Line | |
1 | #!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
2 | set xlabel "Time"
3 | set ylabel "Team size"
4 | set title "Number of creatures in each team"
5 | set rmargin 5
6 | set terminal pngcairo size 1024,800
7 | set output "teamSize.png"
8 | plot \
9 | "teams1.txt" using 1:3 title "Team 0" w l,\
10 | "teams1.txt" using 1:5 title "Team 1" w l
11 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:7 title "Team 2" w l,\
12 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:9 title "Team 3" w l,\
13 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:11 title "Team 4" w l,\
14 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:13 title "Team 5" w l,\
15 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:15 title "Team 6" w l,\
16 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:17 title "Team 7" w l,\
17 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:19 title "Team 8" w l,\
18 | #"teams1.txt" using 1:21 title "Team 9" w l |
Note: See
for help on using the repository browser.