01/18/10 00:26:03 (15 years ago)
1 edited


  • java/FramclipsePlugin/src/main/resources/framscript.xml

    r29 r52  
    140140                </element>
    141141                <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ">
    142                         <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current creature orientation
     142                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current orientation of the creature.
    143143See also: Creature.orient]]></description>
    144144                </element>
    224224                </element>
    225225                <element name="localToWorld" function="true" type="XYZ">
    226                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     226                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    227227                        <arguments>
    228228                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    256256                </element>
    257257                <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void">
    258                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     258                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    259259                        <arguments>
    260260                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    264264                </element>
    265265                <element name="rotate" function="true" type="void">
    266                         <description><![CDATA[Rotate the creature around X, Y and Z axes. Should only be used immediately after creating a new creature (before the first simulation step is performed for this creature), otherwise the further simulation could be disturbed.]]></description>
     266                        <description><![CDATA[Rotate the creature around X, Y and Z axes. Should only be used immediately after creating a new creature (before the first simulation step is performed for this creature), otherwise further simulation can be disturbed.]]></description>
    267267                        <arguments>
    268268                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    280280                </element>
    281281                <element name="worldToLocal" function="true" type="XYZ">
    282                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     282                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    283283                        <arguments>
    284284                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    288288                </element>
    289289        </type>
     290        <type name="CreatureSettings" context="Global context">
     291<description><![CDATA[Creature building parameters]]></description>
     292                <element name="bnoise_struct" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="0">
     293                        <description><![CDATA[When >0, body constructs of creatures (position of Parts) will be randomly disturbed when they are created.]]></description>
     294                </element>
     295                <element name="bnoise_vel" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="0">
     296                        <description><![CDATA[Random velocities will be applied to all body Parts (in MechaStick) or rigid segments (in ODE) of newly created creatures.]]></description>
     297                </element>
     298                <element name="maxjoint" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="2"/>
     299                <element name="minjoint" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="0"/>
     300                <element name="randinit" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="0.01">
     301                        <description><![CDATA[Allowed range for initializing all neuron states with uniform distribution random numbers and zero mean. Set 0 for deterministic initialization.]]></description>
     302                </element>
     303                <element name="touchrange" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="1"/>
     304        </type>
    290305        <type name="CreaturesGroup" context="Global context">
    291 <description><![CDATA[A set of Creature objects, sharing some high level simulation properties (performance calculation, NN simulation, collision detection, event handling). The groups usually have different roles in the experiment (Creatures groups and Food group in standard.expdef)]]></description>
     306<description><![CDATA[A set of Creature objects, sharing some high level simulation properties (performance calculation, NN simulation, collision detection, event handling). The groups usually have different roles in the experiment (Creatures groups and Food group in standard.expdef).]]></description>
    292307                <element name="bodysim" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    293308                        <description><![CDATA[Enable/disable physical body simulation. This is the initial value of Creature.bodysim for all objects created in this group. For details, see the documentation of Creature.bodysim.]]></description>
    315330                </element>
    316331                <element name="energy" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    317                         <description><![CDATA[If turned off, creature's energy will be constant]]></description>
     332                        <description><![CDATA[If turned off, creature's energy will be constant.]]></description>
    318333                </element>
    319334                <element name="index" type="integer"/>
    369384                </element>
    370385                <element name="createFromGeno" function="true" type="Creature">
    371                         <description><![CDATA[uses the supplied Geno object]]></description>
     386                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the supplied Geno object]]></description>
    372387                        <arguments>
    373388                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    375390                </element>
    376391                <element name="createFromGenotype" function="true" type="Creature">
    377                         <description><![CDATA[uses the selected Genotype object]]></description>
     392                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the selected Genotype object]]></description>
    379394                <element name="createFromString" function="true" type="Creature">
    380                         <description><![CDATA[uses the supplied string argument]]></description>
     395                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the supplied string argument]]></description>
    381396                        <arguments>
    382397                                <argument name="genotype" type="string"/>
    528543        </type>
    529544        <type name="File" context="Global context">
    530 <description><![CDATA[Provides read/write access to the filesystem. Used in the experiment definition to save the experiment state (onExpSave). Other (general purpose) use of this class is rather limited. Files are created in the "scripts_output" subdirectory of the directory where the Framsticks executable is located.]]></description>
     545<description><![CDATA[Provides read/write access to the filesystem. Can be used in the experiment definition to save the experiment state (onExpSave). Files are created in the "scripts_output" subdirectory of the directory where the Framsticks executable is located.]]></description>
    531546                <element name="EOF" type="integer" min="0" max="1"/>
    532547                <element name="info" type="string"/>
    587602                <element name="readUntilEOF" function="true" type="string"><arguments/></element>
    588603                <element name="system" function="true" type="integer">
    589                         <description><![CDATA[Invokes a system command, returns its return code (0 usually means it was completed successfully)
     604                        <description><![CDATA[Invokes a system command and returns its exit code (0 usually means the command was completed successfully).
    647662        </type>
    648663        <type name="GenePool" context="Global context">
    649 <description><![CDATA[The static GenePool object refers to the "selected group" as described in GenePools]]></description>
     664<description><![CDATA[The static GenePool object refers to the "selected group" as described in GenePools.]]></description>
    650665                <element name="fitfun" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0">
    651                         <description><![CDATA[Enable fitness scaling]]></description>
     666                        <description><![CDATA[Enables fitness scaling.]]></description>
    652667                </element>
    653668                <element name="fitm" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="2">
    657672                <element name="fitma" type="float" min="1" max="10" default="2">
    658673                        <description><![CDATA[The best genotype is as many times
    659 better than the average one]]></description>
     674better than the average one.]]></description>
    660675                </element>
    661676                <element name="fitness" type="string">
    668683                </element>
    669684                <element name="totalpop" type="integer">
    670                         <description><![CDATA[Takes into account the Genotype.instances field (which may give the total number of instances depending on the experiment definition)]]></description>
     685                        <description><![CDATA[Takes into account the Genotype.instances field (which may give the total number of instances depending on the experiment definition).]]></description>
    671686                </element>
    672687                <element name="addGeno" function="true" type="Genotype">
    673                         <description><![CDATA[create new Genotype from the supplied Geno object.
    674 returns the created Genotype.]]></description>
     688                        <description><![CDATA[Creates a new Genotype from the supplied Geno object.
     689Returns the created Genotype.]]></description>
    675690                        <arguments>
    676691                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    678693                </element>
    679694                <element name="delete" function="true" type="void">
    680                         <description><![CDATA[delete genotype]]></description>
     695                        <description><![CDATA[Deletes a genotype.]]></description>
    681696                        <arguments>
    682697                                <argument name="genotype index" type="integer"/>
    684699                </element>
    685700                <element name="findGeno" function="true" type="integer">
    686                         <description><![CDATA[find Genotype matching the supplied Geno object.
    687 returns genotype index or -1 if not found]]></description>
     701                        <description><![CDATA[Finds the Genotype matching the supplied Geno object.
     702returns genotype index or -1 if not found.]]></description>
    688703                        <arguments>
    689704                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    717732 //copy the current, i.e. temporary genotype to the genotype group #0]]></description>
    718733                <element name="genotype" type="integer">
    719                         <description><![CDATA[index of the currently selected genotype or -1 if no genotype is selected]]></description>
     734                        <description><![CDATA[Index of the currently selected genotype or -1 if no genotype is selected.]]></description>
    720735                </element>
    721736                <element name="group" type="integer">
    722                         <description><![CDATA[index of the currently selected group (gene pool)]]></description>
     737                        <description><![CDATA[Index of the currently selected group (GenePool).]]></description>
    723738                </element>
    724739                <element name="size" type="integer"/>
    725740                <element name="addGroup" function="true" type="void">
    726                         <description><![CDATA[add genotype group]]></description>
     741                        <description><![CDATA[Adds a new gene pool.]]></description>
    727742                        <arguments>
    728743                                <argument name="name" type="string"/>
    734749                <element name="clear" function="true" type="void">
    735                         <description><![CDATA[remove all groups except the first one]]></description>
     750                        <description><![CDATA[Removes all gene pools except the first one.]]></description>
    737752                <element name="clearGroup" function="true" type="void">
    741756                </element>
    742757                <element name="copySelected" function="true" type="void">
    743                         <description><![CDATA[copy selected genotype to another group]]></description>
     758                        <description><![CDATA[Copies the selected genotype to another group.]]></description>
    744759                        <arguments>
    745760                                <argument name="groupindex" type="integer"/>
    747762                </element>
    748763                <element name="crossoverSelected" function="true" type="void">
    749                         <description><![CDATA[Crossover selected genotype with another one (from the genotype group). The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected.]]></description>
     764                        <description><![CDATA[Crossovers the selected genotype with another one (from the genotype group). The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected.]]></description>
    750765                        <arguments>
    751766                                <argument name="other index" type="integer"/>
    753768                </element>
    754769                <element name="deleteGroup" function="true" type="void">
    755                         <description><![CDATA[remove genotype group]]></description>
     770                        <description><![CDATA[Removes a gene pool.]]></description>
    756771                        <arguments>
    757772                                <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    759774                </element>
    760775                <element name="deleteOne" function="true" type="void">
    761                         <description><![CDATA[delete one individual from the gene pool = decrease 'instances' and delete the genotype if the 'instances' goes to 0]]></description>
     776                        <description><![CDATA[Deletes one individual from the gene pool = decreases 'instances' and deletes the genotype if the 'instances' goes to 0.]]></description>
    762777                        <arguments>
    763778                                <argument name="genotype index" type="integer"/>
    765780                </element>
    766781                <element name="deleteSelected" function="true" type="void">
    767                         <description><![CDATA[delete selected genotype from the gene pool (uses the selected genotype object)]]></description>
     782                        <description><![CDATA[Deletes selected genotype from the gene pool (uses the selected genotype object).]]></description>
    769784                <element name="findGenotype" function="true" type="integer">
    770                         <description><![CDATA[find a genotype matching the current genotype. It only makes sense when the current genotype is a result of the genetic operator.]]></description>
     785                        <description><![CDATA[Finds a genotype matching the current genotype. It only makes sense when the current genotype is a result of the genetic operator.]]></description>
    772787                <element name="findGenotypeForCreature" function="true" type="integer">
    773                         <description><![CDATA[find a genotype matching the selected creature]]></description>
     788                        <description><![CDATA[Finds a genotype matching the selected creature.]]></description>
    775790                <element name="get" function="true" type="GenePool">
    779794                </element>
    780795                <element name="getFromCreature" function="true" type="void">
    781                         <description><![CDATA[Copy a genotype from the selected creature. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group.]]></description>
     796                        <description><![CDATA[Copies a genotype from the selected creature. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group.]]></description>
    783798                <element name="getFromCreatureObject" function="true" type="void">
    784                         <description><![CDATA[Copy a genotype from the creature object passed in argument. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group.]]></description>
     799                        <description><![CDATA[Copies a genotype from the creature object passed in argument. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group.]]></description>
    785800                        <arguments>
    786801                                <argument type="Creature"/>
    788803                </element>
    789804                <element name="likeThisRoulette" function="true" type="integer">
    790                         <description><![CDATA[get random genotype similar to the selected one, fitness proportional]]></description>
     805                        <description><![CDATA[Gets a random genotype similar to the selected one, fitness-proportional.]]></description>
    791806                        <arguments>
    792807                                <argument name="minimum similarity" type="float"/>
    794809                </element>
    795810                <element name="mutateSelected" function="true" type="void">
    796                         <description><![CDATA[Mutate selected genotype. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected.]]></description>
     811                        <description><![CDATA[Mutates the selected genotype. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected.]]></description>
    798813                <element name="newGenotype" function="true" type="void">
    799                         <description><![CDATA[Make the new genotype from the supplied string and select the genotype. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected. (call "copySelected" if you want to add this gentype to the genotype group)]]></description>
     814                        <description><![CDATA[Makes a new genotype from the supplied string and select the genotype. The resulting genotype is stored in the static Genotype object detached from the genotype group. After calling this function GenePools.genotype is -1 indicating that no genotype from the group is selected. (call "copySelected" if you want to add this gentype to the genotype group).]]></description>
    800815                        <arguments>
    801816                                <argument name="genotype" type="string"/>
    803818                </element>
    804819                <element name="random" function="true" type="integer">
    805                         <description><![CDATA[get random genotype]]></description>
     820                        <description><![CDATA[Gets random genotype.]]></description>
    807822                <element name="randomLikeThis" function="true" type="integer">
    808                         <description><![CDATA[get random genotype similar to the selected one]]></description>
     823                        <description><![CDATA[Gets a random genotype similar to the selected one.]]></description>
    809824                        <arguments>
    810825                                <argument name="minimum similarity" type="float"/>
    812827                </element>
    813828                <element name="revroulette" function="true" type="integer">
    814                         <description><![CDATA[get reverse fitness proportional genotype]]></description>
     829                        <description><![CDATA[Get reverse fitness-proportional genotype.]]></description>
    816831                <element name="roulette" function="true" type="integer">
    817                         <description><![CDATA[get fitness proportional genotype]]></description>
     832                        <description><![CDATA[Gets fitness-proportional genotype.]]></description>
    819834                <element name="tournament" function="true" type="integer">
    820                         <description><![CDATA[get tournament winner genotype]]></description>
     835                        <description><![CDATA[Gets tournament winner genotype.]]></description>
    821836                        <arguments>
    822837                                <argument name="genotypes in tournament" type="integer"/>
    824839                </element>
    825840                <element name="worst" function="true" type="integer">
    826                         <description><![CDATA[get worst genotype]]></description>
     841                        <description><![CDATA[Gets worst genotype.]]></description>
    828843        </type>
    897912                <element name="f0_p_swp" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="10">
    898913                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    899                 </element>
    900                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_maxRules" type="integer" min="0" max="999">
    901                         <description><![CDATA[Maximum number of fuzzy rules]]></description>
    902                 </element>
    903                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_maxSets" type="integer" min="0" max="999">
    904                         <description><![CDATA[Maximum number of fuzzy sets]]></description>
    905                 </element>
    906                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob0" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    907                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new fuzzy set with simple rule, which uses this set (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    908                 </element>
    909                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob1" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    910                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing fuzzy set (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    911                 </element>
    912                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob2" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    913                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    914                 </element>
    915                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob3" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    916                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    917                 </element>
    918                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob4" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    919                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new input or output to exisitng rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    920                 </element>
    921                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob5" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    922                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing input or output from exisitng rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    923914                </element>
    924915                <element name="f1_mut_exmod" type="string">
    10321023                        <description><![CDATA[Required for phylogenetic analysis]]></description>
    10331024                </element>
    1034                 <element name="genoper_f0" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     1025                <element name="genoper_f0" type="integer" min="0" max="0">
    10351026                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    10361027                </element>
    14761467        </type>
    14771468        <type name="GenotypeGroup" context="Global context">
    1478 <description><![CDATA[The static GenePool object refers to the "selected group" as described in GenePools]]></description>
     1469<description><![CDATA[The static GenePool object refers to the "selected group" as described in GenePools.]]></description>
    14791470                <element name="fitfun" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="0">
    1480                         <description><![CDATA[Enable fitness scaling]]></description>
     1471                        <description><![CDATA[Enables fitness scaling.]]></description>
    14811472                </element>
    14821473                <element name="fitm" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="2">
    14861477                <element name="fitma" type="float" min="1" max="10" default="2">
    14871478                        <description><![CDATA[The best genotype is as many times
    1488 better than the average one]]></description>
     1479better than the average one.]]></description>
    14891480                </element>
    14901481                <element name="fitness" type="string">
    14971488                </element>
    14981489                <element name="totalpop" type="integer">
    1499                         <description><![CDATA[Takes into account the Genotype.instances field (which may give the total number of instances depending on the experiment definition)]]></description>
     1490                        <description><![CDATA[Takes into account the Genotype.instances field (which may give the total number of instances depending on the experiment definition).]]></description>
    15001491                </element>
    15011492                <element name="addGeno" function="true" type="Genotype">
    1502                         <description><![CDATA[create new Genotype from the supplied Geno object.
    1503 returns the created Genotype.]]></description>
     1493                        <description><![CDATA[Creates a new Genotype from the supplied Geno object.
     1494Returns the created Genotype.]]></description>
    15041495                        <arguments>
    15051496                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    15071498                </element>
    15081499                <element name="delete" function="true" type="void">
    1509                         <description><![CDATA[delete genotype]]></description>
     1500                        <description><![CDATA[Deletes a genotype.]]></description>
    15101501                        <arguments>
    15111502                                <argument name="genotype index" type="integer"/>
    15131504                </element>
    15141505                <element name="findGeno" function="true" type="integer">
    1515                         <description><![CDATA[find Genotype matching the supplied Geno object.
    1516 returns genotype index or -1 if not found]]></description>
     1506                        <description><![CDATA[Finds the Genotype matching the supplied Geno object.
     1507returns genotype index or -1 if not found.]]></description>
    15171508                        <arguments>
    15181509                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    18861877                <element name="creature" type="Creature"/>
    18871878                <element name="currState" type="float">
    1888                         <description><![CDATA[the only difference from the "state" field is that currState, when written, changes the internal neuron state immediately (which disturbs the regular synchronous NN operation). This feature should only be used while controlling the neuron 'from outside' (like a neuro probe) and not in the neuron definition.]]></description>
     1879                        <description><![CDATA[The only difference from the "state" field is that currState, when written, changes the internal neuron state immediately (which disturbs the regular synchronous NN operation). This feature should only be used while controlling the neuron 'from outside' (like a neuro probe) and not in the neuron definition. See also: Neuro.hold]]></description>
    18891880                </element>
    18901881                <element name="def" type="NeuroDef"/>
    19061897                <element name="getInputCount" type="integer"/>
    19071898                <element name="hold" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    1908                         <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
     1899                        <description><![CDATA["Holding" means keeping the neuron state as is, blocking the regular neuron operation. This is useful when your script needs to inject some control signals into the NN. Without "holding", live neurons would be constantly overwriting your changes, and the rest of the NN could see inconsistent states, depending on the connections. Setting hold=1 ensures the neuron state will be only set by you, and not by the neuron. The enforced signal value can be set using Neuro.currState before or after setting hold=1. Set hold=0 to resume normal operation.]]></description>
    19091900                </element>
    19101901                <element name="inputSum" type="float"/>
    19161907                <element name="signals" type="NeuroSignals"/>
    19171908                <element name="state" type="float">
    1918                         <description><![CDATA[when read, returns the current neuron state.
     1909                        <description><![CDATA[When read, returns the current neuron state.
    19191910When written, sets the next neuron state (for use in the neuron definition)]]></description>
    19201911                </element>
    19631954                </element>
    19641955                <element name="getWeightedInputSum" function="true" type="float">
    1965                         <description><![CDATA[uses any number of inputs starting with the specified input. getWeightedInputSum(0)=weightedInputSum]]></description>
     1956                        <description><![CDATA[Uses any number of inputs starting with the specified input. getWeightedInputSum(0)=weightedInputSum]]></description>
    19661957                        <arguments>
    19671958                                <argument name="input" type="integer"/>
    19691960                </element>
    19701961                <element name="setCurrStateChannel" function="true" type="void">
    1971                         <description><![CDATA[like "currState"]]></description>
     1962                        <description><![CDATA[Analogous to "currState".]]></description>
    19721963                        <arguments>
    19731964                                <argument name="channel" type="integer"/>
    20302021                                <argument type="integer"/>
    20312022                        </arguments>
     2023                </element>
     2024        </type>
     2025        <type name="NeuronsSimEnabled" context="Global context">
     2026                <element name="ncl_N" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2027                        <description><![CDATA[Standard neuron
     2030   supports any number of inputs
     2031   provides output value
     2032   does not require location in body
     2036   Inertia (in) float 0..1
     2037   Force (fo) float 0..999
     2038   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
     2039   State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     2040                </element>
     2041                <element name="ncl_Nu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2042                        <description><![CDATA[Works like standard neuron (N) but the output value is scaled to 0...+1 instead of -1...+1.
     2043Having 0 as one of the saturation states should help in "gate circuits", where input signal is passed through or blocked depending on the other singal.
     2046   supports any number of inputs
     2047   provides output value
     2048   does not require location in body
     2052   Inertia (in) float 0..1
     2053   Force (fo) float 0..999
     2054   Sigmoid (si) float -99999..99999
     2055   State (s) float -1..1]]></description>
     2056                </element>
     2057                <element name="ncl_G" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2058                        <description><![CDATA[Equilibrium sensor.
     20590=the stick is horizontal
     2060+1/-1=the stick is vertical
     2063   does not use inputs
     2064   provides output value
     2065   should be located on a Joint
     2067                </element>
     2068                <element name="ncl_T" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2069                        <description><![CDATA[Touch sensor.
     2070-1=no contact
     20710=just touching
     2072>0=pressing, value depends on the force applied
     2075   does not use inputs
     2076   provides output value
     2077   should be located on a Part
     2081   Range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     2082                </element>
     2083                <element name="ncl_S" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2084                        <description><![CDATA[Smell sensor. Aggregated "smell of energy" experienced from all energy objects (creatures and food pieces).
     2085Close objects have bigger influence than the distant ones: for each energy source, its partial feeling is proportional to its energy/(distance^2)
     2088   does not use inputs
     2089   provides output value
     2090   should be located on a Part
     2092                </element>
     2093                <element name="ncl_*" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2094                        <description><![CDATA[Constant value
     2097   does not use inputs
     2098   provides output value
     2099   does not require location in body
     2101                </element>
     2102                <element name="ncl_|" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2103                        <description><![CDATA[Characteristics:
     2104   uses single input
     2105   does not provide output value
     2106   should be located on a Joint
     2110   power (p) float 0.01..1
     2111   bending range (r) float 0..1]]></description>
     2112                </element>
     2113                <element name="ncl_@" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2114                        <description><![CDATA[Characteristics:
     2115   uses single input
     2116   does not provide output value
     2117   should be located on a Joint
     2121   power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     2122                </element>
     2123                <element name="ncl_D" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2124                        <description><![CDATA[Calculate the difference between the current and previous input value. Multiple inputs are aggregated with respect to their weights
     2127   supports any number of inputs
     2128   provides output value
     2129   does not require location in body
     2131                </element>
     2132                <element name="ncl_Fuzzy" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2133                        <description><![CDATA[Refer to publications to learn more about this neuron.
     2136   supports any number of inputs
     2137   provides output value
     2138   does not require location in body
     2142   number of fuzzy sets (ns) integer
     2143   number of rules (nr) integer
     2144   fuzzy sets (fs) string
     2145   fuzzy rules (fr) string]]></description>
     2146                </element>
     2147                <element name="ncl_VEye" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2148                        <description><![CDATA[Refer to publications to learn more about this neuron.
     2151   uses single input
     2152   provides output value
     2153   should be located on a Part
     2157   target.x (tx) float
     2158   target.y (ty) float
     2159   target.z (tz) float
     2160   target shape (ts) string
     2161   perspective (p) float 0.1..10
     2162   scale (s) float 0.1..100
     2163   show hidden lines (h) integer 0..1
     2164   output lines count (each line needs four channels) (o) integer 0..99
     2165   debug (d) integer 0..1]]></description>
     2166                </element>
     2167                <element name="ncl_VMotor" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2168                        <description><![CDATA[Must be connected to the VEye and properly set up. Refer to publications to learn more about this neuron.
     2171   supports any number of inputs
     2172   provides output value
     2173   does not require location in body
     2177   number of basic features (noIF) integer
     2178   number of degrees of freedom (noDim) integer
     2179   parameters (params) string]]></description>
     2180                </element>
     2181                <element name="ncl_Sti" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2182                        <description><![CDATA[Characteristics:
     2183   uses single input
     2184   does not provide output value
     2185   should be located on a Part
     2187                </element>
     2188                <element name="ncl_LMu" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2189                        <description><![CDATA[Characteristics:
     2190   uses single input
     2191   does not provide output value
     2192   should be located on a Joint
     2196   power (p) float 0.01..1]]></description>
     2197                </element>
     2198                <element name="ncl_Water" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2199                        <description><![CDATA[Output signal:
     22000=on or above water surface
     22011=under water (deeper than 1)
     22020..1=in the transient area just below water surface
     2205   does not use inputs
     2206   provides output value
     2207   should be located on a Part
     2209                </element>
     2210                <element name="ncl_Energy" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2211                        <description><![CDATA[The current energy level divided by the initial energy level.
     2212Usually falls from initial 1.0 down to 0.0 and then the creature dies. It can rise above 1.0 if enough food is ingested
     2215   does not use inputs
     2216   provides output value
     2217   does not require location in body
     2219                </element>
     2220                <element name="ncl_Ch" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2221                        <description><![CDATA[Combines all input signals into a single multichannel output; Note: ChSel and ChMux are the only neurons which support multiple channels. Other neurons discard everything except the first channel.
     2224   supports any number of inputs
     2225   provides output value
     2226   does not require location in body
     2228                </element>
     2229                <element name="ncl_ChMux" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2230                        <description><![CDATA[Outputs the selected channel from the second (multichannel) input. The first input is used as the selector value (-1=select first channel, .., 1=last channel)
     2233   uses 2 inputs
     2234   provides output value
     2235   does not require location in body
     2237                </element>
     2238                <element name="ncl_ChSel" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2239                        <description><![CDATA[Outputs a single channel (selected by the "ch" parameter) from multichannel input
     2242   uses single input
     2243   provides output value
     2244   does not require location in body
     2248   channel (ch) integer]]></description>
     2249                </element>
     2250                <element name="ncl_Rnd" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2251                        <description><![CDATA[Generates random noise (subsequent random values in the range of -1..+1)
     2254   does not use inputs
     2255   provides output value
     2256   does not require location in body
     2258                </element>
     2259                <element name="ncl_Sin" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     2260                        <description><![CDATA[Output frequency = f0+input
     2263   uses single input
     2264   provides output value
     2265   does not require location in body
     2269   base frequency (f0) float -1..1
     2270   time (t) float 0..6.28319]]></description>
    20322271                </element>
    20332272        </type>
    22342473        </type>
    22352474        <type name="Population" context="Global context">
    2236 <description><![CDATA[A set of Creature objects, sharing some high level simulation properties (performance calculation, NN simulation, collision detection, event handling). The groups usually have different roles in the experiment (Creatures groups and Food group in standard.expdef)]]></description>
     2475<description><![CDATA[A set of Creature objects, sharing some high level simulation properties (performance calculation, NN simulation, collision detection, event handling). The groups usually have different roles in the experiment (Creatures groups and Food group in standard.expdef).]]></description>
    22372476                <element name="bodysim" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    22382477                        <description><![CDATA[Enable/disable physical body simulation. This is the initial value of Creature.bodysim for all objects created in this group. For details, see the documentation of Creature.bodysim.]]></description>
    22602499                </element>
    22612500                <element name="energy" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    2262                         <description><![CDATA[If turned off, creature's energy will be constant]]></description>
     2501                        <description><![CDATA[If turned off, creature's energy will be constant.]]></description>
    22632502                </element>
    22642503                <element name="index" type="integer"/>
    23142553                </element>
    23152554                <element name="createFromGeno" function="true" type="Creature">
    2316                         <description><![CDATA[uses the supplied Geno object]]></description>
     2555                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the supplied Geno object]]></description>
    23172556                        <arguments>
    23182557                                <argument type="Geno"/>
    23202559                </element>
    23212560                <element name="createFromGenotype" function="true" type="Creature">
    2322                         <description><![CDATA[uses the selected Genotype object]]></description>
     2561                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the selected Genotype object]]></description>
    23242563                <element name="createFromString" function="true" type="Creature">
    2325                         <description><![CDATA[uses the supplied string argument]]></description>
     2564                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the supplied string argument]]></description>
    23262565                        <arguments>
    23272566                                <argument name="genotype" type="string"/>
    23792618        </type>
    23802619        <type name="Populations" context="Global context">
    2381 <description><![CDATA[Manages all Creature objects in the experiment, organized in one or more groups. See also: Creature, Population]]></description>
     2620<description><![CDATA[Manages all Creature objects in the experiment, organized in one or more groups. See also: Creature, Population.]]></description>
    23822621                <element name="creature" type="integer"/>
    2383                 <element name="group" type="integer"/>
     2622                <element name="group" type="integer">
     2623                        <description><![CDATA[Index of the currently selected group (Population).]]></description>
     2624                </element>
    23842625                <element name="size" type="integer"/>
    23852626                <element name="addGroup" function="true" type="void">
    2386                         <description><![CDATA[add population]]></description>
     2627                        <description><![CDATA[Adds a new population.]]></description>
    23872628                        <arguments>
    23882629                                <argument name="name" type="string"/>
    23902631                </element>
    23912632                <element name="clear" function="true" type="void">
    2392                         <description><![CDATA[remove all populations except the first one]]></description>
     2633                        <description><![CDATA[Removes all populations except the first one.]]></description>
    23942635                <element name="clearGroup" function="true" type="void">
    23992640                <element name="creatBBCollisions" function="true" type="integer">
    24002641                        <description><![CDATA[Checks approximate collisions for the selected creature.
    2401 Returns the collision mask calculated as in the regular simulation. The argument is the collision mask substituted for the selected creature (defaults to group colmask for 0)]]></description>
     2642Returns the collision mask calculated as in the regular simulation. The argument is the collision mask substituted for the selected creature (defaults to group colmask for 0).]]></description>
    24022643                        <arguments>
    24032644                                <argument name="mask" type="integer"/>
    24052646                </element>
    24062647                <element name="createFromGenotype" function="true" type="Creature">
    2407                         <description><![CDATA[uses the selected Genotype object]]></description>
     2648                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the selected Genotype object.]]></description>
    24092650                <element name="createFromString" function="true" type="Creature">
    2410                         <description><![CDATA[uses the supplied string argument]]></description>
     2651                        <description><![CDATA[Uses the supplied string argument.]]></description>
    24112652                        <arguments>
    24122653                                <argument name="genotype" type="string"/>
    24142655                </element>
    24152656                <element name="deleteGroup" function="true" type="void">
    2416                         <description><![CDATA[remove population]]></description>
     2657                        <description><![CDATA[Removes a population.]]></description>
    24172658                        <arguments>
    24182659                                <argument name="index" type="integer"/>
    24202661                </element>
    24212662                <element name="deleteSelected" function="true" type="void">
    2422                         <description><![CDATA[applies to the selected Creature]]></description>
     2663                        <description><![CDATA[Applies to the selected Creature.]]></description>
    24242665                <element name="findCreatureAt" function="true" type="Creature">
    24342675                </element>
    24352676                <element name="killSelected" function="true" type="void">
    2436                         <description><![CDATA[applies to the selected Creature]]></description>
     2677                        <description><![CDATA[Applies to the selected Creature.]]></description>
    24382679        </type>
    25182759                </element>
    25192760        </type>
     2761        <type name="SignalView" context="Global context">
     2762                <element name="labels" type="string">
     2763                        <description><![CDATA[The label formula should return text to be displayed over the signal source, presumably by reading some values from the supplied Signal object. It is especially useful for more sophisticated signal usage scenarios, when Signal.value keeps a reference to an object (the default signal label only shows <XXX Object at xxxxx> in such cases).
     2765Examples: (switch to "Automatic" mode to see labels, then remove the label formula and compare the effect)
     2767return "x";
     2768return "val="+Signal.value;
     2769return "power="+Signal.power;]]></description>
     2770                </element>
     2771                <element name="mode" type="integer" min="0" max="2">
     2772                        <description><![CDATA["Automatic" labels all signal sources in all channels and shows the intensity map of the first channel. This is sufficient for many simple setups, but as the number of signals and channels grows, the display becomes cluttered. In such cases, the experiment definition can define "Custom" signal visualization tailored for the particular experiment.]]></description>
     2773                </element>
     2774                <element name="addMap" function="true" type="void">
     2775                        <arguments>
     2776                                <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
     2777                                <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
     2778                        </arguments>
     2779                </element>
     2780                <element name="addSignals" function="true" type="void">
     2781                        <arguments>
     2782                                <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
     2783                                <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
     2784                                <argument name="angle_x" type="integer"/>
     2785                                <argument name="angle_y" type="integer"/>
     2786                                <argument name="angle_z" type="integer"/>
     2787                        </arguments>
     2788                </element>
     2789                <element name="addSignalsFilter" function="true" type="void">
     2790                        <arguments>
     2791                                <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
     2792                                <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
     2793                                <argument name="angle_x" type="integer"/>
     2794                                <argument name="angle_y" type="integer"/>
     2795                                <argument name="angle_z" type="integer"/>
     2796                                <argument name="flavor" type="integer"/>
     2797                                <argument name="filter" type="integer"/>
     2798                        </arguments>
     2799                </element>
     2800                <element name="clear" function="true">
     2801                        <description><![CDATA[Removes custom display settings that might have been defined by various scripts (expdef or show).]]></description>
     2802                </element>
     2803        </type>
    25202804        <type name="sim_params" context="Global context">
    25212805<description><![CDATA[This object groups all simulator parameters so they can be loaded or saved with a single call (see scripts/standard_loadsave.inc). For other purposes please use specific objects, like Simulator, World, Populations, etc.]]></description>
    26132897                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    26142898                </element>
    2615                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_maxRules" type="integer" min="0" max="999">
    2616                         <description><![CDATA[Maximum number of fuzzy rules]]></description>
    2617                 </element>
    2618                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_maxSets" type="integer" min="0" max="999">
    2619                         <description><![CDATA[Maximum number of fuzzy sets]]></description>
    2620                 </element>
    2621                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob0" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2622                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new fuzzy set with simple rule, which uses this set (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2623                 </element>
    2624                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob1" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2625                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing fuzzy set (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2626                 </element>
    2627                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob2" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2628                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2629                 </element>
    2630                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob3" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2631                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2632                 </element>
    2633                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob4" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2634                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of adding new input or output to exisitng rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2635                 </element>
    2636                 <element name="f0Fuzzy_prob5" type="float" min="0" max="1">
    2637                         <description><![CDATA[Probability of removing input or output from exisitng rule (1=proceed on all genes, 0.1=proceed on ten percent)]]></description>
    2638                 </element>
    26392899                <element name="f1_mut_exmod" type="string">
    26402900                        <description><![CDATA[Modifiers that will not be added nor deleted during mutation
    27513011                </element>
    27523012                <element name="genkonw0" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2753                         <description><![CDATA[Original Framsticks genotype format]]></description>
     3013                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    27543014                </element>
    27553015                <element name="genkonw1" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2756                         <description><![CDATA[Similarity encoding]]></description>
     3016                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    27573017                </element>
    27583018                <element name="genkonw2" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2759                         <description><![CDATA[Biological encoding]]></description>
     3019                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    27603020                </element>
    27613021                <element name="genkonw3" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    2762                         <description><![CDATA[Developmental encoding]]></description>
     3022                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    27633023                </element>
    27643024                <element name="genolib" type="GenePools"/>
    2765                 <element name="genoper_f0" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
     3025                <element name="genoper_f0" type="integer" min="0" max="0">
    27663026                        <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
    27673027                </element>
    33243584                </element>
    33253585                <element name="randinit" type="float" min="0" max="10" default="0.01">
    3326                         <description><![CDATA[Initialize all neuron states with uniform distribution random numbers]]></description>
     3586                        <description><![CDATA[Allowed range for initializing all neuron states with uniform distribution random numbers and zero mean. Set 0 for deterministic initialization.]]></description>
    33273587                </element>
    33283588                <element name="resetonexpdef" type="integer" min="0" max="1" default="1">
    36463906                <element name="livelib" type="Populations"/>
    36473907                <element name="loadchk" type="integer" min="0" max="1"/>
    3648                 <element name="maxjoint" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="2"/>
    3649                 <element name="minjoint" type="float" min="0" max="100" default="0"/>
    36503908                <element name="overwrite" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    36513909                        <description><![CDATA[Overwite existing files or create their backups]]></description>
    40694327                </element>
    40704328        </type>
     4329        <type name="UserScripts" context="Global context">
     4330                <element name="changedProperty" type="integer"/>
     4331                <element name="changedPropertyId" type="string"/>
     4332                <element name="add" function="true"/>
     4333                <element name="addGroup" function="true"/>
     4334                <element name="clear" function="true"/>
     4335                <element name="remove" function="true"/>
     4336                <element name="removeGroup" function="true"/>
     4337        </type>
    40714338        <type name="Vector" context="Global context">
    40724339<description><![CDATA[Vector is 1-dimensional array, indexed by integer value (starting from 0). Multidimensional arrays can be simulated by putting other Vector objects into the Vector.
    43584625                <element name="creature" type="Creature"/>
    43594626                <element name="currState" type="float">
    4360                         <description><![CDATA[the only difference from the "state" field is that currState, when written, changes the internal neuron state immediately (which disturbs the regular synchronous NN operation). This feature should only be used while controlling the neuron 'from outside' (like a neuro probe) and not in the neuron definition.]]></description>
     4627                        <description><![CDATA[The only difference from the "state" field is that currState, when written, changes the internal neuron state immediately (which disturbs the regular synchronous NN operation). This feature should only be used while controlling the neuron 'from outside' (like a neuro probe) and not in the neuron definition. See also: Neuro.hold]]></description>
    43614628                </element>
    43624629                <element name="def" type="NeuroDef"/>
    43784645                <element name="getInputCount" type="integer"/>
    43794646                <element name="hold" type="integer" min="0" max="1">
    4380                         <description><![CDATA[]]></description>
     4647                        <description><![CDATA["Holding" means keeping the neuron state as is, blocking the regular neuron operation. This is useful when your script needs to inject some control signals into the NN. Without "holding", live neurons would be constantly overwriting your changes, and the rest of the NN could see inconsistent states, depending on the connections. Setting hold=1 ensures the neuron state will be only set by you, and not by the neuron. The enforced signal value can be set using Neuro.currState before or after setting hold=1. Set hold=0 to resume normal operation.]]></description>
    43814648                </element>
    43824649                <element name="inputSum" type="float"/>
    43884655                <element name="signals" type="NeuroSignals"/>
    43894656                <element name="state" type="float">
    4390                         <description><![CDATA[when read, returns the current neuron state.
     4657                        <description><![CDATA[When read, returns the current neuron state.
    43914658When written, sets the next neuron state (for use in the neuron definition)]]></description>
    43924659                </element>
    44354702                </element>
    44364703                <element name="getWeightedInputSum" function="true" type="float">
    4437                         <description><![CDATA[uses any number of inputs starting with the specified input. getWeightedInputSum(0)=weightedInputSum]]></description>
     4704                        <description><![CDATA[Uses any number of inputs starting with the specified input. getWeightedInputSum(0)=weightedInputSum]]></description>
    44384705                        <arguments>
    44394706                                <argument name="input" type="integer"/>
    44414708                </element>
    44424709                <element name="setCurrStateChannel" function="true" type="void">
    4443                         <description><![CDATA[like "currState"]]></description>
     4710                        <description><![CDATA[Analogous to "currState".]]></description>
    44444711                        <arguments>
    44454712                                <argument name="channel" type="integer"/>
    45594826                </element>
    45604827                <element name="localDrive" type="XYZ">
    4561                         <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current creature orientation
     4828                        <description><![CDATA[Measured in local coordinates, that is, with respect to the current orientation of the creature.
    45624829See also: Creature.orient]]></description>
    45634830                </element>
    46434910                </element>
    46444911                <element name="localToWorld" function="true" type="XYZ">
    4645                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     4912                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    46464913                        <arguments>
    46474914                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    46754942                </element>
    46764943                <element name="moveLocal" function="true" type="void">
    4677                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     4944                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    46784945                        <arguments>
    46794946                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    46834950                </element>
    46844951                <element name="rotate" function="true" type="void">
    4685                         <description><![CDATA[Rotate the creature around X, Y and Z axes. Should only be used immediately after creating a new creature (before the first simulation step is performed for this creature), otherwise the further simulation could be disturbed.]]></description>
     4952                        <description><![CDATA[Rotate the creature around X, Y and Z axes. Should only be used immediately after creating a new creature (before the first simulation step is performed for this creature), otherwise further simulation can be disturbed.]]></description>
    46864953                        <arguments>
    46874954                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    46994966                </element>
    47004967                <element name="worldToLocal" function="true" type="XYZ">
    4701                         <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the first Part position and orientation]]></description>
     4968                        <description><![CDATA[Local coordinates are measured with respect to the position and orientation of the first Part]]></description>
    47024969                        <arguments>
    47034970                                <argument name="x" type="float"/>
    51465413        </type>
    51475414        <type name="Signal" context="Signal label formula">
    5148 <description><![CDATA[Signals broadcast information in a channel (being an abstract communication medium that could be imagined as sound, smell, vision or anything else). There are no sender-receiver associations, although the receiving party can filter out signals (two standard filtering methods are: physical neighborhood and one-dimensional attribute called flavor). Signals attached to neurons and creatures (created in Creature.signals and Neuro.signals) automatically follow the owner's location. Environmental signals (in World.signals) are stationary.
    5150 Receiving:
    5151 There are 2 kinds of data you can receive:
    5152 1. aggregating functions (receive and receiveFilter) calculate the overall power of the received signal (based on the distance and the source power).
    5153 2. receiveSet and receiveSingle fetch the individual Signal object(s) so it is possible to transmit something else than just a single number (by using Signal.value) and do more sophisticated processing.
    5155 Creating: Use "add" in Creature.signals, Neuro.signals, or World.signals.]]></description>
    51565415                <element name="channel" type="string">
    51575416                        <description><![CDATA[Channel name, readonly.]]></description>
    51685427                <element name="value" type="untyped">
    51695428                        <description><![CDATA[Signal value can be any type. On the receiver side it is only available by accessing the individual Signal objects, i.e. after calling receiveSet() or receiveSingle(). The aggregating function receive() and receiveFilter() ignore this attribute.]]></description>
    5170                 </element>
    5171                 <element name="remove" function="true">
    5172                         <description><![CDATA[Deletes the signal]]></description>
    51735429                </element>
    51745430        </type>
    54385694                <element name="removeGroup" function="true"/>
    54395695        </type>
    5440         <type name="SignalView" context="Command line interface">
    5441                 <element name="labels" type="string">
    5442                         <description><![CDATA[The label formula should return a text to be displayed over the signal source, presumably by reading some values from the supplied Signal object. It is especially useful for more sophisticated signal usage scenarios with Signal.value holding object references (the default signal label only shows <XXX Object at xxxxx> in such cases)]]></description>
    5443                 </element>
    5444                 <element name="mode" type="integer" min="0" max="2"/>
    5445                 <element name="addMap" function="true" type="void">
    5446                         <arguments>
    5447                                 <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
    5448                                 <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
    5449                         </arguments>
    5450                 </element>
    5451                 <element name="addSignals" function="true" type="void">
    5452                         <arguments>
    5453                                 <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
    5454                                 <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
    5455                                 <argument name="angle_x" type="integer"/>
    5456                                 <argument name="angle_y" type="integer"/>
    5457                                 <argument name="angle_z" type="integer"/>
    5458                         </arguments>
    5459                 </element>
    5460                 <element name="addSignalsFilter" function="true" type="void">
    5461                         <arguments>
    5462                                 <argument name="channel" type="string"/>
    5463                                 <argument name="color" type="integer"/>
    5464                                 <argument name="angle_x" type="integer"/>
    5465                                 <argument name="angle_y" type="integer"/>
    5466                                 <argument name="angle_z" type="integer"/>
    5467                                 <argument name="flavor" type="integer"/>
    5468                                 <argument name="filter" type="integer"/>
    5469                         </arguments>
    5470                 </element>
    5471                 <element name="clear" function="true"/>
    5472         </type>
    54735696        <type name="SimStatsCharts" context="Command line interface">
    54745697<description><![CDATA[Manages charts for monitoring simulator statistics.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.