1 | from xmlrpc.client import Boolean
2 | from gui.visual.entity import Entity
3 | import OpenGL.GL as gl
4 | from pyopengltk import OpenGLFrame
5 | from gui.visual.camera import Camera
6 | from gui.visual.player import Player
7 | from gui.visual.masterRenderer import MasterRenderer
8 | from gui.visual.loader import Loader
9 | from gui.visual.objLoader import OBJLoader
10 | from gui.visual.player import Player
11 | from gui.visual.mouse import Mouse
12 | from gui.framsutils.creature import Creature
13 | from typing import List, Callable
14 | import threading
15 | import time as timetime
16 | from gui.utils import Swap
17 | from typing import Dict
18 | from gui.visual.modelData import ModelData
19 |
20 | class AppOgl(OpenGLFrame):
21 | class GLContext(object):
22 | pass
23 |
24 | def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
25 | super().__init__(*args, **kw)
26 | self.REFRESH_RATE = 0.1
27 | self.player = Player(10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)
28 | self.camera = Camera(self.player)
29 | self.entities = []
30 | self.frams_readCreatures: Callable[[None], List[Creature]] = None
31 | self.frams_readCreatures_color: Boolean = False
32 | self.onDraw: Callable[[], None] = lambda: None
33 | self.commThread = threading.Thread(target=self.commThread, daemon=True)
34 | self.commThreadLock = threading.Lock()
35 | self.read_creature_semaphore = threading.Semaphore()
36 | self.creatures: List[Creature] = []
37 | self.swap_buffer = Swap(init=[])
38 | self.swap_buffer.update([])
39 | self.swap_buffer.update([])
40 | self.commThread.start()
41 |
42 | #show tri-colored axis instead of balls
43 | SHOW_AXIS = False
44 |
45 | NEURON_SCALE = 1.5
46 | OBJ_PATH = "gui/res/obj/"
47 | TEX_PATH = "gui/res/img/"
48 |
49 | NEURONS = ["|", "@", "G", "Gpart", "T", "S"]
50 |
51 | def neuronname_in_filename(self, neuronname):
52 | if neuronname == "|":
53 | return "bend"
54 | elif neuronname == "@":
55 | return "rot"
56 | return neuronname
57 |
58 | def initgl(self):
59 | gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0.4, 0)
60 |
61 | self.loader = Loader()
62 |
63 | if self.SHOW_AXIS:
64 | self.bodyPartModel = OBJLoader.loadOBJ(self.OBJ_PATH+"axis.obj", self.TEX_PATH+"axis.png", self.loader)
65 | else:
66 | self.bodyPartModel = OBJLoader.loadOBJ(self.OBJ_PATH+"part.obj", self.TEX_PATH+"green2.png", self.loader)
67 | self.jointModel = OBJLoader.loadOBJ(self.OBJ_PATH+"stick5red3.obj", self.TEX_PATH+"green2.png", self.loader)
68 | self.neurons: Dict[str, ModelData] = dict()
69 | for n in self.NEURONS:
70 | self.neurons[n] = OBJLoader.loadOBJ(self.OBJ_PATH+"neuro-"+self.neuronname_in_filename(n)+".obj", self.TEX_PATH+"amber.jpg", self.loader)
71 |
72 | self.renderer = MasterRenderer(self.loader)
73 |
74 | gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST)
75 | gl.glClearDepth(1.0)
76 | gl.glEnable(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D)
77 |
78 | self.initalized = True
79 | self._resize(self.width, self.height)
80 |
81 | def init_context(self):
82 | self.context = self.GLContext()
83 |
84 | def redraw(self):
85 | #call onDraw callback only for frams library
86 | self.onDraw()
87 | self.entities.clear()
88 | self.creatures: List[Creature] = self.swap_buffer.get()
89 | #for every creature, prepare entities for every parts, joints and neurons
90 | for creature in self.creatures:
91 | parts = creature.mechParts
92 | joints = creature.joints
93 | neurons = creature.neurons
94 |
95 | '''
96 | TODO: solid shapes should be handled here
97 | obj models should be loaded in initgl method and used depending on the shape type (probably need to add new lists to Creature class).
98 | Position should already be loaded in the part object, as well as rotation matrix, you need to add scale in FramsSocket and FramsLib.
99 | You can add scale in each axis in the Entity constructor or as independent properties of the Entity class.
100 | scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ have higher priority than scale only if all three (x, y, z) are set.
101 | '''
102 | for i, part in enumerate(parts):
103 | rotMatrix = creature.partRotationMatrix(i)
104 | partEntity = Entity(part[0], part[1], part[2], self.bodyPartModel, scale=0.7, rotMatrix=rotMatrix)
105 | if i < len(creature.colorsPart):
106 | partEntity.color = creature.colorsPart[i]
107 | self.entities.append(partEntity)
108 |
109 | for i in range(len(joints)):
110 | translation = creature.jointTranslation(i)
111 | rotMatrix = creature.jointRotation(i)
112 | jointEntity = Entity(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], self.jointModel, rotMatrix=rotMatrix)
113 | jointEntity.scaleX = creature.jointLength(i)
114 | jointEntity.scaleY = 1
115 | jointEntity.scaleZ = 1
116 | if i < len(creature.colorsJoint):
117 | partEntity.color = creature.colorsJoint[i]
118 | self.entities.append(jointEntity)
119 |
120 | for i, neuron in enumerate(neurons):
121 | if creature.styleNeuron[i] in self.neurons:
122 | style = creature.styleNeuron[i]
123 | if neuron[0] >= 0:
124 | translation = creature.partTranslation(neuron[0])
125 | rotMatrix = creature.partRotationMatrix(neuron[0])
126 | rotMatrix = rotMatrix * creature.neuronRelativeOrient[i]
127 | neuronEntity = Entity(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], self.neurons[style], scale=self.NEURON_SCALE, rotMatrix=rotMatrix)
128 | else:
129 | translation = creature.jointTranslation(neuron[1])
130 | if style == 'G':
131 | rotMatrix = creature.jointRotation(neuron[1])
132 | else:
133 | rotMatrix = creature.partRotationMatrix(joints[neuron[1]][0])
134 | rotMatrix = rotMatrix * creature.neuronRelativeOrient[i]
135 | neuronEntity = Entity(translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], self.neurons[style], scale=self.NEURON_SCALE, rotMatrix=rotMatrix)
136 | self.entities.append(neuronEntity)
137 |
138 | self.camera.move()
139 | self.renderer._isTexturesOn = not self.frams_readCreatures_color
140 | self.renderer.renderScene(self.player, self.entities, self.camera)
141 |
142 | #reload all creatures from frams with self.REFRESH_RATE interval
143 | def commThread(self):
144 | while True:
145 | if self.frams_readCreatures:
146 | with self.read_creature_semaphore:
147 | c = self.frams_readCreatures(self.frams_readCreatures_color)
148 | self.swap_buffer.update(c)
149 | timetime.sleep(self.REFRESH_RATE)
150 |
151 | def onResize(self, event):
152 | width, height = event.width, event.height
153 | self._resize(width, height)
154 |
155 | def _resize(self, width, height):
156 | self.width = width
157 | self.height = height
158 | try:
159 | self.initalized
160 | gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
161 | self.renderer.resize(width, height)
162 | except AttributeError:
163 | pass
164 |
165 | def onMouseMotion(self, event):
166 | Mouse.setXY(event.x, event.y)
167 |
168 | def onScroll(self, event):
169 | if event.delta > 0:
170 | Mouse.incrementDWheel(1)
171 | else:
172 | Mouse.incrementDWheel(-1)
173 |
174 | def onMouseClick(self, event):
175 | if event.num == 1:
176 | Mouse.setButton(Mouse.MOUSE_LEFT)
177 | elif event.num == 3:
178 | Mouse.setButton(Mouse.MOUSE_RIGHT)
179 |
180 | def onMouseRelease(self, event):
181 | Mouse.setButton(Mouse.MOUSE_NONE)
182 |
183 | def onMouseEnter(self, event):
184 | Mouse.setXY(event.x, event.y)
185 |
186 | def reloadWorld(self, worldType: int, simType: int, worldSize: float, worldMap: str, worldBoundaries: int, worldWaterLevel: float) -> None:
187 | self.renderer.reloadWorld(self.loader, worldType, simType, worldSize, worldMap, worldBoundaries, worldWaterLevel)
188 | self.camera.setPosition(worldSize / 2.0, worldSize / 2.0)
189 | self.camera.setZoomScale(worldSize / 20)
190 | self.camera.setZoom(worldSize) |