package; import cecj.interaction.InteractionResult; import cecj.interaction.WinDrawLossResult; import cecj.interaction.WinDrawLossResult.Result; import cecj.problems.SymmetricTestBasedProblem; import cecj.utils.Pair; import ec.EvolutionState; import ec.Individual; import ec.util.Parameter; import ec.vector.DoubleVectorIndividual; import games.Player; import games.scenarios.GameScenario; import games.scenarios.RandomizedTwoPlayersGameScenario; import games.scenarios.SimpleTwoPlayersGameScenario; public class Othello extends SymmetricTestBasedProblem { private static final int WPC_LENGTH = 64; private static final String P_RANDOMNESS = "randomness"; private double randomness; private boolean randomizedPlay; @Override public void setup(EvolutionState state, Parameter base) { super.setup(state, base); Parameter randomnessParam = base.push(P_RANDOMNESS); if (state.parameters.exists(randomnessParam)) { randomness = state.parameters.getDoubleWithDefault(randomnessParam, null, 0); randomizedPlay = true; } else { randomizedPlay = false; } } @Override public Pair test(EvolutionState state, Individual candidate, Individual test) { if (!(candidate instanceof DoubleVectorIndividual) || !(test instanceof DoubleVectorIndividual)) { state.output.error("Othello players should be represented by floats vectors\n"); } double[] wpc1 = ((DoubleVectorIndividual) candidate).genome; double[] wpc2 = ((DoubleVectorIndividual) test).genome; if (wpc1.length != WPC_LENGTH || wpc2.length != WPC_LENGTH) { state.output.error("Players WPC vectors length should be 64\n"); } OthelloPlayer player1 = new OthelloPlayer(wpc1); OthelloPlayer player2 = new OthelloPlayer(wpc2); OthelloGame game = new OthelloGame(new OthelloBoard()); GameScenario scenario; if (randomizedPlay) { scenario = new RandomizedTwoPlayersGameScenario(state.random[0], new Player[] { player1, player2 }, new double[] { randomness, randomness }); } else { scenario = new SimpleTwoPlayersGameScenario(new Player[] { player1, player2 }); } int result =; if (result > 0) { return new Pair(new WinDrawLossResult(Result.WIN), new WinDrawLossResult(Result.LOSS)); } else if (result < 0) { return new Pair(new WinDrawLossResult(Result.LOSS), new WinDrawLossResult(Result.WIN)); } else { return new Pair(new WinDrawLossResult(Result.DRAW), new WinDrawLossResult(Result.DRAW)); } } }