Changeset 1167

12/12/21 23:34:08 (3 years ago)
Maciej Komosinski


4 edited


  • cpp/frams/genetics/f9/f9_oper.cpp

    r1157 r1167  
    1515        { "Genetics: f9", 1, 1, },
    16         { "f9_mut", 0, 0, "Mutation probability", "f 0 1 0", FIELD(mut_prob), "How many genes should be mutated during single mutation (1=all genes, 0.1=ten percent, 0=one gene)", },
     16        { "f9_mut", 0, 0, "Mutation probability", "f 0 1 0", FIELD(mut_prob), "How many genes should be mutated during a single mutation (1=all genes, 0.1=ten percent, 0=one gene)", },
    1717        { 0, },
  • cpp/frams/genetics/fH/fH_general.h

    r966 r1167  
    253253         * only for neurons that should act as outputs. Distance is calculated
    254254         * as Euclidean distance between second vector of ConnectionHandle and first
    255          * vector of NeuronHandle. In order to calculate distance between
    256          * input neuron and connection use distance function implemented in
     255         * vector of NeuronHandle. In order to calculate the distance between
     256         * input neuron and connection, use the distance function implemented in
    257257         * NeuronHandle class.
    258258         * @param right second handle to which distance is calculated
  • cpp/frams/genetics/fH/fH_oper.cpp

    r999 r1167  
    1717        { "fH_mut_add_joint", 0, 0, " - add joint", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_STICK]), "Probability of adding new stick handle", },
    1818        { "fH_mut_add_neuron", 0, 0, " - add neuron", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_NEURO]), "Probability of adding new neuron handle", },
    19         { "fH_mut_add_connection", 0, 0, " - add connection", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_CONN]), "Probability of adding new connection handle", },
     19        { "fH_mut_add_connection", 0, 0, " - add neural connection", "f 0 1 0.33", FIELD(addoperations[FH_ADD_CONN]), "Probability of adding new neuron connection handle", },
    2020        { "fH_mut_deletion", 0, 0, "Delete element", "f 0 1 0.1", FIELD(operations[FH_DEL]), "Probability of removing element from genotype", },
    2121        { "fH_mut_handle", 0, 0, "Modify vectors of handles", "f 0 1 0.3", FIELD(operations[FH_HANDLE]), "Probability of changing values in vectors of handle", },
  • framspy/

    r1166 r1167  
    341341        global c_api  # access global variable
    342342        if lib_path is not None and == 'posix':
    343                 lib_name = os.path.join(lib_path, lib_name)  # lib_path is always set ('.' when not specified). for the (currently unused) case of lib_path==None the resulting lib_name is a bare filename without any path, which loads the library from a system-configured location.
     343                lib_name = os.path.join(lib_path, lib_name)  # lib_path is always set ('.' when not specified). For the (currently unused) case of lib_path==None, the resulting lib_name is a bare filename without any path, which loads the library from a system-configured location.
    344344        try:
    345345                c_api = ctypes.CDLL(lib_name)  # if accessing this module from multiple threads, they will all share a single c_api and access the same copy of the library and its data. If you want separate independent copies, read the comment at the top of this file on using the "multiprocessing" module.
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