import sys #sys.path.append("..") # why was needed? from typing import List, Dict, Any import frams from .creature import Creature from gui.framsutils.framsProperty import Property import os import glm from .utils import parseNeuronDToOrient class FramsLib: def __init__(self): self.frams = frams self.connected = False def initConnection(self, frams_path: str) -> None: self.frams.init(frams_path, "-t") #enable ExtValue thread synchronization with "-t" #self.messageCatcher = # experiments with catching messages so that they could be later displayed in GUI... but let's rather print them on console = 1 self.connected = True def closeConnection(self) -> None: self.connected = False def getError(self) -> None or str: #if self.messageCatcher.error_count._value() > 0: # return self.messageCatcher.messages._value() return None def writeCreatureFromString(self, groupNo: int, creature: str) -> None: if self.connected: self.frams.Populations[groupNo].add(creature) def step(self): if self.connected: self.frams.Simulator.step() def start(self): if self.connected: self.frams.Simulator.start() def stop(self): if self.connected: self.frams.Simulator.stop() def info(self, path:str = "/") -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = [] if self.connected: if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] c = 0 if path == "" else path.count("/") + 1 if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] if c > 0: path += '/' current = self.frams.sim_params G = current._groupCount() for g in range(G): Id = current._groupName(g) name = Id.rsplit(': ', 1)[-1] Id = Id.replace(": ", "/") tmpId = Id + "/" prop = Property(Id=Id, Name=name, Type="o") if(Id.count('/') == c and tmpId.startswith(path)): prop.p["id"] = Id.split('/')[-1] properties.append(prop) return properties def infoList(self, path: str) -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = [] raise Exception("unimplemented/unwanted") return properties def _VstyleParserColor(self, style: str): f = "color=0x" idx = style.find(f) if idx > -1: hx = style[idx+len(f):idx+len(f)+6] r = int(hx[0:2], 16) / 255.0 g = int(hx[2:4], 16) / 255.0 b = int(hx[4:6], 16) / 255.0 return r, g, b return None, None, None def readCreatures(self, groupNo: int, creatureNo: int, colors): ret_creatures: List[Creature] = [] if self.connected: groups = [self.frams.Populations[groupNo]] if groupNo != '+' else self.frams.Populations for group in groups: creatures = [group[creatureNo]] if groupNo != '+' else group for c in creatures: creature = Creature(c.population.index._int(), c.index._int()) numparts = c.numparts._int() numjoints = c.numjoints._int() numneurons = c.numneurons._int() vstyle = c.model.Vstyle._value() modelR, modelG, modelB = self._VstyleParserColor(vstyle) mechPart = [0,0,0] for i in range(numparts): if i >= c.numparts._int(): break mp = c.getMechPart(i) mechPart = [mp.x._double(), mp.y._double(), mp.z._double()] creature.mechParts.append(mechPart) if colors: vstyle = mp.part.Vstyle._value() r, g, b = self._VstyleParserColor(vstyle) tr = mp.part.vr._value() tg = tb = mp.part.vb._value() if modelR is not None: tr = modelR tg = modelG tb = modelB if r is not None: tr = r tg = g tb = b creature.colorsPart.append(glm.vec3(tr, tg, tb)) creature.stylePart.append(mp.part.Vstyle._value()) orient = mp.orient.toVector.toString._value() orient = orient[orient.find('[')+1:orient.find(']')] R = glm.mat4(glm.mat3(*[float(x) for x in orient.split(',')])) creature.partOrient.append(R) for i in range(numjoints): if i >= c.numjoints._int(): break j = c.getJoint(i) joint = [j.p1._int(), j.p2._int()] creature.joints.append(joint) if colors: vstyle = mp.part.Vstyle._value() r, g, b = self._VstyleParserColor(vstyle) tr = j.vr._value() tg = tb = j.vb._value() if r is not None: tr = r tg = g tb = b creature.colorsJoint.append(glm.vec3(tr, tg, tb)) creature.styleJoint.append(j.Vstyle._value()) for i in range(numneurons): if i >= c.numneurons._int(): break n = c.getNeuroDef(i) d = n.d._value() creature.neurons.append((n.p._value(), n.j._value())) creature.styleNeuron.append(d.split(':')[0]) rorient = parseNeuronDToOrient(d) creature.neuronRelativeOrient.append(rorient) ret_creatures.append(creature) return ret_creatures def readGenePoolsGroups(self) -> Dict[str, int]: genotypes = {} if self.connected: for gp in self.frams.GenePools: genotypes[getattr(gp, "name")._value()] = getattr(gp, "index")._value() return genotypes def readGenePools(self, props: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: genotypes = {} if self.connected: for gp in self.frams.GenePools: group = genotypes[group] = [] for g in gp: genotype = {} for p in props: genotype[p] = getattr(g, p)._value() genotype["group"] = group genotypes[group].append(genotype) return genotypes def readPopulationsGroups(self) -> Dict[str, int]: creatures = {} if self.connected: for p in self.frams.Populations: creatures[getattr(p, "name")._value()] = getattr(p, "index")._value() return creatures def readPopulations(self, props: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: creatures = {} if self.connected: for p in self.frams.Populations: group = creatures[group] = [] for c in p: creature = {} for p in props: creature[p] = getattr(c, p)._value() creature["group"] = group creatures[group].append(creature) return creatures def readCreatureInfo(self, groupNo: int, creatureNo: str) -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = [] if self.connected: creature = next(pop for group in self.frams.Populations for pop in group if pop.uid._string() == creatureNo) G = creature._groupCount() for g in range(G): groupName = creature._groupName(g) for m in range(creature._memberCount(g)): p = creature._groupMember(g, m) t = creature._propType(p) if t[0] and t[0] not in "xople": prop = Property(creature._propId(p), creature._propName(p), t) prop.p["flags"] = creature._propFlags(p) prop.p["value"] = getattr(creature, creature._propId(p))._string() prop.p["help"] = creature._propHelp(p) prop.p["group"] = groupName properties.append(prop) return properties def readGenotypeInfo(self, groupNo: int, genotypeNo: str) -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = [] if self.connected: genotype = next(gen for group in self.frams.GenePools for gen in group if gen.uid._string() == genotypeNo) G = genotype._groupCount() for g in range(G): groupName = genotype._groupName(g) for m in range(genotype._memberCount(g)): p = genotype._groupMember(g, m) t = genotype._propType(p) if t[0] and t[0] not in "xople": prop = Property(genotype._propId(p), genotype._propName(p), t) prop.p["flags"] = genotype._propFlags(p) prop.p["value"] = getattr(genotype, genotype._propId(p))._string() prop.p["help"] = genotype._propHelp(p) prop.p["group"] = groupName properties.append(prop) return properties def readPropertyInfo(self, path: str) -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = [] if self.connected: if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] c = path.count("/") if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] current = self.frams.sim_params G = current._groupCount() for g in range(G): Id = current._groupName(g).replace(": ", "/") groupName = current._groupName(g) if(Id.count('/') == c and Id == path): for m in range(current._memberCount(g)): p = current._groupMember(g, m) t = current._propType(p) if t[0] and t[0] not in "xole": prop = Property(current._propId(p), current._propName(p), t) if not prop.p["id"].startswith("_"): prop.p["flags"] = current._propFlags(p) prop.p["value"] = getattr(current, current._propId(p)) if t[0] == 'p' else getattr(current, current._propId(p))._string() prop.p["help"] = current._propHelp(p) prop.p["v"] = current prop.p["group"] = groupName properties.append(prop) break return properties def writeCreatureInfo(self, uid: str, prop: str, value: str) -> bool: if self.connected: creature = next(pop for group in self.frams.Populations for pop in group if pop.uid._string() == uid) creature.__setattr__(prop, value) return True return False def writeGenotypeInfo(self, uid: str, prop: str, value: str) -> bool: if self.connected: genotype = next(gen for group in self.frams.GenePools for gen in group if gen.uid._string() == uid) genotype.__setattr__(prop, value) return True return False def writePropertyInfo(self, path: str, prop: str, value: str): if self.connected: current = self.frams.sim_params current.__setattr__(prop, value) return True return False def getSimulationStatus(self) -> bool: if self.connected: return True if self.frams.Simulator.running._int() == 1 else False return False def loadFile(self, path: str) -> None: self.frams.Simulator.load(path) def importFile(self, path: str, options: int) -> None: self.frams.Simulator.ximport(path, options) def saveFile(self, path: str, options: int) -> None: path = os.path.relpath(path, self.frams.res_dir + "\\scripts_output") self.frams.Simulator.export(path, options, -1, -1) def getWorldType(self) -> int: return self.frams.World.wrldtyp._value() def getWorldSize(self) -> float: return self.frams.World.wrldsiz._value() def getWorldWaterLevel(self) -> float: return self.frams.World.wrldwat._value() def getWorldBoundaries(self) -> int: return self.frams.World.wrldbnd._value() def getWorldMap(self) -> str: return self.frams.WorldMap.getAsString("", "")._value() def getSimtype(self) -> int: return self.frams.World.simtype._value()