// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include "3dobject.h" #include #include "collectionobj.h" ParamEntry* Pt3D_Ext::getStaticParamtab() { #define FIELDSTRUCT Pt3D_Ext static ParamEntry paramtab[] = { { "XYZ", 1, 18, "XYZ", "3D vector" }, { "x", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "x", "f", FIELD(p.x), }, { "y", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "y", "f", FIELD(p.y), }, { "z", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "z", "f", FIELD(p.z), }, { "new", 0, 0, "create new XYZ object", "p oXYZ(f x,f y,f z)", PROCEDURE(p_new), "3D vectors objects can be also created using the (x,y,z) notation, i.e. var v=(1,2,3) is the same as var v=XYZ.new(1,2,3);", }, { "newFromVector", 0, 0, "create new XYZ object", "p oXYZ(oVector)", PROCEDURE(p_newFromVector), "used for deserialization" }, { "clone", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "create new XYZ object copying the coordinates", "p oXYZ()", PROCEDURE(p_clone), "Note: copying object references does not create new objects. Use clone() if a new object is needed.\n\nExample:\nvar o1=(1,2,3), o2=o1, o3=o1.clone();\no1.y=9999;\n//o2 is now (1,9999,3) but o3 is still (1,2,3)", }, { "set", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "set (copy) coordinates from another XYZ object", "p(oXYZ)", PROCEDURE(p_set), }, { "set3", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "set individual 3 coordinates", "p(f x,f y,f z)", PROCEDURE(p_set3), }, { "add", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "add", "p(oXYZ)", PROCEDURE(p_addvec), "Note: it does not return a new object, just modifies the existing one" }, { "sub", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "subtract", "p(oXYZ)", PROCEDURE(p_subvec), "Note: it does not return a new object, just modifies the existing one" }, { "scale", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "multiply by scalar", "p(f)", PROCEDURE(p_scale), }, { "length", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "length", "f", GETONLY(length), }, { "normalize", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "normalize", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_normalize), "scales the vector length to 1.0" }, { "toString", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "textual form", "s", GETONLY(toString), }, { "toVector", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "vector of [x,y,z]", "oVector", GETONLY(toVector), }, { "rotate", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "rotate using Orient object", "p(oOrient)", PROCEDURE(p_rotate), }, { "revRotate", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "reverse rotate using Orient object", "p(oOrient)", PROCEDURE(p_revrotate), }, { "get", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "get one of coordinates", "p f(d index)", PROCEDURE(p_get), "this function makes the XYZ objects \"indexable\" (so you can use [] for accessing subsequent fields, like in Vector)", }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT return paramtab; } void Pt3D_Ext::p_new(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(args[2].getDouble(), args[1].getDouble(), args[0].getDouble())); } static double doubleFromVec(VectorObject *vec, int i) { if (i >= vec->data.size()) return 0; ExtValue *v = (ExtValue*)vec->data.get(i); if (v) return v->getDouble(); return 0; } static Pt3D pt3DFromVec(VectorObject* v, int offset = 0) { return Pt3D(doubleFromVec(v, offset), doubleFromVec(v, offset + 1), doubleFromVec(v, offset + 2)); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_newFromVector(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(args->getObject()); if (vec) *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(pt3DFromVec(vec))); else ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_clone(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(p.x, p.y, p.z)); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_set3(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { p.x = args[2].getDouble(); p.y = args[1].getDouble(); p.z = args[0].getDouble(); ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_set(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *other = fromObject(args[0]); if (other) p = other->p; ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::get_length(ExtValue *ret) { ret->setDouble(p.length()); } SString Pt3D_Ext::toString() const { SString s = "("; s += SString::valueOf(p.x); s += ","; s += SString::valueOf(p.y); s += ","; s += SString::valueOf(p.z); s += ")"; return s; } void Pt3D_Ext::get_toString(ExtValue *ret) { ret->setString(toString()); } static void add3Coords(VectorObject* vec, const Pt3D& p) { vec->data += new ExtValue(p.x); vec->data += new ExtValue(p.y); vec->data += new ExtValue(p.z); } void Pt3D_Ext::get_toVector(ExtValue *ret) { VectorObject *vec = new VectorObject; add3Coords(vec, p); ret->setObject(ExtObject(&VectorObject::par, vec)); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_addvec(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *other = fromObject(args[0]); if (other) p += other->p; ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_subvec(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *other = fromObject(args[0]); if (other) p -= other->p; ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_scale(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { double d = args[0].getDouble(); p.x *= d; p.y *= d; p.z *= d; ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_normalize(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { p.normalize(); ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_rotate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *o = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (o) { Pt3D tmp = p; o->o.transform(p, tmp); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_revrotate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *o = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (o) { Pt3D tmp = p; o->o.revTransform(p, tmp); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Pt3D_Ext::p_get(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { int index = args->getInt(); if ((index < 0) || (index > 2)) ret->setEmpty(); else ret->setDouble((&p.x)[index]); } Param& Pt3D_Ext::getStaticParam() { #ifdef __CODEGUARD__ static Pt3D_Ext static_pt3dobj; static Param static_pt3dparam(getStaticParamtab(), &static_pt3dobj); #else static Param static_pt3dparam(getStaticParamtab()); #endif return static_pt3dparam; } Pt3D_Ext* Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(const ExtValue& v, bool warn) { return (Pt3D_Ext*)v.getObjectTarget(getStaticParam().getName(), warn); } ParamInterface* Pt3D_Ext::getInterface() { return &getStaticParam(); } ExtObject Pt3D_Ext::makeStaticObject(Pt3D* p) { return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), ((char*)p) + (((char*)&p->x) - ((char*)&((Pt3D_Ext*)p)->p.x))); } ExtObject Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(Pt3D_Ext* p) { return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), p); } ExtObject Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(const Pt3D& p) { Pt3D_Ext *pe = new Pt3D_Ext(p); return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), pe); } ////////////////////////////////////// ParamEntry* Orient_Ext::getStaticParamtab() { #define FIELDSTRUCT Orient_Ext static ParamEntry paramtab[] = { { "Orient", 1, 29, "Orient", "3D orientation, stored as 3x3 matrix." }, { "xx", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.x.x", "f", FIELD(o.x.x), }, { "xy", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.x.y", "f", FIELD(o.x.y), }, { "xz", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.x.z", "f", FIELD(o.x.z), }, { "yx", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.y.x", "f", FIELD(o.y.x), }, { "yy", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.y.y", "f", FIELD(o.y.y), }, { "yz", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.y.z", "f", FIELD(o.y.z), }, { "zx", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.z.x", "f", FIELD(o.z.x), }, { "zy", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.z.y", "f", FIELD(o.z.y), }, { "zz", 1, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "orientation.z.z", "f", FIELD(o.z.z), }, { "x", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "x vector", "oXYZ", GETONLY(x), }, { "y", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "y vector", "oXYZ", GETONLY(y), }, { "z", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC | PARAM_READONLY, "z vector", "oXYZ", GETONLY(z), }, { "new", 0, 0, "create new Orient object", "p oOrient()", PROCEDURE(p_new), }, { "newFromVector", 0, 0, "create new Orient object", "p oOrient(oVector)", PROCEDURE(p_newFromVector), }, { "toVector", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "vector representation", "oVector", GETONLY(toVector), "for serialization" }, { "clone", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "create new Orient object", "p oOrient()", PROCEDURE(p_clone), }, { "set", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "copy from another Orient object", "p(oOrient)", PROCEDURE(p_set), }, { "reset", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "set identity matrix", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_reset), }, { "rotate3", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "rotate around 3 axes", "p(f x,f y,f z)", PROCEDURE(p_rotate3), }, { "rotate", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "rotate using Orient object", "p(oOrient)", PROCEDURE(p_rotate), }, { "revRotate", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "reverse rotate using Orient object", "p(oOrient)", PROCEDURE(p_revrotate), }, { "lookAt", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "calculate rotation from 2 vectors", "p(oXYZ direction,oXYZ up)", PROCEDURE(p_lookat), }, { "normalize", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "normalize", "p()", PROCEDURE(p_normalize), }, { "between2", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "interpolate orientation", "p(oOrient,oOrient,f amount)", PROCEDURE(p_between2), "The calling Orient receives the orientation interpolated from 2 input orientations.\nExample:\n" "var o1=Orient.new(), o2=Orient.new(), o3=Orient.new();\n" "o2.rotate3(0,Math.pi/2,0);\n" "o3.between2(o1,o2,0); // o3 equals o2\n" "o3.between2(o1,o2,1); // o3 equals o1\n" "o3.between2(o1,o2,0.5); // o3 is halfway between o1 and o2\n" }, { "betweenOV", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "interpolate orientation", "p(oOrient,oXYZ,f amount)", PROCEDURE(p_betweenOV), "Like between2(), but the second Orient is composed of the supplied XYZ vector (X component) and Y Z vectors from the calling object.\n" "Example:\n" "var o=Orient.new();\n" "o.betweenOV(o,(0,1,0),1); //no change, o remains 100 010 001\n" "o.betweenOV(o,(0,1,0),0.9); //o is slightly rotated towards (0,1,0)\n" "o.betweenOV(o,(0,1,0),0); //o is completely transformed, o.x=(0,1,0)\n" }, { "localToWorld", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "transform coordinates", "p oXYZ(oXYZ point,oXYZ center)", PROCEDURE(p_localToWorld), }, { "worldToLocal", 0, PARAM_NOSTATIC, "transform coordinates", "p oXYZ(oXYZ point,oXYZ center)", PROCEDURE(p_worldToLocal), }, { "angles", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "Euler angles representation", "oXYZ", GETONLY(angles), }, { "toString", 0, PARAM_READONLY | PARAM_NOSTATIC, "textual form", "s", GETONLY(toString), }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT return paramtab; } void Orient_Ext::p_new(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Orient_Ext()); } void Orient_Ext::p_newFromVector(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { VectorObject *vec = VectorObject::fromObject(args->getObject()); if (vec) *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Orient_Ext(Orient(pt3DFromVec(vec, 0), pt3DFromVec(vec, 3), pt3DFromVec(vec, 6)))); else ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::get_toVector(ExtValue *ret) { VectorObject *vec = new VectorObject; add3Coords(vec, o.x); add3Coords(vec, o.y); add3Coords(vec, o.z); ret->setObject(ExtObject(&VectorObject::par, vec)); } void Orient_Ext::p_clone(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { *ret = makeDynamicObject(new Orient_Ext(o)); } void Orient_Ext::p_set(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *other = fromObject(args[0]); if (other) o = other->o; ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_reset(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { o = Orient_1; ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::get_x(PARAMGETARGS) { *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeStaticObject(&o.x); } void Orient_Ext::get_y(PARAMGETARGS) { *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeStaticObject(&o.y); } void Orient_Ext::get_z(PARAMGETARGS) { *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeStaticObject(&o.z); } void Orient_Ext::p_lookat(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *dir = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[1]), *up = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (dir&&up) o.lookAt(dir->p, up->p); ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_rotate3(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D p(args[2].getDouble(), args[1].getDouble(), args[0].getDouble()); o.rotate(p); ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_rotate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *obj = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (obj) { Orient tmp = o; obj->o.transform(o, tmp); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_revrotate(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *obj = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (obj) { Orient tmp = o; obj->o.revTransform(o, tmp); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_normalize(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { o.normalize(); ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_between2(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *o1 = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[2]); Orient_Ext *o2 = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[1]); if (o1&&o2) { double q1 = args[0].getDouble(), q2 = 1.0 - q1; o.x.x = q1 * o1->o.x.x + q2 * o2->o.x.x; o.x.y = q1 * o1->o.x.y + q2 * o2->o.x.y; o.x.z = q1 * o1->o.x.z + q2 * o2->o.x.z; o.y.x = q1 * o1->o.y.x + q2 * o2->o.y.x; o.y.y = q1 * o1->o.y.y + q2 * o2->o.y.y; o.y.z = q1 * o1->o.y.z + q2 * o2->o.y.z; o.z.x = q1 * o1->o.z.x + q2 * o2->o.z.x; o.z.y = q1 * o1->o.z.y + q2 * o2->o.z.y; o.z.z = q1 * o1->o.z.z + q2 * o2->o.z.z; o.normalize(); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_betweenOV(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Orient_Ext *o1 = Orient_Ext::fromObject(args[2]); Pt3D_Ext *p2 = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[1]); if (o1&&p2) { double q1 = args[0].getDouble(), q2 = 1.0 - q1; o.x.x = q1 * o1->o.x.x + q2 * p2->p.x; o.x.y = q1 * o1->o.x.y + q2 * p2->p.y; o.x.z = q1 * o1->o.x.z + q2 * p2->p.z; o.normalize(); } ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_localToWorld(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *center, *point; point = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[1]); center = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (center && point) { Pt3D d; Pt3D src = point->p; o.transform(d, src); d += center->p; *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(d)); } else ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::p_worldToLocal(ExtValue *args, ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext *center, *point; point = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[1]); center = Pt3D_Ext::fromObject(args[0]); if (center && point) { Pt3D d; Pt3D src = point->p; src -= center->p; o.revTransform(d, src); *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(d)); } else ret->setEmpty(); } void Orient_Ext::get_angles(ExtValue *ret) { *ret = Pt3D_Ext::makeDynamicObject(new Pt3D_Ext(o.getAngles())); } void Orient_Ext::get_toString(ExtValue *ret) { Pt3D_Ext a(o.getAngles()); ret->setString(SString("Orient@") + a.toString()); } Param& Orient_Ext::getStaticParam() { #ifdef __CODEGUARD__ static Orient_Ext static_orientobj; static Param static_orientparam(getStaticParamtab(), &static_orientobj); #else static Param static_orientparam(getStaticParamtab()); #endif return static_orientparam; } Orient_Ext* Orient_Ext::fromObject(const ExtValue& v) { return (Orient_Ext*)v.getObjectTarget(getStaticParam().getName()); } ParamInterface* Orient_Ext::getInterface() { return &getStaticParam(); } ExtObject Orient_Ext::makeStaticObject(Orient* o) { return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), ((char*)o) + (((char*)&o->x) - ((char*)&((Orient_Ext*)o)->o.x))); } ExtObject Orient_Ext::makeDynamicObject(Orient_Ext* p) { return ExtObject(&getStaticParam(), p); } ///////////// REGISTER_DESERIALIZABLE(Pt3D_Ext) REGISTER_DESERIALIZABLE(Orient_Ext)