var neuroSL = null; var neuroConnSL = null; var einfos = []; var blocks = []; var N = null; function SmartLayout(neu, con) { neuroSL = neu; neuroConnSL = con; N = neuroSL.length; ///////////////////////// //////Faza pierwsza////// ///////////////////////// blocks = new Array(N); for(var i = 0; i < N; i++){ einfos.push(new einfo()) } for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) setElement(i); ///////////////////////// //////Faza druga///////// ///////////////////////// var first = null; var el; for(el = 0; el < N; el++){ if(blocks[el]){ first = blocks[el]; el++; break; } } while(el < N){ if((first.maxx - first.minx) > (first.maxy - first.miny)){ var y = first.maxy + 2; var x = first.minx; var ex = first.maxx; while (el ex) break; } el++; } } else { var x = first.maxx + 2; var y = first.miny; var ey = first.maxy; while (el ey) break; } el++; } } } //Pokazanie wartości if (first) // at this stage we have a single block containing all neurons { //console.log(" - - setting coordinates - -\n"); var i; first.createMap(); for (i = 0; i < first.elements.length; i++) { el = first.elements[i]; //console.log(el, einfos[el].x * 70, -1 * einfos[el].y * 70); } delete first; } } function einfo(){ this.block = null; this.x = null; this.y = null; } function Block(number){ = number; this.elements = []; this.w = 1; this.h = 1; this.minx = 0; this.miny = 0; this.maxx = 0; this.maxy = 0; this.addElement(number,0, 0); blocks[] = this; = []; } Block.prototype.destroy = function() { blocks[] = 0; this.freeMap(); } Block.prototype.freeMap = function(){ if( = []; } Block.prototype.needMap = function(){ if( return; this.createMap(); } Block.prototype.createMap = function(){ this.freeMap(); this.w = this.maxx - this.minx + 1; this.h = this.maxy - this.miny + 1; for(var i = 0; i < this.w * this.h; i++); for (var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++) { var e = this.elements[i];[this.w*(einfos[e].y - this.miny) + (einfos[e].x - this.minx)] = 1; } } Block.prototype.addElement = function(number, x, y){ this.elements.push(number); einfos[number].x = x; einfos[number].y = y; einfos[number].block = this; } function canMerge(block, block2, dx, dy){ var x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = Math.max(0, block2.minx - block.minx + dx); x2 = Math.min(block.maxx - block.minx, -block.minx + dx + block2.maxx); if (x1 > x2) return 1; y1 = Math.max(0, block2.miny - block.miny + dy); y2 = Math.min(block.maxy - block.miny, -block.miny + dy + block2.maxy); if (y1 > y2) return 1; var x, y; dx += block2.minx - block.minx; //dx,dy relative to minx,miny dy += block2.miny - block.miny; block.createMap(); block2.createMap(); for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++) if ([block.w * y + x] &&[block2.w * (y - dy) + (x - dx)]) return 0; } return 1; } function merge(block, block2, dx, dy){ if(!canMerge(block, block2, dx, dy)) return 0; block.freeMap(); for (var i = 0; i < block2.elements.length; i++) { var e = block2.elements[i]; block.addElement(e, einfos[e].x + dx, einfos[e].y + dy); } block.minx = Math.min(block.minx, dx + block2.minx); block.miny = Math.min(block.miny, dy + block2.miny); block.maxx = Math.max(block.maxx, dx + block2.maxx); block.maxy = Math.max(block.maxy, dy + block2.maxy); block2.destroy(); delete block2; return 1; } function connectAsInput(e, e2){ var b, b2; b = einfos[e].block; if (!einfos[e2].block) new Block(e2); b2 = einfos[e2].block; if (b == b2) { return; } var dx, dy; dx = einfos[e].x - einfos[e2].x; dy = einfos[e].y - einfos[e2].y; if (merge(b, b2, dx - 1, dy)) return; for (var proba = 1;; proba++) { if (merge(b, b2, dx - 1, dy - proba)) return; if (merge(b, b2, dx - 1, dy + proba)) return; } } function setElement(e){ if (einfos[e].block != null) { return; } new Block(e); //trzeba pobrać elementy var n = getNumOfInCon(e); for (var we = 0; we < n; we++) { var e2 = getLink(e, we); if (e2 < 0) continue; if (e == e2) continue; setElement(e2); connectAsInput(e, e2); } } function getNumOfInCon(nr){ var number = 0; for(var i = 0; i < neuroConnSL.length; i++){ if(neuroConnSL[i].getDestination() == nr) number++; } return number; } function getLink(destination, number){ var temp = 0; for(var i = 0; i < neuroConnSL.length; i++){ if(neuroConnSL[i].getDestination() == destination){ if(temp == number) return neuroConnSL[i].getSource(); else temp++; } } }