// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK library. // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include "paramtabobj.h" int ParamTab::measureTab(const ParamEntry *pe) { int i=0; while(pe->id) {i++;pe++;} return i; } void ParamTab::resize(int s) { if (s==siz) return; tab=(ParamEntry*)realloc(tab,sizeof(ParamEntry)*(s+1)); siz=s; } int ParamTab::add(const ParamEntry* p,int count) { if (count<0) count=measureTab(p); resize(siz+count); memmove(tab+siz-count,p,sizeof(ParamEntry)*count); memset(tab+siz,0,sizeof(ParamEntry)); if (siz>0) tab[0].flags=siz-tab[0].group; return siz-1; } void ParamTab::remove(int i,int count) { memmove(tab+i,tab+i+count,sizeof(ParamEntry)*count); resize(siz-count); memset(tab+siz,0,sizeof(ParamEntry)); if (siz>0) tab[0].flags=siz-tab[0].group; }