="8193">
    56285781                        <description><![CDATA[Center of gravity]]></description>
     5782                </element>
     5783                <element name="bboxLow" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     5784                <element name="bboxHigh" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     5785                <element name="bboxCenter" type="XYZ" flags="1"/>
     5786                <element name="bboxSize" type="XYZ" flags="3"/>
     5787                <element name="centerOfGravity" type="XYZ" flags="3">
     5788                        <description><![CDATA[Only updated once every 'perfperiod' steps!]]></description>
    56295789                </element>
    56305790                <element name="numparts" type="integer" flags="3"/>
    56365796                <element name="user2" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    56375797                <element name="user3" type="untyped" deprecated="true" flags="8192"/>
    5638                 <element name="move" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    5639                         <description><![CDATA[Shift the creature by a given vector.]]></description>
     5798                <element name="move" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     5799                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationMoveBy().]]></description>
     5800                        <arguments>
     5801                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     5802                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     5803                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     5804                        </arguments>
     5805                </element>
     5806                <element name="locationMoveBy" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     5807                        <description><![CDATA[Shift the creature by a given vector (in world coordinates).]]></description>
     5808                        <arguments>
     5809                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     5810                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     5811                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     5812                        </arguments>
     5813                </element>
     5814                <element name="moveAbs" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     5815                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationSetBboxLow().]]></description>
    56405816                        <arguments>
    56415817                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    56445820                        </arguments>
    56455821                </element>
    5646                 <element name="moveAbs" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    5647                         <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature so that its origin (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) is placed at the given location. The origin is the point of minimal coordinates ("bottom left corner"), including imaginary part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0).
    5648 Assuming a simple single-stick creature "X" having parts at (0,0,0) and (1,0,0),
    5650 origin (pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) = (-1,-1,-1)
    5651 size (size_x,size_y,size_z) = (3,2,2)
    5653 The following example places the bottom of a creature at a given location (x,y,z):
    5654 Creature.moveAbs(x-(Creature.size_x/2),y-(Creature.size_y/2),z-1.0)
    5655 (assuming that the part size is 1.0)]]></description>
     5822                <element name="locationSetBboxLow" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     5823                        <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature as determined by the "low" corner (the one with the lower coordinate values) of the bounding box of a creature.]]></description>
    56565824                        <arguments>
    56575825                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    56605828                        </arguments>
    56615829                </element>
    5662                 <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    5663                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     5830                <element name="locationSetBboxCenter" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     5831                        <description><![CDATA[Moves the creature as determined by the center of the bounding box of a creature.]]></description>
    56645832                        <arguments>
    56655833                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    56685836                        </arguments>
    56695837                </element>
     5838                <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void" deprecated="true" flags="8224">
     5839                        <description><![CDATA[Replaced by locationMoveLocalBy]]></description>
     5840                        <arguments>
     5841                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     5842                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     5843                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     5844                        </arguments>
     5845                </element>
     5846                <element name="locationMoveLocalBy" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     5847                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
     5848                        <arguments>
     5849                                <argument name="dx" type="float"/>
     5850                                <argument name="dy" type="float"/>
     5851                                <argument name="dz" type="float"/>
     5852                        </arguments>
     5853                </element>
    56705854                <element name="localToWorld" function="true" type="XYZ" flags="32">
    5671                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     5855                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
    56725856                        <arguments>
    56735857                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    56775861                </element>
    56785862                <element name="worldToLocal" function="true" type="XYZ" flags="32">
    5679                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
     5863                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part.]]></description>
    56805864                        <arguments>
    56815865                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    56855869                </element>
    56865870                <element name="orient" type="Orient" flags="33">
    5687                         <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part]]></description>
     5871                        <description><![CDATA[By convention, the orientation of the creature is equal to the orientation of its first Part.]]></description>
    56885872                </element>
    56895873                <element name="rotate" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    57045888                </element>
    57055889                <element name="drive" type="XYZ" flags="34">
    5706                         <description><![CDATA[Measured in global coordinates]]></description>
    5707                 </element>
    5708                 <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ" flags="34">
     5890                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in global coordinates.]]></description>
     5891                </element>
     5892                <element name="driveLocal" type="XYZ" flags="34">
    57095893                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current orientation of the creature.
    57105894See also: Creature.orient]]></description>
    57115895                </element>
     5896                <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ" deprecated="true" flags="8226">
     5897                        <description><![CDATA[This field is now called driveLocal.]]></description>
     5898                </element>
    57125899                <element name="getPart" function="true" type="Part" flags="32">
    57135900                        <arguments>
    57555942                        <description><![CDATA[A Model object that is a copy of the current (temporary) geometry of this creature]]></description>
    57565943                </element>
    5757                 <element name="uid" type="string" flags="33"/>
     5944                <element name="uid" type="string" flags="1">
     5945                        <description><![CDATA[Unique identifier]]></description>
     5946                </element>
    57585947                <element name="signals" type="CreatureSignals" flags="35"/>
    57595948                <element name="boundingBoxCollisions" function="true" type="integer" flags="34">
    57635952                        <arguments>
    57645953                                <argument name="mask" type="integer"/>
     5954                        </arguments>
     5955                </element>
     5956                <element name="checkCollisions" function="true" type="untyped" flags="34">
     5957                        <description><![CDATA[Returns zero if creature does not collide with other creatures.
     5959- mask: see boundingBoxCollisions() (temporarily replaces the creature.selfmask if not zero)
     5960- accuracy:
     5961 0 = testing creature bounding boxes
     5962 1 = testing creature elements]]></description>
     5963                        <arguments>
     5964                                <argument name="mask" type="integer"/>
     5965                                <argument name="accuracy" type="integer"/>
    57655966                        </arguments>
    57665967                </element>
    58026003        </type>
    58036004        <type name="GeomBuilder" context="Visual style definition">
    5804 <description><![CDATA[Scene graph access (build and manipulate the 3d object tree)]]></description>
     6005<description><![CDATA[Scene graph access (build and manipulate the 3D object tree).]]></description>
    58056006                <element name="code" type="string"/>
    58066007                <element name="currentNode" type="SSGNode" flags="34"/>
    58446045                        </arguments>
    58456046                </element>
    5846                 <element name="matrixScale" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     6047                <element name="matrixPosition" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    58476048                        <arguments>
    58486049                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    58516052                        </arguments>
    58526053                </element>
    5853                 <element name="matrixOrient" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     6054                <element name="matrixScale" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    58546055                        <arguments>
    58556056                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    58586059                        </arguments>
    58596060                </element>
    5860                 <element name="matrixRotate" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     6061                <element name="matrixOrient" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    58616062                        <arguments>
    58626063                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    58656066                        </arguments>
    58666067                </element>
     6068                <element name="matrixRotate" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     6069                        <arguments>
     6070                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
     6071                                <argument name="y" type="float"/>
     6072                                <argument name="z" type="float"/>
     6073                        </arguments>
     6074                </element>
    58676075                <element name="matrixRotate1" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    58686076                        <arguments>
    58716079                </element>
    58726080                <element name="matrixMove1" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
     6081                        <description><![CDATA[MechPart.pos can be used here]]></description>
     6082                        <arguments>
     6083                                <argument name="xyz" type="integer"/>
     6084                        </arguments>
     6085                </element>
     6086                <element name="matrixPosition1" function="true" type="void" flags="32">
    58736087                        <description><![CDATA[MechPart.pos can be used here]]></description>
    58746088                        <arguments>
    61586372                        </arguments>
    61596373                </element>
    6160                 <element name="color" type="integer" flags="34">
    6161                         <description><![CDATA[0xBBGGRR, 0x808080=normal, 0x000000=black, 0xffffff=extra bright]]></description>
    6162                 </element>
     6374                <element name="color" type="integer" min="0" max="16777215" default="16777215" flags="34">
     6375                        <description><![CDATA[RGB format, 0xRRGGBB in hexadecimal]]></description>
     6376                </element>
     6377                <element name="brightness" type="float" min="0" max="2" default="1.0" flags="34"/>
    61636378        </type>
    61646379        <type name="VisualStyle" context="Visual style definition">
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.