// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK library. // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #ifndef _MODELPARTS_H_ #define _MODELPARTS_H_ #include "3d.h" #include "genoconv.h" #include "extvalue.h" #include "list.h" #include "sstring.h" #include "sstringutils.h" #include "param.h" #include "syntparam.h" #include "usertags.h" #include "paramtabobj.h" #include //#define MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE class Model; class IRange; class MultiRange; typedef UserTags ModelUserTags; /** Common base for model elements. */ class PartBase { public: SString vis_style; PartBase(const SString& s):vis_style(s),mapped(0) {} ~PartBase(); static const SString& getDefaultStyle(){static SString s("none"); return s;} MultiRange *mapped; enum PartBaseFlags { Selected=1 }; long flags; Model *owner; ///< backlink to the model SString info; Model &getModel() const {return *owner;} ModelUserTags userdata; void notifyMappingChange(); void clearMapping(); MultiRange* getMapping() {return mapped;} void setMapping(const IRange &mr); void addMapping(const IRange &mr); void setMapping(const MultiRange &mr); void addMapping(const MultiRange &mr); void setInfo(const SString& name,const SString& value); void setInfo(const SString& name,int value); void setInfo(const SString& name,double value); SString getInfo(const SString& name); }; /// Part is the only real physical object in the framsticks creature. /// You can use this class for querying and adjusting constructed /// model properties class Part: public PartBase { friend class Model; static const SString& getDefaultStyle(); Part(double _mass,double _size,double _density,double _friction,double _ingest,double _assim) :mass(_mass),size(_size),density(_density),friction(_friction),ingest(_ingest),assim(_assim), PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) {} public: // base properties - have special meaning and therefore are often accessed directly for convenience Pt3D p; ///< 3d coordinates of the part Orient o; ///< orientation in 3d space (rotation matrix) /// ParamInterface object is preferred way to get/set other properties. ParamInterface &extraProperties(); ParamInterface &properties(); long refno; Pt3D rot; /// double mass,size,density,friction,ingest,assim; Pt3D food; //SList points; // collistion points //Slist neurons; // "select * from owner->neurons where part=this" ;-) Part(); Part(const Part& src):PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) {operator=(src);} void operator=(const Part& src); }; /// Imaginary connection between two parts. /// Joint has no mass nor intertia but can transfer forces. class Joint: public PartBase { friend class Model; static const SString& getDefaultStyle(); Joint(double _stamina,double _stif,double _rotstif,double _d) :stamina(_stamina),stif(_stif),rotstif(_rotstif),PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) {d=Pt3D(_d,0,0);} public: // base properties: long p1_refno,p2_refno; ///< parts' reference numbers Part *part1,*part2; ///< references to parts class Pt3D d; ///< position delta between parts class Pt3D rot; ///< orientation delta between parts expressed as 3 angles Joint(); Joint(const Joint& src):PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) {operator=(src);} void operator=(const Joint& src); /** connect two parts with this joint. p2 position will be adjusted if delta option is in effect. @see isDelta() */ void attachToParts(Part* p1,Part* p2); /// @see attachToParts(Part*,Part*) void attachToParts(int p1,int p2); /** discard delta information but don't disable delta flag. delta will be calculated from parts positions during final consistency check. */ void resetDelta(); /** enable or disable delta option. delta value is not changed. */ void useDelta(int false_or_true); /** @return 1 if delta option is in effect. @see useDelta(), resetDelta(), useDelta() */ int isDelta(); /// ParamInterface object is preferred way to get/set other properties. ParamInterface &extraProperties(); ParamInterface &properties(); // do not touch these: long refno; ///< this joint's reference number double stamina; double stif,rotstif; ///< stiffness for moving and bending forces class Orient o; ///< orientation delta between parts as rotation matrix /** flag: generated f0 should include delta data. set by 'singlestep' if j: attributes use delta option */ int usedelta; }; #define JOINT_DELTA_MARKER 99999.0 ////////////////// NN ///////////////// class NeuroClass; typedef UserTags NeuroClassUserTags; /** Information about neuron class. */ class NeuroClass { bool ownedvectordata; void operator=(const NeuroClass& nosuchthich){} public: SString name,longname,description; ParamEntry *props; long prefinputs,prefoutput; long preflocation; int *vectordata; long visualhints; void *impl; bool active; int genactive; NeuroClassUserTags userdata; ////////////////////// ~NeuroClass(); NeuroClass(); NeuroClass(ParamEntry *_props,SString _description, int _prefinputs,int _prefoutput,int _preflocation,int *_vectordata,bool own_vd=1,int vhints=0); /** class name for use in Neuro::setClassName(), Neuro::setDetails() (former 'moredata' field), eg. "N","-",G" */ const SString& getName() {return name;} /** human friendly name, eg. "Neuron","Link","Gyroscope" */ const SString& getLongName() {return longname;} /** long description */ const SString& getDescription() {return description;} ParamEntry* getParamTab() {return props;} /** NeuroClass specific properties, recognized by all neurons of this class */ Param getProperties() {return Param(props);} /** preferred number of inputs, -1 = no preference (any number will go). extra inputs may be ignored by the object (depends on the class). */ int getPreferredInputs() {return prefinputs;} /** @return 0 if this object doesn't provide useful output signal. */ int getPreferredOutput() {return prefoutput;} /** @return 0 if the object doesn't need any assignment to the body element. @return 1 = it likes to be attached to the Part ( @see Neuro::attachToPart() ) @return 2 = the object prefers to have the Joint ( @see Neuro::attachToJoint() ) */ int getPreferredLocation() {return preflocation;} /** vector drawing to be used in neuro net diagram. interpretation: { LEN = datalength (excluding this number) NL = number_of_lines line#1 -> NS = number_of_segments, x1,y1, x2,y2, ... xNS-1,yNS-1, ... line#NL -> NS = number_of_segments, x1,y1, x2,y2, ... xNS-1,yNS-1, } */ int* getSymbolGlyph() {return vectordata;} void setSymbolGlyph(int *data,bool owned=1) {if (vectordata&&ownedvectordata) delete []vectordata; vectordata=data; ownedvectordata=owned;} /** additional information about how the neuron should be drawn used by structure view (and maybe some other components). return value is defined by the enum Hint @see enum Hint */ int getVisualHints() {return visualhints;} enum Hint /** don't draw neurons of this class */ { Invisible=1, /** don't draw classname label below the neuron */ DontShowClass=2, /** draw the neuron at the first part when attached to joint (default is in the middle) */ AtFirstPart=4, /** draw the neuron at the second part when attached to joint (default is in the middle) */ AtSecondPart=8, /** use effector colour for this neuro unit */ EffectorClass=16, /** use receptor colour for this neuro unit */ ReceptorClass=32, V1BendMuscle=64, V1RotMuscle=128, }; /** textual summary, automatically generated from other properties (like the neuro class tooltip) */ SString getSummary(); }; class Neuro; #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE class NeuroItem; /** for compatibility with old Neuro/NeuroItem */ class OldItems { Neuro &neuro; SList syntitems; ///< to be deleted SList items; int listok; public: OldItems(Neuro &n):neuro(n),listok(0) {} ~OldItems() {freelist();} void buildlist(); void freelist(); int getItemCount(); NeuroItem *getNeuroItem(int i); NeuroItem *addNewNeuroItem(); int findNeuroItem(NeuroItem *n); }; #endif /** Single processing unit in framsticks NN. */ class Neuro: public PartBase { friend class Model; static const SString& getDefaultStyle(); struct NInput { Neuro *n; double weight; SString *info; NInput(Neuro *_n,double w,SString *i=0):n(_n),weight(w),info(i) {} }; SListTempl inputs; NeuroClass *myclass; bool knownclass; SString myclassname, myclassparams; /** set myclass and make knownclass=true */ void checkClass(); SString** inputInfo(int i); public: enum NeuroFlags { HoldState=2 }; ParamInterface &properties(); ParamInterface &extraProperties(); void setInputInfo(int i,const SString& name,const SString &value); void setInputInfo(int i,const SString& name,int value); void setInputInfo(int i,const SString& name,double value); SString getInputInfo(int i); SString getInputInfo(int i,const SString& name); NeuroClass* getClass(); void setClass(NeuroClass*); SString getClassParams() {return myclassparams;} void setClassParams(const SString& cp) {myclassparams=cp;} SString getClassName(); void setClassName(const SString& clazz); /** return neuro unit details encoded as ":" new Neuro can be created as root object (without parent) or can be the child of existing Neuro. Children of the Neuro are its inputs. Standard framsticks neuron calculates the sum of all input units - other processing units don't have to treat them equally and can even ignore some of them. There are hints about expected inputs in the class database, @see getClass Application should not assume anything about classes and its properties except for two standard classes: (information about all current classes can be retrieved with getClass/getClassProperties methods) - getClassName()="N" is the standard framsticks neuron, accepts any number of inputs, compatible with old Neuro object - getClassName()="-" is the neuron link, compatible with old Neuro-Neuro link (NeuroItem with empty details) Empty details defaults to "-" if the parent unit is specified, and "N" if the unit has no parent. */ SString getDetails(); /** details = classname + ":" + classparams @see getDetails() */ void setDetails(const SString&); #define STATRICKCLASS Neuro PARAMGETDEF(details) {arg1->setString(getDetails());} PARAMSETDEF(details) {setDetails(arg1->getString());return PSET_CHANGED;} PARAMGETDEF(inputCount); PARAMPROCDEF(p_getInputNeuroDef); PARAMPROCDEF(p_getInputNeuroIndex); PARAMPROCDEF(p_getInputWeight); PARAMGETDEF(classObject); #undef STATRICKCLASS SyntParam classProperties(); // base properties: long refno; ///< unique reference number (former 'neuro' refno) long part_refno; ///< can be used by some items as the part ref# long joint_refno; ///< can be used by some items as the joint ref# Pt3D pos,rot; ///< default = zero ModelUserTags userdata; Neuro(); Neuro(double _state,double _inertia,double _force,double _sigmo); Neuro(const Neuro& src):PartBase(getDefaultStyle()) {operator=(src);} ~Neuro(); void operator=(const Neuro& src); /** Attach this Neuro to the specified Part or detach it from the body if p==NULL. Neuro can be attached to either Part or Joint, but not both. @see getPart() */ void attachToPart(Part* p) {part=p; joint=0;} /** Attach this Neuro to the specified Joint or detach it from the body if p==NULL. Neuro can be attached to either Part or Joint, but not both. @see getJoint() */ void attachToJoint(Joint* j) {joint=j; part=0;} void attachToPart(int i); void attachToJoint(int i); /** @return Part the Neuro is attached to, or NULL if it has no defined location on the body. @see attachToPart() */ Part *getPart() {return part;} /** @return Joint the Neuro is attached to, or NULL if it has no defined location on the body. @see attachToJoint() */ Joint *getJoint() {return joint;} int isOldEffector(); int isOldReceptor(); int isOldNeuron(); int isNNConnection(); /** @return the number of inputs connected to this Neuro. Functions like getInput(), getInputWeight() will accept connection number [0..InputCount-1] */ int getInputCount() const {return inputs.size();} /// @return the number of output connections (including possible self-connections) int getOutputsCount() const; /** @return the Neuro connected as i-th input */ Neuro* getInput(int i) const {return (i>=inputs.size())?0:inputs(i).n;} /** @return the Neuro connected as i-th input. @param weight */ Neuro* getInput(int i,float &weight) const; /** @return connectin weight for i-th input */ float getInputWeight(int i) const; /** change connection weight for i-th input */ void setInputWeight(int i,float weight); /** connect i-th input with another neuron */ void setInput(int i,Neuro*n); /** connect i-th input with another neuron */ void setInput(int i,Neuro*n,float weight); /** add new input. @return its reference number */ int addInput(Neuro* child,float weight=1.0,const SString* info=0); /** @return reference number [0..InputCount-1] of the input or -1 if 'child' is not connected with this Neuro.*/ int findInput(Neuro* child) const; void removeInput(int refno); /** @return reference number of the child connection, like findInput() */ int removeInput(Neuro* child); int findInputs(SList& result,const char* classname=0,const Part* part=0,const Joint* joint=0) const; int findOutputs(SList& result,const char* classname=0,const Part* part=0,const Joint* joint=0) const; /* class database retrieval */ static int getClassCount(); /** @return Neuro class name. @param classindex 0 .. getClassCount() */ static SString getClassName(int classindex); static NeuroClass* getClass(int classindex); static NeuroClass* getClass(const SString& classname); static int getClassIndex(const NeuroClass*nc); #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE friend class OldItems; long neuro_refno; ///< parent ref# (called neuro_refno for compatibility with old Neuro class), @see moredata long conn_refno; ///< the other neuron ref# in N-N connections, can be used by some other items double weight; ///< weight of the N-N connection and (all?) receptors double inertia,force,sigmo; //!!! /** @deprecated provided only for compatibility with old Neuro/NeuroItem classes. use getInputCount() instead. @sa getInputCount() */ int getItemCount() {return oldItems().getItemCount();} /** @deprecated provided only for compatibility with old Neuro/NeuroItem classes. use getInput() instead. @sa getInput() */ NeuroItem* getNeuroItem(int i) {return oldItems().getNeuroItem(i);} #endif protected: #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE /** old Neuro compatibility */ OldItems* olditems; OldItems& oldItems() {if (!olditems) olditems=new OldItems(*this); return *olditems;} void invalidateOldItems() {if (olditems) olditems->freelist();} #endif public: // not really private, but you should not access those directly double state; /** may reference parent neuron if parentcount is exacty 1. parent is invalid otherwise. @sa parentcount */ Neuro *parent; int parentcount; ///< @sa parent Part *part; ///< link to the Part Joint *joint; ///< link to the Joint - required by some objects (eg.muscles) Orient o; ///< rotation matrix calculated from "rot" static ParamEntry emptyParamTab[]; }; #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE class NeuroItem; /// for compatibility with old NeuroItem class. class NeuroItem: public Neuro { public: NeuroItem() {} }; #endif class NeuroExt: public Neuro { public: #define STATRICKCLASS NeuroExt PARAMGETDEF(neuroclass); PARAMSETDEF(neuroclass); #undef STATRICKCLASS static ParamEntry *getParamTab(); }; class NeuroConn { public: int n1_refno,n2_refno; double weight; SString info; NeuroConn(); }; extern ParamEntry f0_part_paramtab[],f0_joint_paramtab[],f0_nodeltajoint_paramtab[],f0_neuro_paramtab[],f0_neuroconn_paramtab[],f0_neuroitem_paramtab[]; extern Param st_neuroparam,st_jointparam,st_partparam; #endif