1 | expdef: |
2 | name:Generate abductive hypotheses |
3 | info:~ |
4 | This experiment definition generates abducibles for a specified abductive problem. |
5 | |
6 | Results and details are published in Transactions on Computational Logic, 2014, |
7 | "Identifying efficient abductive hypotheses using multi-criteria dominance relation" |
8 | by M. Komosinski, A. Kups, D. Leszczynska-Jasion and M. Urbanski. |
9 | |
10 | See also readme-abduction.txt and run-abduction.cmd. |
11 | ~ |
12 | code:~ |
13 | |
14 | global g_params; |
15 | global g_form; |
16 | global g_set; |
17 | global g_file; |
18 | global g_symbolsChart; |
19 | global g_oldSymbolsChart; |
20 | |
21 | function onExpDefLoad() |
22 | { |
23 | GenePools.clear(); |
24 | Populations.clear(); |
25 | Populations[0].clear(); |
26 | |
27 | Math.randomize(); |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | var g_params = Vector.new(); |
31 | |
32 | //Logical symbols chart including up to nine distinct variables |
33 | g_symbolsChart = ["N", "K", "A", "C", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x"]; |
34 | |
35 | g_form = Vector.new(); |
36 | g_set = Vector.new(); |
37 | g_file = ""; |
38 | |
39 | } |
40 | |
41 | |
42 | function onExpInit() |
43 | { |
44 | //Initialization of the experiment parameters loaded from file |
45 | g_params = String.split(ExpParams.params, ";"); |
46 | if(g_params.size == 3) |
47 | { |
48 | //Conversion of the string characters into a numerical encoding |
49 | var i,j; |
50 | var splitedForm = String.split(g_params[0],"_"); |
51 | |
52 | for(i = 0; i < splitedForm.size; i++) |
53 | { |
54 | g_form.add(g_symbolsChart.find(splitedForm[i])); |
55 | } |
56 | |
57 | var splitedSet = String.split(g_params[1], " "); |
58 | var splitedElt = Vector.new(); |
59 | |
60 | for(i = 0; i < splitedSet.size; i++) |
61 | { |
62 | g_set.add(Vector.new()); |
63 | splitedElt = String.split(splitedSet[i], "_"); |
64 | |
65 | for(j = 0; j < splitedElt.size; j++) |
66 | { |
67 | g_set[i].add(g_symbolsChart.find(splitedElt[j])); |
68 | } |
69 | } |
70 | |
71 | g_file = g_params[2]; |
72 | |
73 | } else |
74 | { |
75 | Simulator.print("Something is not right with the experiment parameters!"); |
76 | } |
77 | |
78 | } |
79 | |
80 | function onStep() |
81 | { |
82 | if(g_params.size == 3) |
83 | { |
84 | //Call of the main function of the experiment |
85 | getRawHypotheses(g_set, g_form, g_file); |
86 | Simulator.stop(); |
87 | } else |
88 | { |
89 | Simulator.print("Something is wrong with experiment parameters! Stopping simulation..."); |
90 | Simulator.stop(); |
91 | } |
92 | } |
93 | |
94 | //Main function of the experiment |
95 | function getRawHypotheses(set, form, fileName) |
96 | { |
97 | var i,j; |
98 | //Generation of the list containg all the formulas of the problem |
99 | var formulas = Vector.new(); |
100 | for(i = 0; i < set.size; i++) |
101 | formulas.add(set[i]); |
102 | |
103 | formulas.add(form); |
104 | //Generation of the list containing all the subformulas of the problem |
105 | var subformulas = Vector.new(); |
106 | for(i = 0; i < formulas.size; i++) |
107 | { |
108 | |
109 | var tempSf = getSubFormulasIndexed(formulas[i]); |
110 | for(j = 0; j < tempSf.size; j++) |
111 | { |
112 | if(findPlainList(subformulas, tempSf[j]) == -1) |
113 | subformulas.add(tempSf[j]); |
114 | } |
115 | |
116 | } |
117 | |
118 | //Generation of the list containing all the variables of the problem |
119 | var variables = getVariablesIndexed(subformulas); |
120 | |
121 | //Generation of the synthetic inferences list |
122 | var inferences = generateSyntheticInfFromSetIndexed(formulas, subformulas, variables); |
123 | |
124 | //Checking whether a tableau is closed |
125 | var success = checkTableauSuccess(inferences, formulas); |
126 | if(!success) |
127 | { |
128 | //Generation of the output file name |
129 | var fileNSplit = String.split(fileName, "."); |
130 | var fName = fileNSplit[0] + "RawHyp.txt"; |
131 | |
132 | //Generation and preprocessing list of the abductive hypotheses |
133 | rawHypothesesGeneration(inferences, set, form, formulas, fName); |
134 | |
135 | |
136 | } else |
137 | { |
138 | //Printing out of the output if the table is closed |
139 | var setLatex = convertIndexedSetToLatex(set); |
140 | var infix = Vector.new(); |
141 | infix = indexesPrefixToInfix(form, infix); |
142 | var formInfix = createInfixFormFromIndexesInfix(infix); |
143 | var formLatex = formToLatex(formInfix); |
144 | |
145 | writeInfo(fileName, "#set: " + setLatex + " form: " + formLatex + "\n"); |
146 | writeInfo(fileName, "success\n"); |
147 | } |
148 | |
149 | } |
150 | |
151 | function rawHypothesesGeneration(inferences, set, form, formulas, file_name) |
152 | { |
153 | |
154 | var valid = checkTableValidity(inferences, formulas); |
155 | |
156 | //Function that gets failure inferences |
157 | var partialTableaux = getFailures(inferences, formulas); |
158 | var partialTableau = partialTableaux[0]; |
159 | |
160 | //Functions that get and reduce entangled literals clauses |
161 | var entangledLiterals = getEntangledLiterals(partialTableau, formulas); |
162 | var entangledHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(entangledLiterals); |
163 | var cleaned = cleanEntangledLiterals(entangledLiterals); |
164 | var cleanedHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(cleaned); |
165 | var cleanedSorted = sortLiteralsWithinSets(cleaned); |
166 | var simplifiedCleanedSorted = getSymmetricalDifferences(cleanedSorted); |
167 | var simplifiedCleanedSortedNonRep = filterOutRepeatingLiteralsLists(simplifiedCleanedSorted); |
168 | var bhi = generateBaseHypotheses(simplifiedCleanedSortedNonRep); |
169 | var bhiHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(bhi); |
170 | var bhi_sorted = sortLiteralsWithinSets(bhi); |
171 | var bhi_cons = filterOutNonConsistentLiteralsLists(bhi_sorted); |
172 | var bhi_consHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(bhi_cons); |
173 | var bhi_non_rep = filterOutRepeatingLiteralsLists(bhi_cons); |
174 | var bhi_non_repHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(bhi_non_rep); |
175 | var simplified = getSymmetricalDifferences(bhi_non_rep); |
176 | var simpl_non_rep = filterOutRepeatingLiteralsLists(simplified); |
177 | var simpl_non_repHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(simpl_non_rep); |
178 | var minimalSet = removeLiteralsSupSets(simpl_non_rep); |
179 | var minimalSetHuman = getFormListFromIndexes(minimalSet); |
180 | |
181 | var baseHypotheses = Vector.new(); |
182 | var i; |
183 | for(i = 0; i < minimalSet.size; i++) |
184 | baseHypotheses.add(formulaFromLiterals(minimalSet[i])); |
185 | |
186 | //Functions converting encoded literals into human readable formats |
187 | var hypothesesAllBinary = generateBinaryCombinations(baseHypotheses.size); |
188 | var setLatex = convertIndexedSetToLatex(set); |
189 | var dnf = binaryToForm(hypothesesAllBinary[hypothesesAllBinary.size - 1], baseHypotheses); |
190 | var infix = Vector.new(); |
191 | infix = indexesPrefixToInfix(form, infix); |
192 | var formInfix = createInfixFormFromIndexesInfix(infix); |
193 | var formLatex = formToLatex(formInfix); |
194 | |
195 | //Printing out the most important information into the specified earlier output file |
196 | writeInfo(file_name, "#set: " + setLatex + "\n#form: " + formLatex + "\n"); |
197 | writeInfo(file_name, "#tableau-validation: " + valid + "\n"); |
198 | writeInfo(file_name, "#\n"); |
199 | writeInfo(file_name, "#base hypotheses count:\n"); |
200 | writeInfo(file_name, "#raw-size: " + entangledLiterals.size + "\n"); |
201 | writeInfo(file_name, "#cleaned-size: " + cleaned.size + "\n"); |
202 | writeInfo(file_name, "#non-filtered-raw: nf=" + entangledLiterals[0].size); |
203 | |
204 | for(i = 1; i < entangledLiterals.size; i++) |
205 | writeInfo(file_name,"*" + entangledLiterals[i].size); |
206 | |
207 | writeInfo(file_name, "\n#entangled-literals-raw: NA \n"); |
208 | writeInfo(file_name, "#non-filtered: nf=" + cleaned[0].size); |
209 | |
210 | for(i = 1; i < cleaned.size; i++) |
211 | writeInfo(file_name,"*" + cleaned[i].size); |
212 | |
213 | writeInfo(file_name, "\n"); |
214 | writeInfo(file_name, "#entangled-literals: " + cleanedHuman + "\n"); |
215 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-size: " + bhi.size + "\n"); |
216 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-hypotheses: " + bhiHuman + "\n"); |
217 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-consistent-size: " + bhi_cons.size + "\n"); |
218 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-consistent-hypotheses: " + bhi_consHuman + "\n"); |
219 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-consistent-non_repeated-size: " + bhi_non_rep.size + "\n"); |
220 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-1-consistent-non_repeated-hypotheses: " + bhi_non_repHuman + "\n"); |
221 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-2-size: " + simpl_non_rep.size + "\n"); |
222 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-2-hypotheses: " + simpl_non_repHuman + "\n"); |
223 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-3-size: " + minimalSet.size + "\n"); |
224 | writeInfo(file_name, "#simplify-stage-3-hypotheses: " + minimalSetHuman + "\n"); |
225 | writeInfo(file_name, "#number formatChar prefix_form infix_form formatHumanLatex_infix\n"); |
226 | |
227 | |
228 | //Generation and printing out of the base abductive hypotheses |
229 | for(i = 0; i < hypothesesAllBinary.size; i++) |
230 | { |
231 | var current = binaryToForm(hypothesesAllBinary[i], baseHypotheses); |
232 | var currentIndexed = binaryToIndex(hypothesesAllBinary[i], minimalSet); |
233 | writeInfo(file_name,"" + (i+1) + " " + hypothesesAllBinary[i] + " " + current + " "); |
234 | |
235 | var infix = Vector.new(); |
236 | infix = indexesPrefixToInfix(currentIndexed, infix); |
237 | var formInfix = createInfixFormFromIndexesInfix(infix); |
238 | var latex = formToLatex(formInfix); |
239 | writeInfo(file_name,"" + formInfix + " " + latex + "\n"); |
240 | } |
241 | |
242 | } |
243 | |
244 | @include "abduction_misc.inc" |
245 | @include "data_conversion.inc" |
246 | @include "formulas_processing.inc" |
247 | @include "lists_processing.inc" |
248 | @include "literals_processing.inc" |
249 | @include "synthetic_rules.inc" |
250 | @include "synthetic_tableau.inc" |
251 | |
252 | ~ |
253 | |
254 | prop: |
255 | id:params |
256 | name:Logical experiment parameters |
257 | help:See readme-abduction.txt |
258 | type:s |
259 | |