1 | expdef:
2 | name:Reproduction of benthic foraminifera
3 | info:~
4 | Genes and parameter values which control reproduction are stored in user1 and user2 fields.
5 |
6 | user1:
7 | genes which are not encoded in Ff genotype:
8 | Vamin - Minimum stored energy necessary for reproduction
9 | amin - minimal age for reproduction
10 |
11 | user2:
12 | Physiological parameters of foraminifera:
13 | Va - amount of the stored energy
14 | gen - generation: 0 haploid, 1 diploid
15 | ~
16 | code:~
17 |
18 | /*
19 | changes 2015-06-24:
20 | - xxx.get(...) changed to xxx[...]
21 | - xxx.set(...,...) changed to xxx[...]=...
22 | - function placeRandomlyNotColliding(cr) explicitly called when adding a new creature, and removed collision checking from onCreaturesBorn() which is also called when "growing" (since "growing" is implemented as creating a new creature in place of the old one, so onCreaturesBorn() is also called)
23 | - use creature's center (not the bbox corner) when growing
24 | - added "S" receptor to visualize the difference between diplo and haplo generations
25 | - signal.value is a MechPart (a reference) so it does not have to be updated after changing the object location
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* TODO fix
29 | [ERROR] Population.kill: Invalid index 35 (allowed range is 0..34)
30 | [ERROR] Population.kill: ... called from reproduce_haploid() <foraminifera.inc:54>
31 | [ERROR] Population.kill: ... called from onStep() <foraminifera.inc:228>
32 | */
33 |
34 | global foodenergywaiting;
35 | global reprocounter;
36 |
37 | @include "foraminifera.inc"
38 |
39 | // -------------------------------- experiment begin --------------------------------
40 |
41 | function onExpDefLoad()
42 | {
43 |
44 | // define genotype and creature groups
45 | GenePools.clear();
46 | Populations.clear();
47 | GenePools[0].name = "Unused";
48 |
49 | SignalView.mode = 1;
50 |
51 | var pop = Populations[0];
52 | pop.name = "Creatures";
53 | pop.en_assim = 0;
54 | pop.nnsim = 0;
55 | pop.enableperf = 1;
56 | pop.death = 1;
57 | pop.energy = 1;
58 | pop.selfmask = 0x10001;
59 | pop.othermask = 0x20001;
60 | //pop.selfmask = 0x20002; pop.othermask = 0x10002;
61 | pop.perfperiod = 25;
62 |
63 | pop = Populations.addGroup("Food");
64 | pop.nnsim = 0;
65 | pop.enableperf = 0;
66 | pop.death = 1;
67 | pop.energy = 1;
68 | pop.selfmask = 0x20002;
69 | pop.othermask = 0x10000;
70 |
71 | //radius of the chamber
72 | ExpParams.rads = [1.2, 0.6];
73 | //inital genotypes
74 | ExpParams.genh = "//0\np:sh=1,sx=" + ExpParams.rads[0] + ",sy=" + ExpParams.rads[0] + ",sz=" + ExpParams.rads[0] + ", rz=3.14159265358979";
75 | ExpParams.gend = "//0\np:sh=1,sx=" + ExpParams.rads[1] + ",sy=" + ExpParams.rads[1] + ",sz=" + ExpParams.rads[1] + ", rz=3.14159265358979";
76 | ExpParams.gend += "\nn:p=0,d=\"S\"";
77 | ExpParams.e_meta = 0.1;
78 | ExpParams.feedrate = 0.5;
79 | ExpParams.feede0 = 100;
80 | ExpParams.feedtrans = 3;
81 | ExpParams.creath = -0.99; //just above the bottom
82 | ExpParams.foodgen = "//0\np:sh=2,sx=0.1,sy=0.1,sz=0.1\nn:d=T,p=0";
83 | ExpParams.autorestart = 0;
84 | ExpParams.psize = 10;
85 | //ExpParams.logging = 1; //uncomment to enable logging simulation parameters to log files
86 |
87 | //number of offspring
88 | ExpParams.ofnumh = 40;
89 | ExpParams.ofnumd = 25;
90 | //minial volume for reproduction
91 | ExpParams.v_min_d = 300;
92 | ExpParams.v_min_h = 300;
93 | //minimal age for reproduction
94 | ExpParams.age_min_d = 100;
95 | ExpParams.age_min_h = 100;
96 | //crossover probability
97 | ExpParams.crossprob = 0.4;
98 | //mutation probability
99 | ExpParams.mutationprob = 0.2;
100 | ExpParams.repro_time = 200;
101 | ExpParams.repro_thr = 1;
102 |
103 | //grwoth speed in time steps
104 | ExpParams.growth_step = 50;
105 |
106 | ExpState.totaltestedcr = 0;
107 | ExpState.food = "";
108 | foodenergywaiting = ExpParams.feede0;
109 | reprocounter = 0;
110 |
111 | ExpParams.wsize = 50;
112 | World.wrldwat = 50;
113 | World.wrldsiz = ExpParams.wsize;
114 | World.wrldbnd = 1;
115 | }
116 |
117 | @include "standard_placement.inc"
118 |
119 | function onExpInit()
120 | {
121 | Populations[0].clear();
122 | Populations[1].clear();
123 |
124 | for (var i = 0; i < ExpParams.psize; i++)
125 | {
126 | var cr = Populations[0].add(ExpParams.genh);
127 | cr.name = "Initial creature" + i;
128 | placeCreatureRandomly(cr, 0, 0);
129 | cr.energ0 = ExpParams.v_min_h - ExpParams.repro_thr;
130 | cr.energy = cr.energ0;
131 | cr.user1 = {"vamin" : ExpParams.v_min_h, "amin": ExpParams.age_min_h};
132 | cr.user2 = {"Va" : ExpParams.v_min_h - ExpParams.repro_thr, "gen" : 0, "growth_step" : ExpParams.growth_step, "rsize" : ExpParams.rads[0], "vinit" : ExpParams.v_min_h - ExpParams.repro_thr};
133 | }
134 | ExpState.totaltestedcr = 0;
135 | foodenergywaiting = ExpParams.feede0;
136 | }
137 |
138 | function onExpLoad()
139 | {
140 | for (var pop in Populations)
141 | pop.clear();
142 |
143 | Loader.addClass(sim_params.*);
144 | Loader.setBreakLabel(Loader.BeforeUnknown, "onExpLoad_Unknown");
145 | Loader.run();
146 |
147 | Simulator.print("Loaded " + Populations[0].size + " creatures and " + Populations[1].size + " food objects");
148 | }
149 |
150 | function onExpLoad_Unknown()
151 | {
152 | if (Loader.objectName == "org") // saved by the old expdef
153 | {
154 | var g = Genotype.newFromString("");
155 | Loader.currentObject = g;
156 | Interface.makeFrom(g).setAllDefault();
157 | Loader.loadObject();
158 | var cr = Populations[0].add(g);
159 | if (cr != null)
160 | {
161 | //cr.rotate(0,0,Math.rnd01*Math.twopi);
162 | if ((typeof(g.user1) == "Vector") && (g.user1.size >= 3))
163 | {
164 | // [x,y,energy]
165 | cr.move(g.user1[0] - cr.center_x, g.user1[1] - cr.center_y, 0);
166 | cr.energy = g.user1[2];
167 | }
168 | else
169 | {
170 | cr.move(Math.rnd01 * World.wrldsiz - cr.center_x, Math.rnd01 * World.wrldsiz - cr.center_y, 0);
171 | }
172 | }
173 | }
174 | else if (Loader.objectName == "Creature")
175 | {
176 | Loader.currentObject = CreatureSnapshot.new();
177 | Loader.loadObject();
178 | Populations[0].add(Loader.currentObject);
179 | }
180 | }
181 |
182 | function onExpSave()
183 | {
184 | File.writeComment("saved by '%s.expdef'" % Simulator.expdef);
185 |
186 | var tmpvec = [], i;
187 |
188 | for(var cr in Populations[1])
189 | tmpvec.add([cr.center_x, cr.center_y, cr.energy]);
190 |
191 | ExpState.food = tmpvec;
192 | File.writeObject(sim_params.*);
193 | ExpState.food = null; //vectors are only created for saving and then discarded
194 |
195 | for (var cr in Populations[0])
196 | File.writeObject(cr);
197 | }
198 |
199 | // -------------------------------- experiment end --------------------------------
200 |
201 | // -------------------------------- creature begin --------------------------------
202 |
203 | function onCreaturesBorn(cr)
204 | {
205 | cr.idleen = ExpParams.e_meta;
206 | }
207 |
208 | function placeRandomlyNotColliding(cr)
209 | {
210 | var retry = 100; //try 100 times
211 | while (retry--)
212 | {
213 | placeCreatureRandomly(cr, 0, 0);
214 | if (!cr.boundingBoxCollisions(0))
215 | return cr;
216 | }
217 |
218 | Populations[0].delete(cr);
219 | }
220 |
221 | function readyToRepro(cr)
222 | {
223 | cr.signals.add("repro");
224 | cr.signals[0].power = 1;
225 | }
226 |
227 | function onCreaturesStep(cr)
228 | {
229 | //TODO moving inside sediment?
230 | cr.moveAbs(cr.pos_x, cr.pos_y, 0); //adjustment in z axis
231 | var p = cr.getMechPart(0);
232 | var n = cr.signals.receiveSet("food", ExpParams.food_range);
233 |
234 | //if signals are received find the source of the nearest
235 | if (n.size > 0)
236 | {
237 |
238 | var i;
239 | var mp;
240 | var distvec = XYZ.new(0, 0, 0);
241 | var dist;
242 | var mindist = 100000000000;
243 | var mindistvec = null;
244 |
245 | for (i = 0; i < n.size; i++)
246 | {
247 | mp = n[i].value;
248 | distvec.set(mp.pos);
249 | distvec.sub(p.pos);
250 | dist = distvec.length;
251 | if (dist < mindist)
252 | {
253 | mindist = dist;
254 | mindistvec = distvec.clone();
255 | }
256 | }
257 |
258 | mindistvec.normalize();
259 | mindistvec.scale(-0.08);
260 | cr.localDrive = mindistvec;
261 | }
262 |
263 | else
264 | {
265 | cr.localDrive = (0.1 * Math.rnd01, 0.1 * Math.rnd01, 0);
266 | }
267 |
268 | //energy costs depend on size
269 | if (cr.energy > 100)
270 | {
271 | //TODO energy costs dependent on size
272 | // cr.energy_m = cr.user2["Va"]/cr.user2["vinit"];
273 | }
274 |
275 | if (cr.lifespan >= ExpParams.max_age)
276 | {
277 | //TODO what is max age value? should there be one?
278 | Populations[0].kill(cr);
279 | return;
280 | }
281 |
282 | //foram growth
283 | if (cr.lifespan == cr.user2["growth_step"])
284 | {
285 | //TODO how size is related to the energy?
286 | cr.user2["rsize"] = ExpParams.rads[cr.user2["gen"]] * Math.min(Math.max(float(cr.user2["Va"] / cr.user2["vinit"]) * 0.5, 1.0), 2.5);
287 | var geno = "//0\np:sh=1,sx=" + cr.user2["rsize"] + ",sy=" + cr.user2["rsize"] + ",sz=" + cr.user2["rsize"] + ", rz=3.14159265358979";
288 | if (cr.user2["gen"] == 1)
289 | {
290 | geno += "\nn:p=0,d=\"S\""; //TODO why initial genotypes are not used as defined in ExpParams?
291 | //TODO maybe it would be nice if they rotated so the "S" would show where they are going (direction/intention)
292 | }
293 | var cr2 = Populations[0].add(geno);
294 | cr2.energy = cr.energy;
295 | setGenotype(cr2, cr.user1, cr.user2);
296 | cr2.moveAbs(cr.center_x - cr2.size_x / 2, cr.center_y - cr2.size_y / 2, cr.pos_z);
297 |
298 | Populations[0].delete(cr);
299 | }
300 | else
301 | {
302 | var properSize = 0;
303 |
304 | if (cr.user2["gen"] == 0)
305 | {
306 | properSize = cr.user2["Va"] >= cr.user1["vamin"];
307 | }
308 | else
309 | {
310 | properSize = cr.user2["Va"] >= cr.user1[0]["vamin"];
311 | }
312 |
313 | //if creature has proper age and cytoplasm amount
314 | if ( properSize )
315 | {
316 | //reproduce with probability repro_prob
317 | if (Math.rnd01 <= ExpParams.repro_prob)
318 | {
319 | readyToRepro(cr);
320 | }
321 | }
322 | if ( properSize && (cr.signals.receive("repro") > 0))
323 | {
324 | readyToRepro(cr);
325 | }
326 | }
327 | }
328 |
329 | function onCreaturesDied(cr)
330 | {
331 | //fossilization
332 | var geno = GenePools[0].add(cr.genotype);
333 | geno.user1 = cr.user1;
334 | geno.user2 = cr.user2;
335 | Simulator.print("\"" + cr.name + "\" died...");
336 | ExpState.totaltestedcr++;
337 | }
338 |
339 | function setGenotype(cr, new_user1, new_user2)
340 | {
341 | cr.user2 = {"Va" : new_user2["Va"], "gen" : new_user2["gen"], "growth_step" : new_user2["growth_step"], "rsize" : new_user2["rsize"], "vinit": new_user2["vinit"]};
342 | if (cr.user2["gen"] == 0)
343 | {
344 | cr.user1 = {"vamin" : new_user1["vamin"], "amin": new_user1["amin"] };
345 | }
346 | else if (cr.user2["gen"] == 1)
347 | {
348 | cr.user1 = [ {"vamin" : new_user1[0]["vamin"], "amin": new_user1[0]["amin"] }, {"vamin" : new_user1[1]["vamin"], "amin": new_user1[1]["amin"] }];
349 | }
350 |
351 | }
352 |
353 | // -------------------------------- creature end --------------------------------
354 |
355 | // -------------------------------- food begin --------------------------------
356 |
357 | function onFoodStep(cr)
358 | {
359 | cr.moveAbs(cr.pos_x % ExpParams.wsize, cr.pos_y % ExpParams.wsize, 0.5);
360 | }
361 |
362 | function addfood()
363 | {
364 | var cr = Populations[1].add(ExpParams.foodgen);
365 |
366 | cr.name = "Food";
367 | cr.idleen = 0;
368 | cr.energ0 = ExpParams.feede0;
369 | cr.energy = cr.energ0;
370 | cr.signals.add("food");
371 |
372 | cr.signals[0].value = cr.getMechPart(0);
373 |
374 | placeRandomlyNotColliding(cr);
375 | }
376 |
377 | function onFoodCollision()
378 | {
379 | if (Collision.Creature2.user2 != null)
380 | {
381 | var e = Collision.Part2.ing * ExpParams.feedtrans;
382 | //Simulator.print("transferring "+e+" from "+Collision.Creature1.name+" to "+Collision.Creature2.name+" ("+Collision.Creature2.energy+")");
383 | Collision.Creature1.energy_m = Collision.Creature1.energy_m + e;
384 | Collision.Creature2.energy_p = Collision.Creature2.energy_p + e;
385 | Collision.Creature2.user2["Va"] = float(Collision.Creature2.user2["Va"]) + float(e);
386 | }
387 | }
388 |
389 | // -------------------------------- food end --------------------------------
390 |
391 |
392 | function log(tolog, fname)
393 | {
394 | var f = File.appendDirect(fname, "forams data");
395 | f.writeString("" + Simulator.stepNumber);
396 | for (var i = 0; i < tolog.size; i++)
397 | {
398 | f.writeString(";" + tolog[i]);
399 | }
400 | f.writeString("\n");
401 | f.close();
402 | }
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 | @include "standard_events.inc"
408 |
409 | ~
410 |
411 | prop:
412 | id:max_age
413 | name:Maximal age
414 | type:d 100 1000 500
415 |
416 | prop:
417 | id:wsize
418 | name:World size
419 | type:d 10 1000 20
420 |
421 | prop:
422 | id:growth_step
423 | name:Growth step
424 | type:d 10 10000 1000
425 |
426 | prop:
427 | id:rads
428 | name:Haploid and diploid radius
429 | type:x
430 |
431 | prop:
432 | id:age_min_h
433 | name:Min reproduction age of haploid forams
434 | type:d 100 10000 300
435 | group:Foraminifera
436 |
437 | prop:
438 | id:age_min_d
439 | name:Min reproduction age of diploid forams
440 | type:d 100 10000 200
441 | group:Foraminifera
442 |
443 | prop:
444 | id:v_min_h
445 | name:Min reproduction energy of haploid forams
446 | type:f 10 10000 300
447 | group:Foraminifera
448 |
449 | prop:
450 | id:v_min_d
451 | name:Min reproduction energy of diploid forams
452 | type:f 10 10000 150
453 | group:Foraminifera
454 |
455 | prop:
456 | id:repro_thr
457 | name:Energy creatures need to gather to reproduce
458 | type:d 1 1000 1
459 |
460 | prop:
461 | id:food_range
462 | name:Range of food smell
463 | type:d 0 10000 10000
464 |
465 | prop:
466 | id:repro_time
467 | name:Time before reproduction
468 | type:d 0 1000
469 |
470 | prop:
471 | id:psize
472 | name:Initial population size
473 | type:d 1 1000 100
474 |
475 | prop:
476 | id:logging
477 | name:Log statistics to file
478 | type:d 0 1 0
479 |
480 | prop:
481 | id:ofnumh
482 | name:Number of offspring from haploid forams
483 | type:d
484 | group:Foraminifera
485 |
486 | prop:
487 | id:ofnumd
488 | name:Number of offspring from diploid forams
489 | type:d
490 | group:Foraminifera
491 |
492 | prop:
493 | id:repro_prob
494 | name:Probability of reproduction
495 | type:f 0 1 0.9
496 |
497 | prop:
498 | id:crossprob
499 | name:Crossover probability
500 | type:f 0 1 0
501 |
502 | prop:
503 | id:mutationprob
504 | name:Mutation probability
505 | type:f 0 1 0
506 |
507 | prop:
508 | id:genh
509 | name:Initial genotype of haploid forams
510 | type:s 1
511 | group:Foraminifera
512 |
513 | prop:
514 | id:gend
515 | name:Initial genotype of diploid forams
516 | type:s 1
517 | group:Foraminifera
518 |
519 | prop:
520 | id:creath
521 | name:Creation height
522 | type:f -1 50
523 | help:~
524 | Vertical position (above the surface) where new creatures are revived.
525 | Negative values are only used in the water area:
526 | 0 = at the surface
527 | -0.5 = half depth
528 | -1 = just above the bottom~
529 |
530 | prop:
531 | id:e_meta
532 | name:Idle metabolism
533 | type:f 0 1
534 | group:Energy
535 | help:Each stick consumes this amount of energy in one time step
536 |
537 | prop:
538 | id:feedrate
539 | name:Feeding rate
540 | type:f 0 100
541 | group:Energy
542 | help:How fast energy is created in the world
543 |
544 | prop:
545 | id:feede0
546 | name:Food's energy
547 | group:Energy
548 | type:f 0 1000
549 |
550 | prop:
551 | id:feedtrans
552 | name:Ingestion multiplier
553 | group:Energy
554 | type:f 0 100
555 |
556 | prop:
557 | id:foodgen
558 | name:Food's genotype
559 | group:Energy
560 | type:s 1
561 |
562 | prop:
563 | id:autorestart
564 | name:Restart after extinction
565 | help:Restart automatically this experiment after the last creature has died?
566 | type:d 0 1
567 |
568 | state:
569 | id:notes
570 | name:Notes
571 | type:s 1
572 | help:~
573 | You can write anything here
574 | (it will be saved to the experiment file)~
575 |
576 | state:
577 | id:totaltestedcr
578 | name:Evaluated creatures
579 | help:Total number of the creatures evaluated in the experiment
580 | type:d
581 | flags:16
582 |
583 | prop:
584 | id:foodPop
585 | name:Food size
586 | type:d 1 1000 10
587 |
588 | state:
589 | id:food
590 | name:Food locations
591 | help:vector of vectors [x,y,energy]
592 | type:x
593 | flags:32