// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK. // Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include "hashtable.h" int HashTable::hash(const SString &s) { return s.hash()&0x7fffffff; } void HashTable::init(int initsize,float lo) { size=initsize; load=lo; threshold=(int)(load*(float)size); tab=(HashEntry**)calloc(size,sizeof(HashEntry*)); count=0; sync=0; } void HashTable::rehash(int newsize) { if (newsize==size) return; HashEntry **newtab=(HashEntry**)calloc(newsize,sizeof(HashEntry*)); HashEntry **te=tab,*e,*ne; int i; for (int s=size;s>0;s--,te++) for (e=*te;e;) { ne=e; e=e->next; i=ne->hash%newsize; ne->next=newtab[i]; newtab[i]=ne; } free(tab); tab=newtab; size=newsize; threshold=int(load*(float)size); sync++; } void HashTable::clear() { HashEntry *e,**te,*next; int n; for (n=size,te=tab;n>0;n--,te++) for (e=*te;e;e=next) { next=e->next; delete e; } if (tab) free(tab); tab=0; size=0; sync++; } HashTable::~HashTable() { clear(); } void* HashTable::put(const SString& key,void *value) { int h=hash(key); int i=h%size; for (HashEntry *e=tab[i];e;e=e->next) { if (e->key==key) { void *v=e->value; e->value=value; return v; } } if (count>=threshold) { rehash(2*size+1); i=h%size; } HashEntry *e=new HashEntry(h,key,value); e->next=tab[i]; tab[i]=e; count++; sync++; return 0; } void* HashTable::remove(const SString& key) { int i=hash(key)%size; HashEntry **ptr=tab+i,*e; for (;e=*ptr;ptr=&e->next) { if (e->key==key) { *ptr=e->next; void *v=e->value; delete e; count--; sync++; return v; } } return 0; } void* HashTable::remove(HashEntryIterator& it) { if (!it.entry) return 0; HashEntry **ptr=tab+it.hashindex,*e; for (;e=*ptr;ptr=&e->next) { if (e == it.entry) { it++; *ptr=e->next; void *v=e->value; delete e; count--; sync++; it.sync++; return v; } } return NULL; } void* HashTable::get(const SString& key,int *reallygot) { int i=hash(key)%size; for (HashEntry *e=tab[i];e;e=e->next) if (e->key==key) {if (reallygot) *reallygot=1; return e->value;} return 0; } ///////// void HashEntryIterator::findNext() { while (hashindex < (ht->size-1)) { hashindex++; if (entry=ht->tab[hashindex]) return; } } void HashEntryIterator::operator++() { if (entry) entry=entry->next; if (!entry) findNext(); } ////////////////////////// void HashTable::debugprint() { printf("HashTable: %d/%d (max %d)\n",count,size,threshold); HashEntry *e,**te; int n; for (n=0,te=tab;nnext) printf(" (%x)%s=%p",e->hash,(const char*)e->key,e->value); printf("\n"); } } /** stats[0]=buckets used stats[1]=min keys in bucket stats[2]=avg keys in bucket stats[3]=max keys in bucket */ void HashTable::getstats(float *stats) { HashEntry *e,**te; int used=0, ma=0, mi=count; int c,n; for (n=size,te=tab;n>0;n--,te++) { c=0; for (e=*te;e;e=e->next) c++; if (c>ma) ma=c; if ((c0)) mi=c; if (c>0) used++; } stats[0]=(float)used; stats[1]=(float)((mi==count)?0:mi); stats[2]=(float)count/(float)used; stats[3]=(float)ma; }