source: framspy/ @ 1095

Last change on this file since 1095 was 1092, checked in by Maciej Komosinski, 4 years ago


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[1089]1"""Simple examples of using the "frams" module to communicate directly with the Framsticks library (dll/so).
3For an introduction to Framsticks, its usage and scripting, see
4For a list of available classes, objects, methods and fields, see
5For a number of examples of scripting, see the "scripts" directory in Framsticks distribution.
[1081]8import sys
[1078]9import frams
[1087]11frams.init(*(sys.argv[1:]))  # pass whatever args we have, init() is the right place to deal with different scenarios:
[1085]12# frams.init() - should try to figure out everything (and might fail)
[1087]13# frams.init('path/to/lib') - load the library from the specified directory and configure Framsticks path as "data" inside this directory
14# frams.init('path/to/lib','-d/tmp/workdir/data') - as above, but set the working (writable) directory somewhere else (see also -D)
15# frams.init('path/to/lib','-Lframs-objects-alt.dll') - use specified library location and non-default file name
17print('Available objects:', dir(frams))
21def extValueDetails(v):
[1089]22        """A helper function to display basic information about a variable of type ExtValue."""
23        return '\t"' + str(v) + '"    frams type=' + str(v._type()) + '    frams class=' + str(v._class()) + '    python type=' + str(type(v._value()))
[1089]26dic_as_string = '[100,2.2,"abc",[null,[],{}],XYZ[9,8,7]]'
27print("We have the following string:\n\t'%s'" % dic_as_string)
28print("Looks like a serialized dictionary, let's ask Framsticks String.deserialize() to do its job.")
29v = frams.String.deserialize(dic_as_string)
30print("Framsticks String.deserialize() returned\n\t", type(v))
31print("More specifically, it is:")
[1089]33print("Even though it is ExtValue (Framsticks' Vector), it supports iteration like a python vector, so let's inspect its elements:")
[1078]34for e in v:
35        print(extValueDetails(e))
[1089]37print("Now let's play with the Framsticks simulator. Let's create a Genotype object and set fields in its custom 'data' dictionary.")
[1078]38g = frams.GenePools[0].add('X')
[1089] = "Snakis Py"
[1078]['custom'] = 123.456
[1089]['a'] = 'b'  # implicit conversion, looks like python dictionary but still converts '3' and '4' to ExtValue
42dic =  # let's create a Dictionary object from Framsticks
43dic.set('1', '2')  # calling set() from Framsticks Dictionary
44dic['3'] = '4'  # implicit conversion, looks like python dictionary but still converts '3' and '4' to ExtValue['d'] = dic
[1089]48print("Let's add a few mutants and display their data:")
[1078]49for more in range(5):
50        frams.GenePools[0].add(frams.GenMan.mutate(g.geno))
52for g in frams.GenePools[0]:
[1089]53        print("\t%d. name='%s'\tgenotype='%s'\tdata=%s" % (g.index._value(), str(, str(g.genotype), str(
55print("Let's now change some property of the simulation. Current water level is", frams.World.wrldwat)
56frams.World.wrldwat = 0.5
57print("Now water level is", frams.World.wrldwat)
58frams.World.wrldwat = frams.World.wrldwat._value() + 0.7
59print("Now water level is", frams.World.wrldwat)
[1092]61initial_genotype = 'X(X,RX(X[T],X[G]))'  # simple body with touch and gyroscope sensors
[1089]62print("Let's perform a few simulation steps of the initial genotype:", initial_genotype)
63frams.ExpProperties.initialgen = initial_genotype
64frams.ExpProperties.p_mut = 0  # no mutation (the selection procedure will clone our initial genotype)
65frams.ExpProperties.p_xov = 0  # no crossover (the selection procedure will clone our initial genotype)
66frams.Populations[0].initial_nn_active = 1  # immediate simulation of neural network - no "waiting for stabilization" period
67frams.World.wrldg = 5  # gravity=5x default, let it fall quickly
69frams.Simulator.init()  # adds initial_genotype to gene pool (calls onInit() from standard.expdef)
70frams.Simulator.start()  # this does not actually start the simulation, just sets the "Simulator.running" status variable
71step = frams.Simulator.step  # cache reference to avoid repeated lookup in the loop (just for performance)
72for s in range(15):
73        step()  # first step performs selection and revives one genotype according to standard.expdef rules
74        creature = frams.Populations[0][0]  # FramScript Creature object
75        mechpart0 = creature.getMechPart(0)
76        print('Step# = %d' % frams.Simulator.stepNumber._value(),
77              '\tSimulated_creatures =', frams.Populations[0].size._value(),
78              "\tpart0_xyz = (% .2f,% .2f,% .2f)" % (mechpart0.x._value(), mechpart0.y._value(), mechpart0.z._value()),
79              "\ttouch = % .3f\tgyro = % .3f" % (creature.getNeuro(0).state._value(), creature.getNeuro(1).state._value()))
82# Note that implementing a complete expdef, especially a complex one, entirely in python may be inconvenient or impractical
83# because you do not have access to "event handlers" like you have in FramScript - onStep(), onBorn(), onDied(), onCollision() etc.,
84# so you would have to check various conditions in python in each simulation step to achieve the same effect.
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