1 | import tkinter as tk
2 | import tkinter.ttk as ttk
3 | from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
4 | from datetime import datetime
5 | from time import mktime
6 | from gui.widgets.ScrolledText import ScrolledText
7 | import re
8 |
9 | trans = {
10 | "~": r"\~",
11 | "\\": r"\\",
12 | "\"": r"\"",
13 | "\n": r"\n",
14 | "\t": r"\t"}
15 |
16 | def encodeString(data: str) -> str:
17 | return data.translate(data.maketrans(trans))
18 |
19 | datetimeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
20 |
21 | class Property:
22 | def __init__(self, Id: str = "", Name: str = "", Type: str = "", p: Dict = None) -> None:
23 | self.p = {}
24 | self.p["id"] = Id
25 | self.p["name"] = Name
26 | self.p["type"] = Type
27 | self.p["flags"] = 0
28 | self.p["help"] = ""
29 | self.p["value"] = None
30 | if p:
31 | self.p = {**self.p, **p}
32 |
33 | class PropertyCallback:
34 | def __init__(self, widget: tk.Widget, Id: str, xtype: str) -> None:
35 | self.widget: tk.Widget = widget
36 | self.id = Id
37 | self._changed = False
38 | self.type = xtype[0]
39 | self.subtype = None
40 | if len(xtype) > 1:
41 | self.subtype = xtype[1]
42 |
43 | if isinstance(self.widget, tk.Checkbutton):
44 | self.var = self.widget.variable
45 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Text):
46 | self.widget.edit_modified(False)
47 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Button):
48 | pass
49 |
50 | self.initValue = self.value()
51 |
52 | def changed(self) -> bool:
53 | if isinstance(self.widget, tk.Text):
54 | self._changed = self.widget.edit_modified()
55 | else:
56 | if self.initValue != self.value():
57 | self._changed = True
58 | return self._changed
59 |
60 | def restart(self) -> None:
61 | self.initValue = self.value()
62 | self._changed = False
63 |
64 | def value(self) -> str:
65 | if isinstance(self.widget, tk.Checkbutton):
66 | return self._checkButton()
67 | elif isinstance(self.widget, ttk.Combobox):
68 | return self._combobox()
69 | elif isinstance(self.widget, ttk.Spinbox):
70 | return self._spinbox()
71 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Text):
72 | return encodeString(self._text())
73 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Entry):
74 | return self._entry()
75 | return None
76 |
77 | def rawValue(self, translate: bool = True) -> str:
78 | if self.type == 'd':
79 | if self.subtype == 'b':
80 | return int(self.value(), 2)
81 | elif self.subtype == 'c':
82 | return int(self.value(), 16)
83 | else:
84 | return self.value()
85 | elif self.type == 'f':
86 | if self.subtype == 't':
87 | el = datetime.strptime(self.value(), datetimeformat)
88 | t = el.timetuple()
89 | return mktime(t)
90 | elif self.subtype == 'i':
91 | return float(self.value())
92 | else:
93 | return self.value()
94 | elif self.type == 's':
95 | if not translate and isinstance(self.widget, tk.Text):
96 | return self._text()
97 | else:
98 | return self.value()
99 | elif self.type == 'p':
100 | return self.value()
101 |
102 | def updateValue(self, value: Property) -> None:
103 | _, cb = propertyToTkinter(value, self.widget.master)
104 |
105 | if isinstance(self.widget, tk.Checkbutton):
106 | if value.p["value"] == '1' or value.p["value"] == 1:
107 | self.widget.select()
108 | else:
109 | self.widget.deselect()
110 | elif isinstance(self.widget, ttk.Combobox):
111 | if hasattr(self.widget, "mapvalues"):
112 | self.widget.set(list(self.widget.mapvalues.keys())[list(self.widget.mapvalues.values()).index(cb.value())])
113 | else:
114 | self.widget.set(cb.value())
115 | elif isinstance(self.widget, ttk.Spinbox):
116 | self.widget.set(cb.value())
117 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Text):
118 | self.widget.config(state=tk.NORMAL)
119 | if len(self.value()) > 0:
120 | self.widget.delete("1.0", tk.END)
121 | self.widget.insert("1.0", cb._text()) #translates and escapes \\ as expected
122 | self.widget.edit_modified(False)
123 | self.widget.config(state=tk.DISABLED)
124 | elif isinstance(self.widget, tk.Entry):
125 | self.widget.delete(0, tk.END)
126 | self.widget.insert(0, cb.value())
127 |
128 | def _checkButton(self) -> str:
129 | return "1" if self.var.get() else "0"
130 |
131 | def _combobox(self) -> str:
132 | if hasattr(self.widget, "mapvalues"):
133 | return self.widget.mapvalues.get(self.widget.get())
134 | else:
135 | return self.widget.get()
136 |
137 | def _spinbox(self) -> str:
138 | return str(self.widget.get())
139 |
140 | def _text(self) -> str:
141 | return self.widget.get("1.0", "end").strip()
142 |
143 | def _entry(self) -> str:
144 | return self.widget.get().strip()
145 |
146 | def propertyToTkinter(prop: Property, master: tk.Widget) -> Optional[Tuple[tk.Widget, PropertyCallback]]:
147 | global trans
148 | widget = None
149 | callback: PropertyCallback = None
150 | t = prop.p["type"].split()
151 | propType = t[0]
152 |
153 | readonly = True if int(prop.p["flags"]) & 1 or int(prop.p["flags"]) & 16 else False
154 | visible = False if int(prop.p["flags"]) & 32 else True
155 |
156 | if not visible:
157 | return None, None
158 |
159 | class MinMaxDefault:
160 | def __init__(self, minValue, maxValue, default = None) -> None:
161 | self.minValue = minValue
162 | self.maxValue = maxValue
163 | self.default = default
164 |
165 | def minMaxDefault(prop_type: List) -> MinMaxDefault:
166 | if len(prop_type) >= 4:
167 | return MinMaxDefault(prop_type[1], prop_type[2], prop_type[3])
168 | elif len(prop_type) >= 3:
169 | return MinMaxDefault(prop_type[1], prop_type[2])
170 | else:
171 | return MinMaxDefault(None, None)
172 |
173 | minmax = minMaxDefault(t)
174 |
175 | if propType[0] == 'd':
176 | value = int(prop.p["value"])
177 | if len(propType) > 1:
178 | if propType[1] == 'b':
179 | value = bin(value)
180 | elif propType[1] == 'c':
181 | value = hex(value)
182 |
183 | if minmax.minValue == '0' and minmax.maxValue == '1' and prop.p["type"].find('~') == -1:
184 | var = tk.BooleanVar()
185 | widget = tk.Checkbutton(master=master, text='', onvalue=1, offvalue=0, var=var)
186 | if value == 1:
187 | widget.select()
188 | if readonly:
189 | widget['state'] = 'disabled'
190 | widget.variable = var
191 | elif prop.p["type"].find('~') > 0:
192 | options = prop.p["type"].split('~')[1:]
193 | widget = ttk.Combobox(master=master, values=options, state="readonly")
194 | widget.mapvalues = {k:v for (v, k) in enumerate(options, int(t[1]))}
195 | widget.set(options[value])
196 | else:
197 | minVal = 0 if minmax.minValue is None else minmax.minValue
198 | maxVal = 100 if minmax.maxValue is None else minmax.maxValue
199 | widget = ttk.Spinbox(master=master, from_=minVal, to=maxVal)
200 | widget.set(value)
201 | if readonly:
202 | widget["state"] = "disabled"
203 | elif propType[0] == 'f':
204 | value = None
205 | var = None
206 | if len(propType) > 1:
207 | if propType[1] == 't':
208 | timestamp = float(prop.p["value"])
209 | value = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(datetimeformat)
210 | elif propType[1] == 'i':
211 | var = tk.StringVar()
212 | value = float(prop.p["value"])
213 | else:
214 | var = tk.StringVar()
215 | value = float(prop.p["value"])
216 |
217 | if var:
218 | def callback(*_):
219 | val = var.get()
220 | try:
221 | v = float(val)
222 | if minmax.minValue and v < float(minmax.minValue):
223 | v = float(minmax.minValue)
224 | elif minmax.maxValue and v > float(minmax.maxValue):
225 | v = float(minmax.maxValue)
226 | var.set(str(v))
227 | except ValueError:
228 | pass
229 |
230 | def on_validate(string):
231 | regex = re.compile(r"(\+|\-)?[0-9.]*$")
232 | result = regex.match(string)
233 | return (string == ""
234 | or (string.count('+') <= 1
235 | and string.count('-') <= 1
236 | and string.count(',') <= 1
237 | and result is not None
238 | and result.group(0) != ""))
239 |
240 | var.trace_add("write", callback)
241 | widget = tk.Entry(master=master, validate="key", textvariable=var)
242 | vcmd = (widget.register(on_validate), '%P')
243 | widget.config(validatecommand=vcmd)
244 | else:
245 | widget = tk.Entry(master=master)
246 | widget.insert(0, value)
247 | if readonly:
248 | widget["state"] = "disabled"
249 | elif propType[0] == 's':
250 | if t[-1].find('~') >= 0:
251 | options = t[-1].split('~')[1:]
252 | widget = ttk.Combobox(master=master)
253 | widget["values"] = options
254 | widget.set(prop.p["value"])
255 | else:
256 | multiline = True if len(t) > 1 and t[1] != '0' else False
257 | if multiline:
258 | widget = ScrolledText(master=master, height=1 + multiline * 3)
259 | widget.insert(tk.INSERT, prop.p["value"])
260 | else:
261 | widget = tk.Entry(master=master)
262 | widget.insert(0, prop.p["value"])
263 | if readonly:
264 | widget["state"] = "disabled"
265 | elif propType[0] == 'p':
266 | widget = tk.Button(master=master, text=prop.p["name"], command=prop.p["value"])
267 | callback = PropertyCallback(widget, prop.p["id"], propType)
268 | widget.anchor('w')
269 |
270 | if widget and propType[0] != 'p':
271 | callback = PropertyCallback(widget, prop.p["id"], propType)
272 | widget.anchor('w')
273 |
274 | return widget, callback |