1 | show:
2 | name:Benthic foraminifera
3 | info:~
4 | There are two species of Foraminiera: longitudal and coiled. The first chamber of the longitudal species has orange marks. Haploid and diploid generations alternate in both species. All chambers of the haploid generation have the same size. In the diploid generation, subsequent chambers are bigger than their predecessors.
5 |
6 | Nutrients are shown as tiny green cylinders. Foraminifers move towards nearest nutrients and this way they can accumulate enough energy to reproduce.
7 |
8 | When the "Enhance visualization" option is enabled, reticulopodia are shown as large disks and positions of nutrients are indicated by cuboids.
9 |
10 | More information at www.framsticks.com/foraminifera
11 | ~
12 | expdef:foraminifera
13 | code:~
14 |
15 | global Params; //to easily transfer changes in identical properties from this show to expdef
16 | global last_simspeed; //to display time scale when it changes significantly
17 |
18 | function onLoad()
19 | {
20 | // Since Theater is mostly for demos and visualization, we make the world smaller (than set by expdef) for clarity, and adjust other parameters accordingly
21 | World.wrldsiz = 100;
22 | var nutrient_multiple = 200;
23 | Params = { "foodflux" : [0.000000037815, 0.000000075631, 0.00000015126], "feedtrans" : [0.0005, 0.001, 0.002], "energy_nut" : [nutrient_multiple * 144.54, nutrient_multiple * 544.54, nutrient_multiple * 944.54], "stress" : [0, 1], "visualize" : [0, 1]}; //a set of smaller food fluxes because of the smaller world
24 | //larger initial energies result in fewer individuals that do not overcrowd the small world:
25 | ExpProperties.energies0_haplo = 60;
26 | ExpProperties.energies0_diplo = 3.75;
27 | ShowProperties_foodflux_set(); //force call of the value change handler
28 |
29 | ShowProperties.visualize = 1; //calls value change handler
30 | ExpProperties.secPerStep = 50;
31 |
32 | Simulator.init(); //calculates some parameters based on the current world size
33 | last_simspeed = 0;
34 | GLDisplay.desiredsimspeed = 50;
35 | GLDisplay.minfps = 10;
36 | TrackingCam.cam_h = 15; //more side view
37 |
38 | //useful for screenshots:
39 | //GLDisplay.world_visibility=2+4; //show only environment and creatures (no background)
40 | //GLDisplay.bgcolor=0xffffffff; //white background
41 | }
42 |
43 | function timeScale()
44 | {
45 | //just a draft, this function and all constants in expdef need serious review
46 | var localDriveMicronsPerStep = framsToMicrons(getMovePerStep());
47 | var foramSpeedMmPerSec = ExpProperties.foramSpeedMmPerMin / 60;
48 | var localDriveMmPerStep = localDriveMicronsPerStep / 1000;
49 | var localDriveMmPerSec = localDriveMmPerStep * Simulator.simspeed;
50 | return localDriveMmPerSec / foramSpeedMmPerSec;
51 | }
52 |
53 | function updateBanner()
54 | {
55 | GLDisplay.banner = "World size is %g mm." % (framsToMicrons(World.wrldsiz) / 1000);
56 | GLDisplay.banner += "\nShowing real-time x %g." % timeScale();
57 | }
58 |
59 | function onShowStep()
60 | {
61 | if (Simulator.simspeed < last_simspeed * 0.9 || Simulator.simspeed > last_simspeed * 1.1) //significant change
62 | {
63 | updateBanner();
64 | last_simspeed = Simulator.simspeed;
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | function setShowParam(param_id)
69 | {
70 | ExpProperties.[param_id] = Params[param_id][ShowProperties.[param_id]];
71 | }
72 |
73 | function ShowProperties_foodflux_set()
74 | {
75 | setShowParam("foodflux");
76 | }
77 |
78 | function ShowProperties_feedtrans_set()
79 | {
80 | setShowParam("feedtrans");
81 | }
82 |
83 | function ShowProperties_energy_nut_set()
84 | {
85 | setShowParam("energy_nut");
86 | }
87 |
88 | function ShowProperties_stress_set()
89 | {
90 | setShowParam("stress");
91 | }
92 |
93 | function ShowProperties_visualize_set()
94 | {
95 | setShowParam("visualize");
96 | }
97 |
98 | ~
99 |
100 | property:
101 | id:foodflux
102 | name:Food flux
103 | type:d 0 2 1 ~Low~Medium~High
104 |
105 | property:
106 | id:feedtrans
107 | name:Energy transfer per second
108 | type:d 0 2 1 ~0.0005~0.001~0.002
109 |
110 | property:
111 | id:energy_nut
112 | name:Nutrient energy [ng Corg]
113 | # shorter approximate values instead of precise picograms ~28908~108908~188908. Details in http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2016.09.009
114 | type:d 0 2 1 ~≈29~≈109~≈189
115 |
116 | property:
117 | id:stress
118 | name:Stress
119 | type:d 0 1 1
120 |
121 | property:
122 | id:visualize
123 | name:Enhance visualization
124 | type:d 0 1 0