1 | // This file is a part of Framsticks GenoFX library.
2 | // Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Maciej Komosinski. See LICENSE.txt for details.
3 | // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information.
4 |
5 | #ifndef _GENO_FX_H_
6 | #define _GENO_FX_H_
7 |
8 | #include "nonstd.h"
9 | #include "model.h"
10 |
11 | /** @file */
12 |
13 | /** \name Return codes for genetic operators */
14 | //@{
15 | #define GENOPER_OK 0 ///<operation successful
16 | #define GENOPER_OPFAIL -1 ///<operation failed or could not be completed
17 | #define GENOPER_REPAIR -2 ///<do not use in Geno_fx. GenMan uses it in checkValidity()... but will not. only f4 uses it
18 | #define GENOPER_NOOPER -3 ///<do not use in Geno_fx. GenMan uses it for "no suitable operator for this genotype format"
19 | //@}
20 |
21 | /** \name gene/character predefined styles (for style() method) */
22 | //@{
23 | #define GENSTYLE_NONE 0 ///<no style specified (=normal font)
24 | #define GENSTYLE_INVALID 1 ///<this char cannot be accepted
25 | #define GENSTYLE_BOLD 2 ///<bold
26 | #define GENSTYLE_ITALIC 4 ///<italic
27 | #define GENSTYLE_STRIKEOUT 8 ///<strikeout (not recommended)
28 | //UNDERLINE used to mark errors
29 | //@}
30 |
31 | /** \name other useful style/color macros */
32 | //@{
33 | #define GENRGB(r,g,b) ((unsigned long)(((unsigned char)(r)|((unsigned short)((unsigned char)(g))<<8))|(((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(b))<<16)))
34 | #define GENSTYLE_RGBS(r,g,b,s) ((unsigned long)((unsigned char)s)<<24 | GENRGB(r,g,b))
35 | #define GENSTYLE_CS(rgb,s) ((unsigned long)((unsigned char)s)<<24 | rgb)
36 |
37 | #define GENGETSTYLE(style) ((style)>>24)
38 | #define GENGETCOLOR(style) ((style)&0x00ffffff)
39 | #define GENGET_R(style) ((style)&0xff)
40 | #define GENGET_G(style) ((style>>8)&0xff)
41 | #define GENGET_B(style) ((style>>16)&0xff)
42 |
43 | #define GENCOLOR_TEXT GENRGB(0,0,0) ///<recommended color to use for text genes
44 | #define GENCOLOR_NUMBER GENRGB(200,0,0) ///<recommended color to use for number genes
45 | //@}
46 |
47 | ///Base class for genetic operations on genotypes of some genetic format
48 | /**\author Maciej Komosinski
49 |
50 | When designing genetic operations on some representation, inherit your class
51 | (for example Geno_fMy) from Geno_fx. Define some methods,
52 | like mutate(), in your class, to allow for evolution.
53 | Ensure they have the same names and arguments as the corresponding
54 | virtual methods in Geno_fx. Set the 'supported_format' variable to the
55 | appropriate genetic representation ID.
56 | Whenever arguments are genotypes, they are without
57 | trailing characters which describe genetic format
58 | (for example, "p:", not "//0\np:").
59 | When allocating/reallocating char* parameters, use malloc, free, realloc, strdup, etc.
60 | Do not use new and delete.
61 |
62 | All the methods you might define are:
63 | - checkValidity()
64 | - validate()
65 | - mutate()
66 | - crossOver()
67 | - getSimplest()
68 | - style()
69 |
70 | Your code must not cause errors (like invalid memory access, memory
71 | leaks) on any arguments, even 'random' ones. GENOPER_OPFAIL should
72 | be returned when an operator cannot cope with its argument genotype.
73 |
74 | To compile your code, you may also need some GDK files.
75 | A simple example is Geno_ftest class (see \ref geno_ftest_example "C++ code" for details).
76 | A more realistic example is Geno_f4 derived from Geno_fx: refer to
77 | the available source on developmental encoding and f4 genotype format.*/
78 |
79 | class Geno_fx
80 | {
81 | public:
82 | Param par;
83 | char supported_format; ///<genotype format which is supported by this class ('6' for Geno_f6, etc.). Must be initialized in constructor
84 | SString name; ///<name of this set of genetic operators
85 | char **mutation_method_names; ///<array of names for mutation methods. If initialized (by new char*[]), must have entries for each method index returned by mutate(geno,chg,METHOD). If initialized, it is automatically freed by this destructor.
86 | Geno_fx() : par(empty_paramtab) {supported_format='x'; name="Default"; mutation_method_names=NULL; setDefaults();}
87 |
88 | /**Used to perform initializations of Param parameters that are not handled by the Param itself
89 | (i.e. string parameters need to be initialized here)*/
90 | virtual void setDefaults() {}
91 |
92 | /**Checks a genotype for minor mistakes and major errors.
93 | \param geno genotype to be checked
94 | \retval error_position 1-based (or 1 if no exact error position known)
95 | \retval GENOPER_OK when the genotype is fully valid, and can be translated by the converter with \b no modifications nor tweaks*/
96 | virtual int checkValidity(const char *geno) {return GENOPER_NOOPER;}
97 |
98 | /**Validates a genotype. The purpose of this function is to validate
99 | obvious/minor errors (range overruns, invalid links, etc.). Do not try
100 | to introduce entirely new genes in place of an error.
101 | \param geno input/output: genotype to be validated
102 | \retval GENOPER_OK must be returned in any case ("did my best to validate")*/
103 | virtual int validate(char *&geno) {return GENOPER_NOOPER;}
104 |
105 | /**Mutates a genotype. Mutation should always change something.
106 |
107 | Avoid unnecessary calls in your code. Every genotype argument passed to this
108 | function is first checked, and validated if checkValidity() reported an error (or
109 | if there is no checkValidity() implemented). Every resulting genotype is subject
110 | to the same procedure, unless GENOPER_OPFAIL was returned. Thus you do not have
111 | to call these functions on input and output genotypes, because they are validated
112 | if needed.
113 | \param geno input/output: genotype to be mutated
114 | \param chg output: initialize with a value (in most cases 0..1) corresponding
115 | to the amount of genotype mutated. For example, it could be the number of changed
116 | genes divided by the total number of genes before mutation.
117 | \param chg method: initialize with the ID (number) of mutation method used.
118 | \retval GENOPER_OK
119 | \retval GENOPER_OPFAIL
120 | \sa
121 | Mutation example to illustrate the exchange of pointers for \e geno.
122 | The mutation adds random letter at the beginning or removes last letter from \e geno.
123 | \code
124 | {
125 | int len=strlen(geno);
126 | if (len==0 || random(2)==0) //add
127 | {
128 | method=0;
129 | char* mutated=(char*)malloc(mutated,len+2); //allocate for mutated genotype
130 | mutated[0]='A'+random(10); //first char random
131 | strcpy(mutated+1,geno); //the rest is original
132 | free(geno); //must take care of the original allocation
133 | geno=mutated;
134 | } else
135 | {
136 | method=1;
137 | geno[len-1]=0; //simply shorten the string - remove last char
138 | }
139 | chg=1.0/max(len,1); //estimation of mutation strength, divby0-safe
140 | } \endcode
141 | */
142 | virtual int mutate(char *&geno,float& chg,int &method) {method=-1; chg=-1; return GENOPER_NOOPER;}
143 |
144 | /**Crosses over two genotypes. It is sufficient to return only one child (in \e g1) and set \e chg1 only, then \e g2 must equal "".
145 |
146 | Avoid unnecessary calls in your code. Every genotype argument passed to this
147 | function is first checked, and validated if checkValidity() reported an error (or
148 | if there is no checkValidity() implemented). Every resulting genotype is subject
149 | to the same procedure, unless GENOPER_OPFAIL was returned. Thus you do not have
150 | to call these functions on input and output genotypes, because they are validated
151 | if needed.
152 | \param g1 input/output: parent1 genotype, initialize with child1
153 | \param g2 input/output: parent2 genotype, initialize with child2 if both children are available
154 | \param chg1 output: initialize with the fraction of parent1 genes in child1 (parent2 has the rest)
155 | \param chg2 output: initialize with the fraction of parent2 genes in child2 (parent1 has the rest)
156 | \retval GENOPER_OK
157 | \retval GENOPER_OPFAIL
158 | \sa mutate() for an example*/
159 | virtual int crossOver(char *&g1,char *&g2,float& chg1,float& chg2) {chg1=chg2=-1; return GENOPER_NOOPER;}
160 |
161 | /**\return a pointer to the simplest genotype string*/
162 | virtual char* getSimplest() {return NULL;}
163 |
164 | /**You may want to have your genotype colored. This method provides desired character styles for genes.
165 | \param geno genotype
166 | \param pos 0-based char offset
167 | \retval number-encoded visual style (and validity) of the genotype char at \e geno[pos].
168 | Assume white background.
169 | \sa GENSTYLE_* macros, like GENSTYLE_BOLD*/
170 | virtual unsigned long style(const char *geno,int pos) {return GENSTYLE_RGBS(0,0,0,GENSTYLE_NONE);}
171 |
172 | ///currently not used (similarity of two genotypes)
173 | virtual float similarity(const char*,const char*) {return GENOPER_NOOPER;}
174 | virtual ~Geno_fx() {if (mutation_method_names) {delete []mutation_method_names; mutation_method_names=NULL;}}
175 | // virtual char getFormat() {return 255;} //returns supported genotype format, for ex. '1'
176 | // virtual int enabled() {return 1;} // should be enabled by default
177 |
178 | /** \name Some helpful methods for you */
179 | //@{
180 | static int roulette(const double *probtab,const int count); ///<returns random index according to probabilities in the \e probtab table or -1 if all probs are zero. \e count is the number of elements in \e probtab.
181 | static bool getMinMaxDef(ParamInterface *p,int propindex,double &mn,double &mx,double &def); ///<perhaps a more useful (higher-level) way to obtain min/max/def info for integer and double properties. Returns true if min/max/def was really available (otherwise it is just invented).
182 | static int selectRandomProperty(Neuro* n); ///<selects random property (either 0-based extraproperty of Neuro or 100-based property of its NeuroClass). -1 if Neuro has no properties.
183 | static double mutateNeuProperty(double current,Neuro *n,int propindex); ///<returns value \e current mutated for the property \e propindex of NeuroClass \e nc or for extraproperty (\e propindex - 100) of Neuro. Neuro is used as read-only. Give \e propindex == -1 to mutate connection weight (\e nc is then ignored).
184 | static bool mutatePropertyNaive(ParamInterface &p,int propindex); ///<creep-mutate selected property. Returns true when success. mutateProperty() should be used instead of this function.
185 | static bool mutateProperty(ParamInterface &p,int propindex); ///<like mutatePropertyNaive(), but uses special probability distributions for some neuron properties.
186 | static bool getMutatedProperty(ParamInterface &p,int i,double oldval,double &newval); ///<like mutateProperty(), but just returns \e newval, does not get nor set it using \e p.
187 | static double mutateCreepNoLimit(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<returns \e current value creep-mutated with Gaussian distribution within [ \e mn , \e mx ] interval. Forced precision: 3 digits after comma. \e type must be either 'd' (integer) or 'f' (float/double).
188 | static double mutateCreep(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<just as mutateCreepNoLimit(), but forces mutated value into the [mn,mx] range using the 'reflect' approach.
189 | static NeuroClass* getRandomNeuroClass(); ///<returns random neuroclass or NULL when no active classes.
190 | static NeuroClass* parseNeuroClass(char *&s); ///<returns neuroclass or NULL if the string does not begin with a valid name. Advance \e s pointer.
191 | static Neuro* findNeuro(const Model *m,const NeuroClass *nc); ///<returns pointer to first Neuro of class \e nc, or NULL if there is no such Neuro.
192 | static int neuroClassProp(char *&s,NeuroClass *nc,bool also_v1_N_props=false); ///<returns 0-based property number for \e neuroclass, 100-based extraproperty number for Neuro, or -1 if the string does not begin with a valid property name. Advance \e s pointer if success.
193 | static bool isWS(const char c); ///<is \e c a whitespace char?
194 | static void skipWS(char *&s); ///<advances pointer \e s skipping whitespaces.
195 | static bool areAlike(char*,char*); ///<compares two text strings skipping whitespaces. Returns 1 when equal, 0 when different.
196 | static char* strchrn0(const char *str,char ch); ///<like strchr, but does not find zero char in \e str.
197 | static bool isNeuroClassName(const char firstchar); ///<determines if \e firstchar may start NeuroClass name. If not, it may start NeuroClass' (or Neuro's) property name.
198 | //@}
199 | };
200 |
201 |
202 | //
203 | // custom distributions for mutations of various parameters
204 | //
205 | /*
206 | static double distrib_weight[]=
207 | {
208 | 5, // distribution -999 _-^_^-_ +999
209 | -999, 999, // each weight value may be useful, especially...
210 | -5, -0.3, // ...little non-zero values
211 | -3, -0.6,
212 | 0.6, 3,
213 | 0.3, 5,
214 | };*/
215 | static double distrib_force[]= // for '!'
216 | {
217 | 3, // distribution 0 -__/ +1
218 | 0.001, 0.2, // "slow" neurons
219 | 0.001, 1,
220 | 1, 1, // "fast" neurons
221 | };
222 | static double distrib_inertia[]= // for '='
223 | {
224 | 2, // distribution 0 |..- +1
225 | 0, 0, // "fast" neurons
226 | 0.7, 0.98,
227 | };
228 | static double distrib_sigmo[]= // for '/'
229 | {
230 | 5, // distribution -999 -..-^-..- +999
231 | -999, -999, //"perceptron"
232 | 999, 999,
233 | -5, -1, // nonlinear
234 | 1, 5,
235 | -1, 1, // ~linear
236 | };
237 |
238 |
239 | #endif
240 |