// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "collectionobj.h" #include //sqrt in borland #include #include #include #ifndef NO_VMACHINE #include #endif #define FIELDSTRUCT VectorObject ParamEntry vector_paramtab[] = { { "Vector", 1, 15, "Vector", "Vector is a 1-dimensional array indexed by an integer value (starting from 0). " "Multidimensional arrays can be simulated by putting other Vector objects into a Vector.\n" "Examples:\n" "\tvar v1=Vector.new();\n" "\tv1.add(123);\n" "\tv1.add(\"string\");\n" "A short way of doing the same (square brackets create a vector):\n" "\tvar v2=[123,\"string\"];\n" "Simulate a 2D array:\n" "\tvar v3=[[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]];\n" "You can iterate directly over values of a Vector using for(...in...) loops:\n" "\tfor(var element in v3) Simulator.print(element);" }, { "clear", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Clear data", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_clear), }, { "size", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Element count", "d", GETONLY(size), }, { "remove", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Remove at position", "p(d position)", PROCEDURE(p_remove), }, { "get", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Get value at position", "p x(d position)", PROCEDURE(p_get), "object[position] can be always used instead of object.get(position)" }, { "set", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Set value at position", "p(d position,x value)", PROCEDURE(p_set), "object[position]=value can be always used instead of object.set(position,value)" }, { "insert", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Insert value at position", "p(d position,x value)", PROCEDURE(p_insert), }, { "add", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Append at the end", "p(x value)", PROCEDURE(p_add), }, { "find", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Find", "p d(x value)", PROCEDURE(p_find), "returns the element index or -1 if not found" }, { "avg", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Average", "f", GETONLY(avg) }, { "stdev", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Standard deviation", "f", GETONLY(stdev), "=sqrt(sum((element[i]-avg)^2)/(size-1)) which is estimated population std.dev. from sample std.dev." }, { "toString", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Textual form", "s", GETONLY(toString), }, { "new", 0, 0, "Create new Vector", "p oVector()", STATICPROCEDURE(p_new), }, { "sort", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Sort elements (in place)", "p(oFunctionReference comparator)", PROCEDURE(p_sort), "comparator can be null, giving the \"natural\" sorting order (depending on element type), otherwise it must be a function reference obtained from the 'function' operator.\n\nExample:\nfunction compareLastDigit(a,b) {return (a%10)<(b%10);}\nvar v=[16,23,35,42,54,61];\nv.sort(function compareLastDigit);" }, { "iterator", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Iterator", "o", GETONLY(iterator), }, { "clone", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Create a clone", "p oVector()", PROCEDURE(p_clone), "The resulting clone is a shallow copy (contains the same object references as the original). A deep copy can be obtained through serialization: String.deserialize(String.serialize(object));" }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT DictionaryObject ParamEntry dictionary_paramtab[] = { { "Dictionary", 1, 14, "Dictionary", "Dictionary associates stored values with string keys " "(\"key\" is the first argument in get/set/remove functions). Integer key can be " "used to enumerate all elements (note that while iterating, the elements are returned in no particular order).\n" "Examples:\n" "\tvar d;\n" "\td=Dictionary.new();\n" "\td.set(\"name\",\"John\");\n" "\td.set(\"age\",44);\n" "Another way of doing the same:\n" "\td={};\n" "\td[\"name\"]=\"John\";\n" "\td[\"age\"]=44;\n" "And the most concise way:\n" "\td={ \"name\":\"John\", \"age\":44 };\n" "Iterating:\n" "\tfor(var v in d) Simulator.print(v); //values\n" "\tfor(var k in d.keys) Simulator.print(k+\" is \"+d[k]); //keys\n" "\tfor(var i=0;ia;" }, { "set", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Set element", "p x(x key,x value)", PROCEDURE(p_set), "Set element value for the specified key or index (depending on the argument type: string or int).\n" "Returns the value previously associated with the given key (or index).\n" "object.set(key,value) can be shortened to object[key]=value. Literal string keys can use even shorter notation: object->key=value instead of object.set(\"key\",value)\n" "Note the difference in the returned value:\n" " var old_value=object.set(\"key\",new_value); //'old_value' gets the value previously associated with \"key\"\n" " var x=object[\"key\"]=new_value; //'x' becomes 'new_value', consistently with the semantics of the assignment operator. The value previously associated with \"key\" is lost." }, { "find", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Find", "p x(x value)", PROCEDURE(p_find), "Returns the element key or null if not found." }, { "new", 0, 0, "Create a Dictionary", "p oDictionary()", STATICPROCEDURE(p_new), "Empty directory can be also created using the {} expression." }, { "toString", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Textual form", "s", GETONLY(toString), }, { "clone", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Create a clone", "p oDictionary()", PROCEDURE(p_clone), "The resulting clone is a shallow copy (contains the same object references as the original). A deep copy can be obtained through serialization: String.deserialize(String.serialize(object));" }, { "assign", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Assign from another object", "p(x)", PROCEDURE(p_assign), "Replaces current dictionary with dictionary contents from another object." }, { "iterator", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Iterator", "o", GETONLY(iterator), }, { "keys", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "Keys", "o", GETONLY(keys), "Iterate over this object to get all keys: for(k in dict.keys) ..." }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT Param VectorObject::par(vector_paramtab); Param DictionaryObject::par(dictionary_paramtab); ///////////////////////////////////////// VectorObject::VectorObject(Pt3D &pt) :readonly(0), owndata(1) { set_or_insert(0, ExtValue(pt.x), false); set_or_insert(1, ExtValue(pt.y), false); set_or_insert(2, ExtValue(pt.z), false); } void VectorObject::clear() { if (owndata) for (int i = data.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)data.get(i); if (v) delete v; } data.clear(); } void VectorObject::p_remove(PARAMPROCARGS) { if (readonly) return; int i = args->getInt(); if (!listIndexCheck(&data, i, "VectorObject", "remove")) return; ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)data.get(i); if (v) delete v; data -= i; } void VectorObject::set_or_insert(int i, const ExtValue& val, bool insert) { if (i < 0) return; int oldsize = data.size(); if (i > oldsize) { data.setSize(i); while (i > oldsize) data.set(oldsize++, 0); } if (insert) data.insert(i, new ExtValue(val)); else { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)data.get(i); if (v) delete v; data.set(i, new ExtValue(val)); } } void VectorObject::p_get(PARAMPROCARGS) { int i = args->getInt(); if (listIndexCheck(&data, i, "VectorObject", "get")) { ExtValue *v = get(i); if (v) { *ret = *v; return; } } *ret = ExtValue(); } void VectorObject::get_avg(ExtValue* ret) { if (!data.size()) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } double s = 0.0; for (int i = data.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) s += ((ExtValue*)data.get(i))->getDouble(); s /= data.size(); ret->setDouble(s); } SString VectorObject::serialize(SerializationFormat format) const { SString out = "["; { for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { ExtValue* v = (ExtValue*)data.get(i); if (i) out += ","; if (v) out += v->serialize(format); else out += "null"; } } out += "]"; //sprintf(out.directAppend(20),"",this);out.endAppend(); return out; } static THREAD_LOCAL_DEF(SList, VectorObject_tostring_trace); void VectorObject::get_toString(ExtValue* ret) { SString out = "["; //static SListTempl trace; if (tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace).find(this) >= 0) out += "..."; else { tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace) += this; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { ExtValue* v = (ExtValue*)data.get(i); if (i) out += ","; if (v) out += v->getString(); else out += "null"; } tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace) -= this; } out += "]"; ret->setString(out); } void VectorObject::get_stdev(ExtValue* ret) { if (!data.size()) { ret->setEmpty(); return; } get_avg(ret); double a = ret->getDouble(); double s = 0.0; for (int i = data.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { double d = a - ((ExtValue*)data.get(i))->getDouble(); s += d * d; } ret->setDouble(sqrt(s / max(1, data.size() - 1))); } void VectorObject::p_find(PARAMPROCARGS) { short i; for (i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { if ((*args) == (*get(i))) { ret->setInt(i); return; } } ret->setInt(-1); } void VectorObject::p_clone(PARAMPROCARGS) { VectorObject *c = new VectorObject; c->data.setSize(data.size()); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)get(i); if (v) c->data.set(i, new ExtValue(*v)); } ret->setObject(ExtObject(&par, c)); } class VEComparator { public: bool operator()(const ExtValue *a, const ExtValue *b) { return a->compare(*b) == ExtValue::ResultLower; } }; #ifndef NO_VMACHINE class VMVEComparator { public: VMachine::JumpTargetObject *jto; VMachine *vm; VMVEComparator(VMachine::JumpTargetObject *_jto) :jto(_jto), vm(jto->vm) {} #ifdef QSORT_R_USING_QSORT_S static int compare(void* _this, const void *a, const void *b); #else static int compare(const void *a, const void *b, void* _this); #endif }; #ifdef QSORT_R_USING_QSORT_S int VMVEComparator::compare(void* _this, const void *a, const void *b) #else int VMVEComparator::compare(const void *a, const void *b, void* _this) #endif { VMachine *vm = ((VMVEComparator*)_this)->vm; VMachine::JumpTargetObject *jto = ((VMVEComparator*)_this)->jto; if (!VMCode::prepareDynamicJumpTarget(jto->pc, jto->code)) return false; vm->push(**(const ExtValue **)a); vm->push(**(const ExtValue **)b); vm->pushNewCallState(); vm->jumpDynamicJumpTarget(jto->pc); vm->run(); vm->popCallState(); int ret; ExtValue& retval = vm->getValue(); if (retval.type == TInvalid) { ret = 0; logPrintf("VectorElementComparator", "", LOG_ERROR, "Comparison function returned no value"); } else ret = (retval.getInt() != 0) ? -1 : 1; vm->drop(2); return ret; } #endif void VectorObject::p_sort(PARAMPROCARGS) { #ifndef NO_VMACHINE VMachine::JumpTargetObject *jto = VMachine::JumpTargetObject::fromObject(args->getObject(), false); if (jto) { VMVEComparator cmp(jto); ExtValue **first = (ExtValue**)&data.getref(0); //Originally was the same as below: std::sort(first, first + data.size(), cmp); //However, std::sort() requires "strict weak ordering" and may crash (and indeed crashes, "undefined behavior") when given a non-compliant comparator. //We use qsort() instead because we can't control what kind of user script comparator function will be passed to Vector.sort(), and qsort() seems to behave safely for every function. qsort_r(first, data.size(), sizeof(ExtValue*), cmp.compare, &cmp); } else #endif { VEComparator cmp; ExtValue **first = (ExtValue**)&data.getref(0); std::sort(first, first + data.size(), cmp); } ret->setEmpty(); } void VectorObject::get_iterator(ExtValue* ret) { ret->setObject(VectorIterator::makeFrom(this)); } VectorObject* VectorObject::fromObject(const ExtObject& o, bool warn) { return (VectorObject*)o.getTarget(par.getName(), true, warn); } ///////////////////////////// void DictionaryObject::clear() { for (HashEntryIterator it(hash); it.isValid();) { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)hash.remove(it); if (v) delete v; } hash.clear(); hash.init(); } void DictionaryObject::p_find(PARAMPROCARGS) { for (HashEntryIterator it(hash); it.isValid(); it++) { if (((ExtValue*)it->value) == NULL) { if (args->getType() != TUnknown) continue; ret->setString(it->key); return; } if ((*args) == (*((ExtValue*)it->value))) { ret->setString(it->key); return; } } ret->setEmpty(); } HashEntryIterator* DictionaryObject::getIndexIterator(int i) { if (i < 0) return 0; if (i >= hash.getSize()) return 0; if ((!it.isValid()) || (it_index > i)) { it = HashEntryIterator(hash); it_index = 0; } while (it.isValid()) { if (it_index == i) return ⁢ it_index++; it++; } return 0; } void DictionaryObject::p_remove(PARAMPROCARGS) { if ((args->type == TInt) || (args->type == TDouble)) { HashEntryIterator* iter = getIndexIterator(args->getInt()); if (iter) { ExtValue *oldval = (ExtValue*)hash.remove(*iter); if (oldval) { *ret = *oldval; delete oldval; } else *ret = ExtValue(); } } else { ExtValue *oldval = (ExtValue*)hash.remove(args[0].getString()); if (oldval) { *ret = *oldval; delete oldval; } else *ret = ExtValue(); } } ExtValue DictionaryObject::get(SString key) { int found = 0; ExtValue *val = (ExtValue*)hash.get(key, &found); if (found == 0) { logPrintf("Dictionary", "get", LOG_ERROR, "Key '%s' not found", key.c_str()); return ExtValue::invalid(); } else { if (val) return *val; return ExtValue::empty(); } } ExtValue DictionaryObject::get(int index) { HashEntryIterator* iter = getIndexIterator(index); if (iter && (*iter)->value) return *((ExtValue*)(*iter)->value); return ExtValue::empty(); } void DictionaryObject::p_get(PARAMPROCARGS) { if ((args->type == TInt) || (args->type == TDouble)) *ret = get(args->getInt()); else *ret = get(args[0].getString()); } void DictionaryObject::p_getKey(PARAMPROCARGS) { HashEntryIterator* iter = getIndexIterator(args->getInt()); if (iter) { *ret = (*iter)->key; return; } *ret = ExtValue(); } void DictionaryObject::p_hasKey(PARAMPROCARGS) { int found = 0; hash.get(args->getString(), &found); ret->setInt(found); } ExtValue DictionaryObject::set(SString key, ExtValue new_value) { ExtValue ret; ExtValue *new_ext = (new_value.getType() == TUnknown) ? NULL : new ExtValue(new_value); ExtValue *old_ext = (ExtValue*)hash.put(key, new_ext); if (old_ext) { ret = *old_ext; delete old_ext; } return ret; } void DictionaryObject::p_set(PARAMPROCARGS) { *ret = set(args[1].getString(), args[0]); } SString DictionaryObject::serialize(SerializationFormat format) const { SString out = "{"; { for (HashEntryIterator it(hash); it.isValid();) { out += "\""; SString q = it->key; sstringQuote(q); out += q; out += "\":"; if (it->value != NULL) out += ((ExtValue*)it->value)->serialize(format); else out += "null"; it++; if (it.isValid()) out += ","; } } out += "}"; return out; } void DictionaryObject::get_toString(ExtValue* ret) { SString out = "{"; //static SListTempl trace; if (tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace).find(this) >= 0) out += "..."; else { tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace) += this; for (HashEntryIterator it(hash); it.isValid();) { out += it->key; out += ":"; if (it->value != NULL) out += ((ExtValue*)it->value)->getString(); else out += "null"; it++; if (it.isValid()) out += ","; } tlsGetRef(VectorObject_tostring_trace) -= this; } out += "}"; ret->setString(out); } void DictionaryObject::copyFrom(DictionaryObject *other) { for (HashEntryIterator it(other->hash); it.isValid(); it++) { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)it->value; hash.put(it->key, v ? new ExtValue(*v) : NULL); } } void DictionaryObject::p_clone(PARAMPROCARGS) { DictionaryObject *c = new DictionaryObject; c->copyFrom(this); ret->setObject(ExtObject(&par, c)); } void DictionaryObject::p_assign(PARAMPROCARGS) { clear(); DictionaryObject *other = DictionaryObject::fromObject(args[0].getObject(), false); if (other) copyFrom(other); ret->setEmpty(); } DictionaryObject* DictionaryObject::fromObject(const ExtObject& o, bool warn) { return (DictionaryObject*)o.getTarget(par.getName(), true, warn); } void DictionaryObject::get_iterator(ExtValue* ret) { ret->setObject(DictionaryIterator::makeFrom(this)); } void DictionaryObject::get_keys(ExtValue* ret) { ret->setObject(DictionaryIterator::makeFrom(this)); } //////////////// VectorIterator::VectorIterator(VectorObject* v) { vec = v; vec->incref(); pos = -1; } #define FIELDSTRUCT VectorIterator ParamEntry vectoriterator_paramtab[] = { { "VectorIterator", 1, 2, "VectorIterator", "VectorIterator" }, { "next", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "next", "d 0 1", GETONLY(next), }, { "value", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "value", "x", GETONLY(value), }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT ExtObject VectorIterator::makeFrom(VectorObject *v) { static Param par(vectoriterator_paramtab); return ExtObject(&par, new VectorIterator(v)); } VectorIterator::~VectorIterator() { vec->decref(); } void VectorIterator::get_next(ExtValue* ret) { pos++; ret->setInt((pos < vec->data.size()) ? 1 : 0); } void VectorIterator::get_value(ExtValue* ret) { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)(((pos >= 0) && (pos < vec->data.size())) ? vec->data(pos) : NULL); if (v) *ret = *v; else ret->setEmpty(); } ///////////////// #define FIELDSTRUCT DictionaryIterator ParamEntry dictionaryiterator_paramtab[] = { { "DictionaryIterator", 1, 3, "DictionaryIterator", "DictionaryIterator" }, { "next", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "next", "d 0 1", GETONLY(next), }, { "value", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "value", "x", GETONLY(value), }, { "iterator", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "keys iterator", "x", GETONLY(iterator), }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT DictionaryIterator::DictionaryIterator(DictionaryObject* d, bool _keys) :it(d->hash) { dic = d; dic->incref(); initial = true; keys = _keys; } ExtObject DictionaryIterator::makeFrom(DictionaryObject *d, bool _keys) { static Param par(dictionaryiterator_paramtab); return ExtObject(&par, new DictionaryIterator(d, _keys)); } DictionaryIterator::~DictionaryIterator() { dic->decref(); } void DictionaryIterator::get_next(ExtValue* ret) { if (initial) initial = false; else it++; ret->setInt(it.isValid()); } void DictionaryIterator::get_value(ExtValue* ret) { if ((!initial) && it.isValid()) { if (keys) { ret->setString(it->key); } else { ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)it->value; if (v == NULL) ret->setEmpty(); else *ret = *v; } } else ret->setEmpty(); } void DictionaryIterator::get_iterator(ExtValue* ret) { ret->setObject(makeFrom(dic, true)); } ////////////// // not actually needed for deserialization (vector and dict are special cases) but findDeserializableClass can be also used in other contexts REGISTER_DESERIALIZABLE(VectorObject) REGISTER_DESERIALIZABLE(DictionaryObject)