// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "sstring.h" #include //to be sure the vsnprintf-related stuff gets included #ifdef SSTRING_SIMPLE // simple sstring implementation using direct character arrays // - duplicate = copy all characters // - no mutex needed #include "sstring-simple.cpp" #else /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // old sstring implementation using SBuf references // - duplicate = copy buffer pointer // - mutex required to be thread safe #include #include "extvalue.h" #include #ifdef MULTITHREADED #include static pthread_mutex_t sstring_ref_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define REF_LOCK pthread_mutex_lock(&sstring_ref_lock); #define REF_UNLOCK pthread_mutex_unlock(&sstring_ref_lock) #else #define REF_LOCK #define REF_UNLOCK #endif static int guessMemSize(int request) { return request + min(request / 2, 10000) + 8; } SBuf::SBuf() { txt = (char*)""; size = used = 0; refcount = 1; } SBuf::SBuf(int initsize) { size = guessMemSize(initsize); if (size > 0) { txt = (char*)malloc(size + 1); txt[0] = 0; } else txt = (char*)""; used = 0; refcount = 1; } SBuf::~SBuf() { freeBuf(); } void SBuf::initEmpty() { txt = (char*)""; used = size = 0; refcount = 1; } void SBuf::freeBuf() { if (!size) return; free(txt); used = 0; } void SBuf::copyFrom(const char *ch, int chlen) { if (chlen == -1) chlen = strlen(ch); if (chlen > 0) { if (chlen < size) { memmove(txt, ch, chlen); } else { size = guessMemSize(chlen); char *newtxt = (char*)malloc(size + 1); memcpy(newtxt, ch, chlen); free(txt); txt = newtxt; } } txt[chlen] = 0; used = chlen; } void SBuf::append(const char *ch, int chlen) { // doesn't check anything! memmove(txt + used, ch, chlen); used += chlen; txt[used] = 0; } void SBuf::ensureSize(int needed) { if (size >= needed) return; needed = guessMemSize(needed); txt = (char*)realloc(txt, needed + 1); size = needed; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// SString::SString() { initEmpty(); } SString::~SString() { REF_LOCK; detach(); REF_UNLOCK; } SString::SString(int x) { buf = new SBuf(x); } SString::SString(const char *t, int t_len) { initEmpty(); if (!t) return; copyFrom(t, t_len); } SString::SString(SString&& from) { buf = from.buf; from.buf = &SBuf::empty(); } SString::SString(const SString &from) { if (from.buf == &SBuf::empty()) buf = &SBuf::empty(); else { REF_LOCK; buf = from.buf; if (buf->size) buf->refcount++; REF_UNLOCK; } } void SString::initEmpty() { buf = &SBuf::empty(); } void SString::memoryHint(int howbig) { detachCopy(howbig); } void SString::detachEmpty(int ensuresize) { if (buf == &SBuf::empty()) { buf = new SBuf(ensuresize); return; } if (buf->refcount < 2) buf->ensureSize(ensuresize); else { buf->refcount--; buf = new SBuf(ensuresize); } } void SString::detach() { if (buf == &SBuf::empty()) return; if (!--buf->refcount) delete buf; } void SString::detachCopy(int ensuresize) { if (buf == &SBuf::empty()) { buf = new SBuf(ensuresize); return; } if (buf->refcount < 2) { buf->ensureSize(ensuresize); return; } buf->refcount--; SBuf *newbuf = new SBuf(ensuresize); newbuf->copyFrom(buf->txt, min(ensuresize, buf->used)); buf = newbuf; } char *SString::directWrite(int ensuresize) { if (ensuresize < 0) ensuresize = len(); REF_LOCK; detachCopy(ensuresize); REF_UNLOCK; appending = buf->used; return buf->txt; } /* char *SString::directWrite() { return directWrite(buf->used); } */ char *SString::directAppend(int maxappend) { REF_LOCK; detachCopy(buf->used + maxappend); REF_UNLOCK; appending = buf->used; return buf->txt + appending; } void SString::endWrite(int newlength) { if (newlength < 0) newlength = strlen(buf->txt); else buf->txt[newlength] = 0; buf->used = newlength; } void SString::endAppend(int newappend) { if (newappend < 0) newappend = strlen(buf->txt + appending); else buf->txt[appending + newappend] = 0; buf->used = appending + newappend; } ////////////// append ///////////////// void SString::operator+=(const char *s) { if (!s) return; int x = strlen(s); if (!x) return; append(s, x); } void SString::append(const char *txt, int count) { if (!count) return; REF_LOCK; detachCopy(buf->used + count); REF_UNLOCK; buf->append(txt, count); } void SString::operator+=(const SString&s) { append(s.c_str(), s.len()); } SString SString::operator+(const SString& s) const { SString ret(*this); ret += s; return ret; } ///////////////////////////// void SString::copyFrom(const char *ch, int chlen) { if (!ch) chlen = 0; else if (chlen < 0) chlen = strlen(ch); REF_LOCK; detachEmpty(chlen); REF_UNLOCK; memmove(buf->txt, ch, chlen); buf->txt[chlen] = 0; buf->used = chlen; } void SString::operator=(const char *ch) { copyFrom(ch); } void SString::operator=(const SString&s) { if (s.buf == buf) return; REF_LOCK; detach(); buf = s.buf; if (buf->size) buf->refcount++; REF_UNLOCK; } /////////////////////////////////////// SString SString::substr(int begin, int length) const { if (begin < 0) { length += begin; begin = 0; } if (length >= (len() - begin)) length = len() - begin; if (length <= 0) return SString(); if (length == len()) return *this; return SString((*this)(begin), length); } /////////////////////////////////////// bool SString::equals(const SString& s) const { if (s.buf == buf) return true; return strcmp(buf->txt, s.buf->txt) == 0; } /////////////////////////////////////// int SString::indexOf(int character, int start) const { const char *found = strchr(buf->txt + start, character); return found ? found - buf->txt : -1; } int SString::indexOf(const char *substring, int start) const { char *found = strstr(buf->txt + start, substring); return found ? found - buf->txt : -1; } int SString::indexOf(const SString & substring, int start) const { char *found = strstr(buf->txt + start, substring.c_str()); return found ? found - buf->txt : -1; } bool SString::getNextToken(int& pos, SString &token, char separator) const { if (pos >= len()) { token = 0; return false; } int p1 = pos, p2; const char *t1 = buf->txt + pos; const char *t2 = strchr(t1, separator); if (t2) pos = (p2 = (t2 - buf->txt)) + 1; else p2 = pos = len(); strncpy(token.directWrite(p2 - p1), t1, p2 - p1); token.endWrite(p2 - p1); return true; } bool SString::startsWith(const char *pattern) const { const char *t = this->c_str(); for (; *pattern; pattern++, t++) if (*t != *pattern) return false; return true; } SString SString::valueOf(int i) { return SString::sprintf("%d", i); } SString SString::valueOf(long i) { return SString::sprintf("%d", i); } SString SString::valueOf(double d) { SString tmp = SString::sprintf("%.15g", d); if ((!strchr(tmp.c_str(), '.')) && (!strchr(tmp.c_str(), 'e'))) tmp += ".0"; return tmp; } SString SString::valueOf(const SString& s) { return s; } #if 0 //testing _vscprintf #define USE_VSCPRINTF int _vscprintf(const char *format, va_list argptr) { return vsnprintf("", 0, format, argptr); } #endif SString SString::sprintf(const char* format, ...) { int n, size = 30; va_list ap; SString ret; #ifdef USE_VSCPRINTF va_start(ap, format); size = _vscprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); #endif while (1) { char* p = ret.directWrite(size); assert(p != NULL); size = ret.directMaxLen() + 1; /* Try to print in the allocated space. */ va_start(ap, format); n = vsnprintf(p, size, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* If that worked, return the string. */ if (n > -1 && n < size) { ret.endWrite(n); return ret; } /* Else try again with more space. */ #ifdef VSNPRINTF_RETURNS_REQUIRED_SIZE if (n > -1) /* glibc 2.1 */ size = n; /* precisely what is needed */ else /* glibc 2.0 */ #endif size *= 2; /* twice the old size */ } } SString &SString::empty() { static SString empty; return empty; } SBuf &SBuf::empty() { static SBuf empty; return empty; } #endif //#ifdef SSTRING_SIMPLE ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // to be moved somewhere else? // public domain source: http://isthe.com/chongo/src/fnv typedef uint32_t Fnv32_t; #define FNV_32_PRIME ((Fnv32_t)0x01000193) #define FNV1_32_INIT ((Fnv32_t)0x811c9dc5) #define FNV1_32A_INIT FNV1_32_INIT Fnv32_t fnv_32a_buf(void *buf, size_t len, Fnv32_t hval) { unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)buf; /* start of buffer */ unsigned char *be = bp + len; /* beyond end of buffer */ while (bp < be) { /* xor the bottom with the current octet */ hval ^= (Fnv32_t)*bp++; /* multiply by the 32 bit FNV magic prime mod 2^32 */ #if defined(NO_FNV_GCC_OPTIMIZATION) hval *= FNV_32_PRIME; #else hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); #endif } /* return our new hash value */ return hval; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SSTRING_SIMPLE uint32_t SString::hash() const { return fnv_32a_buf(txt, used, FNV1_32A_INIT); } #else uint32_t SBuf::hash() const { return fnv_32a_buf(txt, used, FNV1_32A_INIT); } #endif