package cecj.archive; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import ec.EvolutionState; import ec.Individual; public class IPCArchive extends ParetoCoevolutionArchive { @Override protected void submit(EvolutionState state, List candidates, List cArchive, List tests, List tArchive) { List testsCopy = new ArrayList(tests); List usefulTests; /* * Is is a right sequence of operations? Dominated candidates are eliminated before new * tests are added to the test archive. New tests can make yet another candidate dominated.. */ for (Individual candidate : candidates) { if (isUseful(state, candidate, cArchive, tArchive, testsCopy)) { usefulTests = findUsefulTests(state, candidate, cArchive, tArchive, testsCopy); eliminateDominatedCandidates(state, candidate, cArchive, tArchive); cArchive.add(candidate); tArchive.addAll(usefulTests); testsCopy.removeAll(usefulTests); } } } private void eliminateDominatedCandidates(EvolutionState state, Individual candidate, List candidateArchive, List testArchive) { for (int c = candidateArchive.size() - 1; c >= 0; c--) { if (dominates(state, candidate, candidateArchive.get(c), testArchive)) { candidateArchive.remove(c); } } } }