#ifndef _FRAMSG_H_ #define _FRAMSG_H_ #include void FMprintf(const char *o,const char *m,int w,const char *bl, ...); void FMprintf(const char *o,const char *m,int w,const char *bl,va_list va); void FMprintf(const char *bl,...); //dla leniwych - zastepuje printf void FramMessage(const char *o,const char *m,const char *bl,int w); #define FMLV_DEBUG -1 #define FMLV_INFO 0 #define FMLV_WARN 1 #define FMLV_ERROR 2 #define FMLV_CRITICAL 3 /* w: weight (importance) of a message -1:debugging information, not needed for final users 0: information 1: warning or corrected error 2: uncorrected error. can cause malfunction 3: serious error, causes side effects. user should save what can be saved and restart the application */ #endif